Is there anything appropriate you can do while babysitting a newborn with your fiancée for one night?

    "See? It's disappearing already." I frowned as I glanced at Kai's neck just a couple of minutes after I gave him a god-forsaken hickey.

    "It was admirable while it lasted," Kai chuckled.

    I buried my face in his neck while still sitting on his lap and I blushed, "I can't believe I just gave you a hickey," I mumbled.

    Kai rubbed the bottom of my back, "You didn't do too bad,"

    "Still, I feel dirty now,"

    Kai laughed out loud and I sighed deeply, "You feel dirty?"

    I nodded, "Yes. I've never done something so intimate before so it all feels weird."

    "Arisa, you aren't even on the border line of dirty," Kai chuckled.

    I lifted my head and frowned again as the hickey disappeared completely all within four minutes. I rubbed my teeth a little after realizing they really were sore from nibbling on his neck. I pulled back far enough to be eye-to-eye with Kai and I continued to frown.

    "It's gone,"

    Kai shrugged, "Sorry,"

    I pressed my forehead against his and sighed, "Can you help me study for my exams?"

    Kai frowned, "You never told me you had exams. When do they take place?"

    "Just a couple of days before graduation," I looked down; graduation was only two weeks away.

    "Sure, I could assist you," Kai shrugged. "Shouldn't be that difficult."

    I beamed at him, "You've been to high school a million and one times,"

    "A million and two," he jokingly corrected me.

    We were interrupted once more as we heard Toshihiro whining from the living room. I hopped off of Kai's lap and hurried into the living room. Toshihiro wasn't completely crying, but he was complaining about something. I rushed into Takeuchi's room and pulled out one of those stands with the dangling toys on them and brought it back out to the living room.

    "Kai, can you grab Toshihiro from the crib while I put this up?" I called out to Kai as I started setting up Toshihiro's entertainment in the space between the couches.

    Kai voluntarily glided into the living room and I peeked from the corner of my eye to witness Kai bending over to pick up Toshihiro from the crib. He turned around with the youngster in his arm and I almost squealed with cuteness. Kai--at the same time--looked both adorable and funny with a newborn in his arms. Kai frowned at me and I went back to setting up the toys while laughing.

    "I'm sorry, but you're supposed to be this 'all-powerful' Vampire and you're holding a baby," I laughed.

    Kai continued to frown and as soon as I was finished with setting up Toshihiro's entertainment, Kai carefully laid Toshihiro down on his back below the dangling toys. Toshihiro opened his eyes a little more and as soon as he saw the toys only an inch above him, his eyes shifted from a dark blue to an electric green. He immediately started batting at the toys and was already having a blast.

    "Should we keep the dog treats out in case he gets hungry?" I asked Kai while we were both sitting in front of Toshihiro.

    "Not unti he needs it," Kai answered. "Besides, we need to feed him human food too."

    I frowned, "You're right. But I couldn't find any baby food."

    "They were right behind the dog treats," Kai rolled his eyes.

    I about facepalmed myself as to how I couldn't see that when I pulled the treats out of the cabinet. I ran upstairs quickly out of randomness and grabbed my school stuff and hurried back down. I stopped towards the bottom of the stairs and stared at Kai in awe as he started playing with the toys along with Toshihiro. I grabbed my cell phone from my pocket and snapped a quick picture before Kai could protest and I walked down the stairs laughing after Kai frowned at me.

    "I'm sorry, but it's just so cute," I giggled.

    I dropped my bag onto one of the couches and glanced at the picture I just took with my phone. I frowned as another thought came up to me, "Kai, we've never had any pictures of us together,"

    "I'm a Vampire, I won't show up in the pictures," Kai answered sarcastically.

    "If you don't mind..." I took a shy step towards Kai.

    Kai rolled his eyes, "Fine,"

    I smiled and sat myself next to him after he sat on the couch opposite of my bag. I turned on the camera to my phone and I positioned myself just right to get a good picture. I snapped it quickly, knowing Kai didn't want to take a picture, and I viewed the picture after cruising through my gallery. I frowned while I stared at it because his beauty was overwhelming me by a long shot.

    "I look horrible compared to you," I sighed.

    "No you don't," Kai pecked my forehead. "You look just fine."

    I shook my head, "That's one thing that sucks about having a Vampire fiancée; you can't get yourself to look decent in a picture with him when you're human."

    Kai didn't respond verbally; he wrapped one arm around my waist and lay me down on my back on the couch and he was right above me. He kissed my neck opposite of my bandage and he kissed my jaw line.

    "It's my turn now," he whispered to me.

    I had to think for a moment before I remembered what he was talking about, "No! I need to study!"

    "Too late," Kai chuckled.

    I knew there was no way to elude his grasp so I stayed on the couch and waited. He lowered his mouth by my neck again and kissed it. He opened his mouth a little and started sucking gently on the skin of my neck. I blushed heavily once again and grabbed onto his shirt on both sides. It was surprising how easy it was for him to do this now without using his fangs, although it's his second time giving me a hickey. I started giggling as soon as the nibbles started tickling. I squirmed a little under Kai's torso and continued to giggle.

    "Kai, stop," I laughed. "It tickles."

    Kai continued slowly, only increasing the tickling. As I continued to giggle, Toshihiro caught up with us and started giggling as well. I blushed even heavier at the fact that Toshihiro was watching us.

    "Kai, Toshihiro is watching," I panicked in a whisper.

    I probably sounded stupid, freaking out about a three-week old baby watching Kai give me a hickey. He wouldn't remember that, but it's still embarrassing. I froze where I was as soon as I felt a frozen hand lightly grab onto my bottom. I groaned and held my freaking out side in and allowed Kai to do as he wanted.

    Kai pulled away with a faint smile on his face, "All done,"

    I tried sitting up right away but was stopped by Kai's soft kiss to my lips. He pulled away about half an inch and I opened my eyes halfway, "Quit being so addicting," I giggled.

    "Right back at you," Kai whispered and kissed the angle of my right jaw.

    "Whatever, Kai, I only smell good,"

    That was probably the wrong thing to say. Kai stared at me with a saddened face and I sighed. I was hoping he knew I didn't mean that in a bad way. I kissed him again and told him I was off to the bathroom. I slid into the bathroom downstairs and shut the door. I stood in front of the mirror and moved my hair aside and moved the strap of my camisole. Sure enough, there was a darkened hickey near my collarbone once again but something was different about this one. I glanced a little closer and held my breath as I recognized the shape of a heart that the hickey was formed into. He made it into a heart...

    "Kai," I whispered and sighed.

    I exited the bathroom and Kai already had my school stuff out to study. I slouched my shoulders at the fact that I probably ruined his mood. A lot of things I say that I don't intend to be mean always come out wrong. They always remind both of us about the contract Kai has been bound under. How often is it that he tries to break the contract?

    "You know what," I sighed, "I think I'll put aside the studying for tonight. We need to be concentrating on Toshihiro."

    Kai nodded lightly, "Yeah,"

    I sat next to Kai on the couch shyly and blushed, "Um..." I covered the hickey. "The mark is a heart."

    Kai chuckled, "The first one as a heart,"

    I opened my mouth to say something but was soon possessed by Toshihiro's laughter. I dropped to my knees on the ground and started playing with Toshihiro. I was soon having more fun than Toshihiro with his own toys. I hadn't realized how fun baby toys were until now.

    "Kai, can you warm up some more milk?" I laughed along with Toshihiro.

    Kai went ahead and warmed up some more milk in the kitchen and I continued to play with Toshihiro. Kai came back in after a few minutes with the bottle of milk and I picked up Toshihiro from the ground and cradled him in my arms. I grabbed the bottle from Kai and leaned against the couch on the ground and fed Toshihiro once more. He drank every last drop of milk as he did with the first bottle. I held him against my shoulder and started patting his back, knowing I needed to make a baby belch after they eat. Toshihiro belched and when I figured he was done, I held him to where I could see him and he instantly baby barfed on my camisole.

    "Oh!" I whined.

    "Okay, wow, Arisa," Kai laughed. He grabbed a napkin from the kitchen and he took Toshihiro form me and wiped off his mouth.

    "He barfed on me!!"

    "Go clean yourself up, I've got him," Kai chuckled.

    I ran upstairs and grabbed a different camisole to change into and I hopped in the shower instead. I took a quick shower and dressed as soon as I hopped out and I brushed my teeth frantically. I kept complaining about how Toshihiro soiled one of my favorite camisoles and I threw it down the chute. I came back downstairs and Kai was still holding onto Toshihiro and he was sitting on the couch. He looked up at me as I came down the stairs.

    "That was quick,"

    "Shut up," I huffed.

    I grabbed Toshihiro from Kai and sat on the floor with him in my arms. I leaned against the couch in front of Kai and sighed deeply. I cradled Toshihiro in silence for a long time and yawned as I noticed the clock nearing midnight. I stroked Toshihiro's cheek lightly as his eyes drooped shut and he fell asleep in my arms. I placed him in his crib and sat on the couch next to Kai. He wrapped an arm around my waist and held me next to him.

    "Don't take this the wrong way," Kai whispered to me, "but you would make a very suitable mother."

    I immediately took it the wrong way and blushed heavily in a crimson shade. I played with my hair nervously, "Um, thanks,"

    Kai sighed with a small smile and he kissed my head. I sighed after him and leaned my head against his broad shoulder and my eyelids were getting heavier. I leaned upwards and gave Kai a peck on the lips and he lay himself down on the couch and I went down slowly with him. I rested my head on his chest and curled up a little. I yawned again and played with the collar of his shirt.

    "Don't take this the wrong way," I whispered, "but you would make a very strange father."

    Kai chuckled and rubbed my lower back. He kissed my head again, "Just close your eyes,"

    I rubbed my eye once more and yawned, already tired out from babysitting Toshihiro. I shivered from Kai's cold touch and he pulled the afghan off of the couch and sprawled it on top of my back and rubbed my back again. The night was silenced as I yawned once again and closed my eyes, reminiscing on the fun night I had with two people I love most.