• A/N: I love games like these and I thought I’ll do one. It’s my first one so bear with me. I’ll post Kaname’s result and Zero’s result apart from this so look for Special Story- Yuki’s dokidoki! Vampire Love: Kaname or Zero?! Results.



    “Come on, Zero, cheer up! The school is out so we can relax alittle bit,” Yuki stretched her arms as she walked with Zero down the outside hallways, the sun setting already. Zero just remained quiet and kept walking making Yuki pout in annoyance.

    “Use this time to study,” Zero grimaced at the sight of the approaching Night class gates.

    “Oh, that’s right,” Yuki half laughed,” I failed that last test.”
    Although Yuki pretended to be okay, but she wasn’t. Lately she had been feeling light-headed, probably due to staying out late on patrol, and hadn’t even felt like studying.

    Her vision blurred a little as they got closer, but she played it cool. Zero stopped and placed his hand on her forehead. Yuki flinched at his sudden action, “What?”

    “Go back to the dorm,” he replied coolly.


    “Your head is hot. You’ll be to slow to do anything and you’ll cause me trouble if you pass out,” Zero stated in his monotone voice and began to walk away from Yuki.

    “Wha,” Yuki stomped her foot and huffed,” No! I’ll be fine. Besides, without me here you’ll fight with Kaname-senpai.”

    He stopped and glared at her, letting out an annoyed sigh,” Do what you want.”

    Just then the gates opened and out came the Night Class, beautiful and graceful, with Kaname in the lead. “Good evening, Yuki,” Kaname’s smooth voice made Yuki blush and she quickly bowed to hide her face, “G-good evening, Kaname-senpai.”

    She raised her head a little too fast which made everything blurry and she slightly staggered. Kaname caught her in a gentle manner and held her to him-maybe a little too close. Yuki felt her heart skip a beat at the sudden close contact as she looked up to him.

    “Yuki, please get some rest. You should not overwork yourself for the sake of this patrol. I would always punish anyone who would act out of line so the Headmaster needn’t worry,” Kaname helped her up and Yuki let out a little squeak, “I’m fine!”

    Zero stepped closer and grabbed Yuki by the arm in a gentle yet demanding pull and placed her beside him, “Vampires can’t be trusted. That’s why we’re here.”

    Kaname and Zero exchanged glares. Zero clearly stated with his eyes, “Get back” while Kaname equally stared him down with his eyes, “ You’re nothing, but a mere shield.”

    “Don’t worry,” Yuki spoke up because the glares made her uneasy and the other vampires had noticed the tension, ready to fight, “I’ll be fine! After all, I wasn’t made a prefect for nothing- I’m strong.”

    Yuki jogged past the two to attend to the Night Class and Kaname walked past him, but stopped so Zero could hear him, but not Yuki,” Kiryuu-kun, I’ve entrusted Yuki’s safety with you. Remember, you are only a shield,” and neither Zero nor Kaname turned to face each other.

    “Yuki better in a better condition when I see her after class,” Kaname stated in a beautiful, threatening voice.
    “You aren’t allowed on Day Class grounds,” Zero shot back, unshaken by the threat.

    “Yes, I am aware of that,Kiryuu-kun, but,” Kaname looked over his shoulder, “there will as be no Day Class students on the grounds.”

    Zero turned and glared at him as Kaname gave a slight smirk and walked away. Yuki’s footsteps could be heard and Zero turned around to face her. “Whoa,” Yuki looked up at him,” What happened?”

    “Nothing,” he replied in monotone, but he sounded slightly angry, “Yuki, get some rest.”


    “Yuki,” he spoke firmly and she felt like a child getting a scolding. She glared and walked off in a huff, “Ok, but it’s not that bad, Zero.”

    Yuki changed into her nightgown and started to walk out of the bathroom, but she swayed, the room moving beneath her feet. She stumbled over to her bed and fell face-first onto the pillow, but was grateful to just not move. She felt flushed and tired, her body achy and heavy. The fever was worse than she thought, but she was too tired to do anything and she drifted into sleep…


    She felt something warm on her hand like lukewarm water. She slowly got up and raised her hand to inspect it and used the moonlight be her light. She gasped.


    She felt herself slam against the back of the headboard of the bed as her eyes jumped around the room taking in the scene before her. Blood was smeared everywhere as if someone just kept throwing bloody bodies against the walls in a forceful manner, blood splattered and dripping down them. Her palms became sweaty and her heart pumped in a fast, frightening pace. She felt trapped, suffocated, within these walls and she just had to escape.

    She jumped up and hit the nightstand next to her which caused the glass to fall and shatter, sparkling in the moonlight. She caught herself, but in the process her hand had been cut by the glass. She was too scared to notice the pain and she ran out of the room as if she had finally escaped a prison she was trapped in for too long.

    As Yuki ran down the halls, the windows allowed the moonlight to shine through and guide her, she knew that it would split into two different paths-the study or the boy’s dorm.

    She knew where to go.


    A/N: Okay, now you get to decide if you want Yuki to go to the study or the dorm. I won’t give away who’s in which room, but you should be able to get it without thinking too hard. I’ll post the results shortly so please look forward to it. I hope you have enjoyed it so far- hopefully you’ll like the ending you choose.