• I readied my club, waiting to strike until a long whip snatched it from my grasp. A girl stepped in, her beauty only matched by the radiance of her smile. A powerful aura emanated from her. She motioned me to follow her, and I was entranced to do so. My first steps out of the chamber were like my first steps ever. I continuously lost balance and fell a few times. The girl didn’t look back, yet I could tell that she knew I was following her, like she put some sort of trance on me. An alarm sounded, and she screamed “Hurry up and don’t come back!” I ran fast, but she ran faster. I saw the exit, but two guards jumped out of nowhere. I clobbered one with my club, but nothing happened. I expected the girl to attack them with her whip, but instead, she pulled out a sheet of paper with a bloodhound on it. I was blinded by the bright flash of light as she shouted “Head for the exit, leave them to me.” I couldn’t see anything, but I dashed forward, using the different levels of light shining through my eyelids as my guide. I heard violent barking, and limbs being torn. I heard a scream, and decided to go back in, but remembered her words, and stopped. After a few minutes, everything fell silent. Out of curiosity, it went back in, despite everything that just happened. The corridor was empty, but I made up my mind. She saved my life once. Now it was my turn.