VOID: Chronicles
The sun shined brightly over the dim lit town of Luxia. After the frosted night before, the cool dew glistened. Clouds in the sky hid the sight of morning looking day with malicious intent. Peering over the hills of the country, the sun was rising and brought a new day to the land. And on that hill, a seemingly young teenage boy sat and starred both at the small town and the distant city. He was eager to explore but held himself back. The kind light kissed his pale cheeks and snow white hair. His black coat which was keeping him warm was spread upon the damp grass and his chained pants were held under his arms while he slouched over his legs. Smiling kindly to some nearby farmer, the boy waved but was returned by glares, and he kept quietly to himself. He could not help the fact that he was different than the others and he shook off his feelings knowing that it was bad for him to feel sad. Feel confident, the boy got up and made to down the hill to the small town.
Now in the small town, walking through the streets with a heavy slump, The Boy (Halo) Didn’t Feel like doing much seeing that people seemed to resent him for no reason
So he decided to slip into an indoor shop/café out of site from the public. In the dim café,
he made his way to the table in the dark corner in the back and sat against the cool cement wall. From a distance away, he saw a strange looking gentleman in a red coat pass by looking directly at him with kind eyes. Halo didn’t know why the stranger acknowledged
him from such a distance, It made him curious.
“Hello…” A man spoke beside him almost instantly. “..I saw you come in, I don’t mean to be a bother but are by any chance new around here?”
Halo glanced up at him; it was the same guy with the long necked, red jacket as before. His face wasn’t very visible due to the darkness. “Um…y-yes sir, um, why do you ask?”
The man extended his hand. “My name is Aiden of the Akuma clan.” Halo shook Aiden’s firmly, symbolizing respect. “It’s a pleasure…My name is Halo…Halo of Ishbal.”
Aiden cleared his throat. “Ishbal? Wasn’t that place destroyed by the military?” Halo shuddered and Aiden changed the subject. “Well anyway you look like you could help me.” Halo felt interested and turned his attention to Aiden. “I know it’s quite sudden of me bit would you like to aid me in finding my younger brother Angel?”
Halo glanced at him for a moment then smiled “Of course! But I don’t know what kind of help I could be-“Aiden Leaned in to whisper to him.
“Look…I saw your wanted posters… you’re a thief and an alchemist killer… if people here know that, then you better tag along with me.”
Halo tucked in his legs and wrapped his arms around them. “I didn’t kill anyone; ok…I was just help my father...th-that’s all.” There was a silence.
“I understand…” Aiden agreed, Help Halo up. “I wasn’t being rude… I just want to leave this place as soon as possible.” While they left the town, Aiden explained to Halo about his brother and their past.
On the other side of town, in a small city, morning had already come. In a small bar, a young woman in her mid 20s walked to a nearby table to deliver liquor to some waiting costumers, she had long soft brown hair and radiant mint-green eyes, and skin in which seemed as though it was lightly kissed by the sun. She had a smile that could light up even the coldest and darkest of hearts, but she didn’t smile much.
“It’s about time toots!” A couple of obnoxious men in suits called from across the bar. “How long does it take to bring us some vodka babe?!”
May stumbled in her brown boots to the table and set down the tray before them. There were four of them, only one remained quiet beneath his shades. He glanced at her and motioned for her to come to him. As she stepped toward him, he handed her a big tip of $1,000. “Don’t mind my friends…they get a bit to obnoxious when they’re drunk.”
She smiled at him, suprised. “That’s ok, b-but I can’t accept this money.” He got up and put the money in her hand, rolling it up, “You have a beautiful smile.” Brushing her hair back, he took off his glasses, but his facial expression didn’t change. “You should smile more often.” He said.
She blushed and stashed it away in apron pocket and stumbled away away clumsily. The man watched as she walked away and smiled a bit, resuming to his friends mindless chatter.
Things where quiet in the small bar until a sudden flash of light blasted through
the frontal wall, Knocking it down. Through the dust, 3 men in suits with tommy guns forced themselves in and fired several rounds. The waitress quickly jumped behind the bar half scared to death.
“Come on out Dave! We know you’re here!” The men with guns said, reloading there guns. “The Boss says your time is up!” Dave stood up from underneath the rubble, glaring at the men from beneath his glasses.
His friends and everyone else where dead, all but Dave and the waitress. “I’m right here, is there a problem?” The mafia men moved closes, raising there guns, and aiming them at Dave.
“Yeah Course there’s a problem! You’re still alive!!” Just then, Dave jumps over the bar just as they open fire, but they all miss. “Damn it! We missed him! Be careful he could be dangerous.”
Behind the bar, Dave noticed the waitress crouching down with a 12-gadge on her lap as she trembled in fear. He couldn’t seem to picture her firing back at another due to the sight of fear in her eyes.
“Hay… Are you alright?” He said softly but firmly. She couldn’t manage to say a thing. “What’s your name?” He said again. This time she was able to mutter something. “M..May….” He smiled and nodded. “May, Huh? Well don’t you worry-“Just then an explosion went of and Dave quickly used his body to shield her from the on coming flames. May scared that he would get hurt, grabbed him by the arm. Dave, realizing her worry, turns and smiles at her. “Don’t worry Your gonna be alright.” He assured her. “I promise.”
Chapter 2
Across the land, in a village known as Konohagakure: also known as the Village Hidden in the Leaves, it was the middle of the day. The villagers and shinobi, Ninja of the village, crowd the streets getting to their destinations across the village and all around. Peaceful yet Busy. All but one.
“Move please!!” Yelled some one in the crowd. It was a young teenage girl. She had short brown hair, half in her face, half tucked back as it blew though the wind as she ran. She had on dark blue capree’s and a black hooded jacket. “Please! Someone help me!!” She yelled as she bumped the people she passed. With four Dark figures fallowing behind her, it was clear that she was being chased.
“Get back here!!” Yelled one of the figures chasing her. She was getting tired, with nothing to do and nowhere to go, she runs in to a near by ally. But as quick as she turns into it she goes flying onto her face and on to the ground.
“What the-?!” She though as she got up, rubbing her now red face. It turned out that what she slammed in to, was a person, a teenage boy. “Sorry about that!” she said as she looked at him. He was a handsome young man with black spiky hair with parted blond bangs. He wore a big white scarf and a big purple cape draped over his shoulders. “Please help me.” She begged. “These men are after me!” she told him, but his face showed no emotion.
“There she is!!” Yelled a man in the front of the ally. They turn their attention to the men before them. There in the front stood a short scrony, with three big tall guys behind him. They all wore headbands with medal plates on the front with a leaf in them.
There where the ninja of this village.
“Let’s get her!” said one of the men. ¨No wait, we don’t need any trouble” The head man said. “Sorry about my friends but this girl has something that belongs to us.” He said. The boy looked back at the girl, she looked frightened. “Look young man, If you don’t hand her over to us, I won’t be responsible for what happens to.” He continued as his goons giggle behind him.
The young man narrowed his eyes. “You said ‘she had something of yours’. Well I don’t see anything?” The boy was right, all he saw was the old rag doll in her jacket. “Very funny, a*****e! Go ahead be my guest, stand up for her and see what happens!” He said reaching behind his back. “Well just take down the both of ya!!” He yelled, throwing a kuni at them.
“Quick! Get behind me!” he tells her. She quickly jumps behind him. Clang! The kuni falls to the ground. “What?! He used his bear hands?!” The man thought. “You thought I was going to be easy?” The boy said, dashing toward them. “Well… You’ve got another coming!!”
The three other ninja looked surprised. “Well, don’t just stand there! Get’em!!” The head ninja yelled. “Got’ya boss!” They said, pulling out their knives. “Get’em!!” They yelled, charging forward. One of the men went in for the hit, but as he sung his knife hoping for a hit, but missed as the boy jumped through the air and landing a clear kick to the thugs head with enough force to knock out a horse! The other men realizing what just happened to their partner, charge at them with their knives in the air ready to strike. But before they could do any more, the boy kicked them strait in to the ally walls. The other two fall to the floor, unconscious, right next to other one. Their leader stunned, now look at the man with disbelief. The boy turned his glare to their leader. “Ahh! I’m out of here!” Their boss said courtly running away, leaving his thugs to the man.
“What scum. He fled leaving his own comrades to dangers wrath.” The boy said, turning to walk to the girl. The girl, still looking surprised; turns her attention to the man. “You’re safe now.” The man said, giving her a comforting smile. “There was a silence and a big smile welled up on the face.
“That was… AWSOME!!” The girl yelled with excitement.
“Did you see that!! Man, you where like Bang! POW! Boom!! You like totally beat their butts! It was so COOL!!” She yelled, jumping up and down with excitement.
“Of course I saw it! I was the one who did it!” He said laughing at her excitement (in a good way, of course). “Hay!” He said back to her, walking a head. “Let’s go take a walk.” He said, turning to her with kind eyes. She stopped jumping and now looking at him in wonder.
“Come one.” He said walking forward again. She looked down wondering for a moment. “…Ok!” She said, running to catch up with him as they both walk together out of the ally and into the busy street.
Chapter 3
Dave blasted through the back door, but to his surprise, the gang members had surrounded the whole bar, including the back ally. Dave did not want May to get hurt ,although they just met, he felt sympathy for her and bent over to her and whispered in her ear.
”Listen, run as fast as you can… they’re not here for you, run and don’t look back… and if you do, … don’t look away.” May could feel her blood run cold and ran as fast as she could down the ally way, but the sound of gun fire stopped her in her tracks. But as she turned to look back, all she could see Dave collapse to the ground. As tears stream down her cheeks, May backs her self into the ally corner fearing for Dave’s life.
The men laughed at their superiority. “Hehehehe…Look boys, the old man left us a treat!” They said looking May with lustful unforgiving thoughts. One of the men pinned her against the wall by her throat. She gave a struggle, but stopped as he drew closer.
“That’ a girl.” he whispered in her ear, stroking his hand through her hair. Dave seemed to be dead, but unknowingly to the others, his wounds slowly started to heal as his body twitched and his muscles tightened. His skin began to fade a dark blue and the dragon tattoo on this right arm began to glow. His teeth sharpened and his nails turned into black claws. His hair became spiky and wild, blue flames scared out of his vibrant orange eyes.
“Come on baby, don’t be so unruly.” The man said, coming close to her. “I bet you put…AAACCCKKK!!” Dave appeared behind him with his hand around his throat.
“It takes more than just bullets to kill me you scum!!” Just then he dug his hand through the man’s chest and viciously ripped the man in half! Blood went in all directions as May sat covered in it. She wanted to scream but scared out of her wit, not a sound could come out. Dave had torn the man in half using barely any strength at all.
His demonic glare focused upon the others as he dropped the man’s severed body at the other men’s feet. One of men grabbed his gun and as he did, Dave grabbed his head and decapitated him where he stood. As he dragged his stare to the remaining gang members, the men know there was no more sense of remorse.
May trembled in horror as blood spattered and spilled onto the pavement and alley walls. As the lights in the ally grew dim, the last of the men fled from the alley and out of sight.
The Alley was now dark, only to be lit by the flames that now engulf the once peaceful bar. Stars start to appear in the evening sky yet shrouded by the smoke that now fills the air. Dave, back facing the corner; looks over his shoulder to May curled up crying in the corner. He turned his attention to her. The demon that moments ago tore the men to peaces with ease, now relaxes and withdraws back into Dave’s tattoo. Dave now back to himself again looks down at his blood covered hands.
Every time he tries to fit in amongst this world, every time he tries to star over again and make friends, something always stands in his way; some thing gets in his way from having a normal life. Of course he knows no matter what he does different, he can never get rid of what he is. He can never forget who he is, Leviathan.
He looked down at may with eyes full of heart and compaction. Determined to save her, yet now wanting to save her from himself. “May…please, don’t be afraid of me.”
- by Chris Akuma |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 06/17/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: VOID: Chronicles
- Artist: Chris Akuma
An Adventure and Action story me and my friend Josh made as a prequal to our manga called Void. So far everyone at our school loves it so I hope you will too.
- Date: 06/17/2009
- Tags: void chronicals
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Comments (3 Comments)
- XxCried DryxX - 07/17/2009
- god I just had a brain orgasm biggrin frikkin awesome
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- Lilith Celestine17 - 06/30/2009
- It was wonderful. Is there going to be a sequel?
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- Jake Lao - 06/19/2009
- That was so good [ 5/5 ]
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