• I'm falling... how could this be? I. . .I was. . .the perfect angel. . .My feathers starteed streaming infront of me as I fell unto the ravaged earth. I closed my eyes as to not see the horror of my loss.

    Why? I ask silently, but the calming awnser I usually got was no where. I was deserted. I cried out using my melodic voice," God, why has thou forsaken me?" The clouds turned dark and thunder rumbled. My tumbling to earth increased its speed as the last of my glowing feathers disapeared.

    Gravity tugged me onward until I landed onto the hard earth. I am a Fallen

    I turned and saw eyes peering out of the darkness. I grasped my staff, for comfort. Its magic would be useless out of Heaven.

    They crawled out of their damp moldy hiding places and I cried out in discust, they were horribly mutated. I took a few steps back. I couldn't even describe them to you. All I can tell you is that they were dripping with red eyes and horns. I stumbled and fell. Instead of leaping upon me, they stepped back and then I heard it. Boom. Boom. Boom.

    The footsteps of a giant demon.