• kain hid in the shadows watching the two guards at the main gate of of shadowmasters safehouses. he was waiting for them to turn away from each other. an hour passed...another hour went by...at the third hour the guards faced away from each other. kain stood and used the shadows to sneak behind the first guard and easily broke his neck. the second guard turned in time to see the flash of kains sword. sheathing his sword kain climbed over the gate and began to make it to the house on the hill. he kicked the door in only to see an entire room of guards they immeideatly charged with swords aimed at his chest he vaulted over and decapitated the first three guards and killed off another five. the remaining three guards charged, one from the front the others from the sides, kain flippped over the front one stabbing him in the back while the ones on the side killed each other. he burst in the library to find a general of shadowmasters army "wheres shadowmaster?" kain growled "hmph" the general replied he charged at kain. kain immeideatly parried the sword aimed at him and lunged at the general who punched kain and lunged at him once more. kain side-stepped him and pulled his dagger out and stabbed him as the general fell, a vial fell out kain caught the vial before it shattered on the floor the label read "permanent super soldier" kain decided that it might help him in his quest and drank the contents. immeidiatly feeling invincible kain walked out of the safe house. "watever power this gives me itll help against shadowmaster" he said as he walked off into the night.