• Have you heard of the story twilight or seen the movie twilight (the book is better)? Well……. These paragraphs that I’m writing is kind of like it…..with a vampire…. And a girl…. But it’s not twilight and it’s not the same ideas from twilight…. Well other than the part that they fall in love… but it’s much, much different.

    One day, there was this girl and her name was Laurie. Laurie went to the mall and the first store she went in was Hot Topic. When she was heading near the back she saw a shadow quickly disappear behind her. She started to get worried and scared……

    In her head, she was thinking about this one guy that she really likes at school, and his name is David. No one talks to David though… because every time they say one word to him, he just stares at them with his big purple or orange eyes. Most of the time there purple, and sometimes there this very freaky orange, that just gives you the chills.

    Laurie loves his eyes for some reason though…. So, Laurie bought black and red nail polish and left Hot Topic. Then while she was walking to Five Below, she saw the shadow again. Now she was really freaking out. Then, when she was in Five Below… she saw it…… again. So she just left Five Below with out buying the thing she wanted. She went to the bathroom to call her mom because it was very noisy everywhere else in the mall.

    But on her way to the bathroom she saw the shadow again. So she walked faster and faster…… until she was in the narrow hallway that goes to the bathrooms. While she was walking, she found a dollar on the ground and leaned over to pick it up, but when she stood back up, she saw “him”. She saw David and she couldn’t say a word.

    “I’ve been following you and I just can’t leave you. The first time I saw you at school, I totally hated you, but then after three weeks, I thought to myself that I must have you. You can’t scream when I tell you this. I can read minds, but I can’t read yours, I really need to know what you are thinking……” David said to her. Laurie said to him, “I’ve only been thinking about you.” “Well that’s good….lets keep it that way.” David said. “Wait!” Laurie said, “How can you read minds?!?” “Well, that’s not the reason I said, don’t scream when I tell you this, because what I am about to tell you is a very important secret that me and my other 6 family members have to keep….” And David paused.

    “Well then tell me!” Laurie said to him in a confused tone. “I’m a vampire” David said to her. “….but I thought those only existed in movies and books, but not real life. My favorite book is Twilight… so do you sparkle?” Laurie asked in curiosity. “Well…. No. all I do is read minds and drink blood. Don’t worry, I do drink animal blood. But my family and I have been trying to eat human food. But it’s so hard to do.” David said to her in a frustrated mood. “How long have you been a vampire?” Laurie asked energetically. David thought for 2 second then said to her, “Almost 100 years.” “Wow. You’re like my own, personal Edward! And I love you, and never want to leave you.” Laurie said in a serious voice. David said, “Well, your like my own Bella, you smell delightful…. As if I want to suck your blood….in a lovely way… I guess. And I hope I'm not like Edward and not leave you. I love you!” Then they got married, they had a little human/vampire baby boy, and laurie turned into a vampire.