• A loan howl sounded in the distance. I sighed, my name is Sasuke Uchiha and I am the last of my clan. I am a Carpathian, a… ‘Vampire’ of sorts. The beast inside me lifted its head and snickered. It was taunting me, waiting for me to cross the line.

    We of the Carpathian race are immortal; we feed of humans but never harm them. We must go to ground and rest when the sun comes up, and we hunt our twisted brothers. When a Carpathian male goes with out his life-mate for too long…the beast inside takes over. Their corrupted and kill senselessly. This is were the humans get their vampire stories from.

    I have not yet found mine…and it eats at me every second. Whispers of a better eternity, no more pain. They echo through out my mind, tempting me. The beast growled, I was hungry. I stood and walked toward my window, I threw the windows open and jumped.

    I shifted into an owl and soared toward the town. I shifted back in an ally and shoved my hair back ‘damn I‘m really hungry‘. I strolled into the inn and looked around. I walked into the center of the room and paused. Someone had bumped into me, I looked down and came face to face with… ‘dinner’ a voice growled in my head.

    A pink haired girl around sixteen looked up and gasped. I smirked and leaned in and coxed her gently ’come to me.’ She walked forward and i lead her over to a dark corner. I leaned in and latched onto her throat, rich crimson liquid poured down my throat. I let go and licked the wound.

    I sat her down and made sure she was ok. I turned to leave but, yet again I was stopped. I looked down and my eyes widened. I had come face to face with a man my height. We stared into each other’s eyes, dumb struck. He spoke up clearly embarrassed “o-oi, whatch were your going!”

    I smiled and raised an eyebrow “oh? You’re the one who bumped into me dobe.” He blushes and growled “don’t call me that teme!” I paused, surprised he would dare talk to me that way. “So what is your name dobe?” he looked down and frowned “I can’t tell you.” “Oh, is that so? Well my name is Sasuke Uchiha, will you tell me now?” I had caught him off guard. He sighed “my name is Naruto Uzumaki, um, nice to meet you?”

    I smiled and took his hand. I kissed it gently and he squeaked “the pleasure is all mine.” He jerked his hand out of my grasp and blushed furiously. “damn jerk” he muttered quietly. I raised my brows in surprise, this human was having a strange affect on me…and I liked it. I smiled widely “please, won’t you join me for dinner?”

    Naruto froze, he looked down and shook his head. “n-no I can’t…goodbye!” He spun and ran into the crowd. I frowned and watched him run off. ’Why aren’t you going after him?!’ the beast roared. ’I can’t, I’m afraid I’ve pushed him to far. I’ll go to him later.”

    I strolled out into the night and turned to mist. I drifted back into the woods, set on getting home. I materialized sitting in the chair facing my window. “Ah, good to see you again Sasuke-san.” A monotone voice murmured, “you to Layne-sempai.”