• Melody's Lullaby

    The meloncholy notes drifted throughout the ornate castle. Melody drifted soundlessly through one of the many great rooms until the soft, sad music reached her ears. She stepped out of the room and wandered through the halls until she reached the door in which the lullaby was coming from.
    She silently opened the door, praying that it would not creak, and gracefully slipped inside. She closed the door and looked around the room. the music was louder now, but not to the point where you wanted to cover your ears. Her phaeries flitted next to her, occasionally resting on her shoulder for a brief time, but then getting up again. Their wings gave a soft, peaceful humming sound that made you want to go to sleep to it.
    Melody had been in this room before, a few months after she had arrived at the castle, about a year ago. It was a small, round room with a giant grand piano in the center. The wall had several portraits of famous composers, such as Mozart and Beethoven. The floor was crimson with a jet black hardwood florring.
    Melody's eyes finally settled on the mahogany piano and the person playing it.
    The boy playing it was her age, sixteen, with short, wavy brown hair. She lightly tip-toed over to him and rested her small hands on his broad shoulders. He briefly stopped playing the piano and peered over his shoulder at Melody, once he saw her face he quickly continued playing again, but more softer and elegant than before.
    Melody closed her eyes and sofly hummed to herself, matching the tune to perfection. She bent down to his ear and whispered, "I'm back."
    "Forever and forever..." Arundel whispered, as they smiled and ened their song.
    ''Melody's Lullaby.''