• It rains often during these days of summer. Lord knows fertile soil needs nourishment. Thoughts burned like that last burning twig in the campfire, that last scrap of paper in the barrel that those broken and destitute huddle about. When all else is gone, when even pride is but a memory (Do what we’ve done, see if you’re still proud, you pretentious b*****d) and self-confidence is the last coin that keeps the purse from becoming a vacuous gawping maw.

    That furtive little movement, you see it, right? It starts out small. A tiny stupid mind wouldn’t notice. The whistles, the mysterious, ephemeral light in the window… Hell, even the men in the dark coats, their faces hidden behind a newspaper… no sense of subtlety, these freaks. The microphone in the flowers, that was clever. Replacing my mirrors with two way glass, that was brilliant. But what else have they done? Step back, damn you! I know tall people, towering, I tell you! I know something. They know… they know… Jesus let salvation be swift.

    The status quo is crap. Never let them tell you your place in life. You are not a statistic, and you are not a controlled element in a carefully planned scenario. They tell you that you can’t simply walk into Mordor. By God, you’ll walk wherever you want and they’ll learn to like it. No one can make you go back. Just keep on walking.