• I never have given much thought to how I became who I am now. I was adopted by vampires against my own will, taken from my ever-loving mother. The moon itself was crying tears through the night sky, mourning such a terrible act to rip a tender family apart. During the ride on horseback to the castle of my new guardians, I became ill. My skin turned deathly pale, and my temperature rose high.
    The chance of my survival through this night had slimmed down to an unfavorable percentage. I had an insatiable desire to strip my clothes and let the cool drops of rain splash over the inferno that was my body, but my captor held me tight to his steel-like body. He felt so cold; a sensation only to be rivaled by ice. With his touch, the beat of my heart began to slow. Wether it was out of tranquility of his touch, or the oncoming demise of my sickness, I was at peace and ready to expire if destiny would have it.
    Little did I know I would wish that were the end of my life...not that I could call my current existence life.
    "Lilith, bite her now!" the surprisingly dark voice of my dark knight roared once inside a magnificent castle.
    A beautiful woman had glided down a stone stairway, her soft footsteps barely audible. She was very pale, and had long, flowing ebony hair with glowing emerald eyes. I thought her a hallucination of my fever, but when my ice cold knight unveiled himself of his satin black cloak, I saw the paleness of the woman on him. He too had noble features too beautiful for human.
    "Darius! Who is this?" the woman sang like the sirens of legend. If she had said a paragraph of simple words, I might have fell into a peaceful slumber from her lullaby.
    The handsome man looked down at me with loving eyes, as if I was his own. "...she is our heiress..." he replied.
    At these words, the woman flew into a terrifying rage. "How could you!?" she shrieked. "How could you bring this human into our home!?"
    "We must face the facts my love––you cannot bear a child! This girl is still young! She will grow to adapt to our ways and will become the princess we prayed for! You must act now, Lilith! My venom cannot turn humans..."
    "Never!" she shouted in response. Her voice echoed throughout the halls and shook the walls with fearful force. "I will never take a human as my own!"
    The man's handsome face suddenly turned dark, as if his mood had turned grim. "You will do as I say...for I am your king! Without me, you would not be queen! Now...turn her...and you will see, she will become our daughter!"
    The expression on the one called Lilith had shown she was not fond of me...and when she sank her teeth into my neck, it was obvious how much hate she held for me in how deep she bit me...