• Yuki: AHHh ...what time is it?
    Saku: Finally ur up ! God it took u forever to finally wake up.
    Rin: Ya really u went out like a light after last night Dark and Ed had to pull u into Your bed room.
    Yuki: Was i really that bad i'm sorry i didn't mean to fall asleep on u .... well are we going to go out to eat for breakfast or are we going to stay here?
    Saku: I'll ask Dark what he wants to do.Eds still asleep that crazy boy i swear u and him can sleep all morning.....
    Yuki: I'm said i was sorry ok!
    Saku: I know I was just comment
    Yuki: Well maybe i don't like ur comments Grrr...
    Saku: Grrr
    Jenny: You guys cut it out
    Yuki and Suku: STAY OUT OF THIS JENNY
    Jenny: *sniff* WHAAAAAAA
    Rin: AHH Now look what u guys did. you should be ashamed
    Yuki: *mutters softly* ok i'm sorry
    Saku: oh i'm sorry Jenny i didn't realize what i was doing

    *Dark enters room*

    Dark: oh am i interrupting something?Well any way when are u going to eat i'm starving...
    Suku: *gets a dreamy look in her eyes* Oh anything for u dark
    Rin,Jenny,and Yuki: OH GOD Get a life

    Goes back in time

    Monday morning on September 10,1997 Tokyo,Asia
    Comohamoru: hurry come on faster we hurry up...we need to get through this big crowd
    Yuki: Mommy don't go so fast Jo-mi(his bear) and i cant keep up slow down mommy....ahhh MOMMYYY exclaim

    Yukis dad died when he was very little like 4 months old YA really young so
    he doesn't remember his dad,and every time he asks his mom about it she runs away crying like there was a terrible secret......
    Comohamoru "mom" is a single mother they have no more family left there all each other has sad i know it gets worse

    Yuki: It all started when i was about seven years old
    we were at a train station mommy said i had to go somewhere very far form here
    but....we never made it to the train station together....()=thoughts

    Yuki: MOMMMMYYY were are you !!!!! MOMMY were whhaa are you whaa (were did she go there are too many people i cant see MOMMY WERE ARE U!)
    ytoshi: hey Yuki over here!
    Yuki: ??Huh?? how do u know my name?who are u? where's my mommy?
    Ytoshi: Come with me all will be revealed soon...
    Yuki: (What a strange person"all will be revealed soon..." wink
    were are we going?
    Ytoshi: Down here.
    Yuki: In the basement i don't wanna its dark and scary
    Ytoshi: Don't be afraid turn on a light
    Yuki: uhh...ok (i don't even know this person why am i drawn to her?)
    Ytoshi: Yuki? Do u know why ur mother was always so upset at u?
    Yuki :ummm...no?why was she always pushing me away from her WHYYY WHYYYYY
    Ytoshi: BECAUSE SHE FOUND OUT.....about ur father!
    Ytoshi: Your dad...well he was umm one of a kind there was no one like him.
    Yuki: b U knew him(how does she know my dad and how is she doing this is this a trick, a mind game or..... "magic" wink
    Ytoshi: Yes i knew him he used to visit me everyday until...
    Ytoshi: Until he was kicked out of heaven!
    Yuki: WHAT! Is this a joke I'm only seven that's so mean
    Ytoshi: No joke ur father was an full blooded angel he died from a thing we call
    suns disease its when a full blooded angel such as ur father stays too long on here but since ur only half angel it wont effect u
    Yuki: WHAAA! i'm half angel ! noo f'in way!
    Ytoshi: I know this is hard for u but its true well i have to be going bye
    Yuki: WAIT! dont go!I dont know were to go !!!!
    *But as he says this she fades into the darkness all is gone except for a soft voice*
    Voice: Go to the Shiro resedents they will take u in.
    Yuki: WAIT WERE IS IT?
    Voice: .......
    Yuki: (The voice is gone were did she go she dissapeared)
    *all of a sudden yuki felt intense pain all over his body*
    *Suddenly Yuki screamed in pain as his bones were simentaneously hollowed out and his new wings burst out of the skin in his back they were about the length of his back and pure white his hair changed color from black to white his eyes form brown to blue this radical change was to much yuki fell to the floor covered in blood and pure white shimmering feathers a light glowed form with in him and he lifted his head to see the white light*
    Yuki: huh....uh
    *just then yuki pasted out in from the pain in his body.As he woke up the next morning he found himself in a bed with white silk sheets stained with blood and angel feathers everywhere just then he remembered he rushed out of the bed and over to the mirror he turned around to see his back but there wasn't any scar or mark of any kind* Chapter 2
    Yuki: (I don’t understand were am I how did I get in here and were are the things that came out of my back ahhh why am I so sore and tired)
    *the door swings open and a young high school girl walks in*
    Tohru: Ahh ur up hi im Tohru im sry for barging in like this I really should knock im sorry its kind of a habit(why doesn’t he say anything its like he’s scared of me well I guess he’s really little and this is kind of a big shock to him)
    Yuki: umm....*turns red and looks away as if being ashamed*
    Tohru: What’s the matter don’t be afraid of me I won't bite
    *Yuki turns back to Tohru*
    Yuki: Who am I ...what am I?
    Tohru: I...don’t know im sorry all I know is that Ur one of us now...
    Yuki: why did u take me in like this it’s all full nice of u but what do u mean "one of us"
    What are u???What am i???Where am I???
    Tohru: What I mean Ur a "reject” or as we call "Rebels" we are the ones who don’t quite make it watered down with human blood, half breeds.
    Yuki: Half of what???
    Tohru: Half Human half light angel, dark angel, or even a angel farie there are only a couple of us we all live here in this house together I want u to meet them when your feeling better I know what’s its like having ur bones hollowed out for the first time it the most painful thing you will ever experience so rest up ill have someone up here later to change the sheets.
    *Yuki is dumbfounded by all the kindness he is being shown so he and stands up to help change the sheets*
    Yuki: no its ok ill do it u are being too nice for all this let me!
    Tohru: No really u must be exhausted after your first u need to rest or you’ll pass out again
    Yuki: I am a little tired...
    *just then everything went black and Yuki fell to the floor*
    Tohru: ahh not again (ahww he looks so cute with his white hair so innocent…)
    *later that afternoon Yuki slightly peers out of his eyes very sleepily he sees a dim figure of a girl in a room filled with the many soft pink and orange colors as the of sunset’s light as it shines in through the window. Yuki shuts his eyes and falls into a deep sleep.
    He appears in a train station people are everywhere he was with his mom again holding her hand just as he was before. Just then the floor falls out from out from under him! He falls down, down, down screaming franticly and grabbing at the air hoping to stop falling further and further from her falling down, down! Yuki shot up in his bed frantically panting, and sweating!
    Tohru bursts into the room! It’s the middle of the night*
    Yuki: I’m okay I guess it was scary I was falling!
    Tohru: ahh its ok don’t be scared it’s just a dream shhhh go back to sleep.
    Yuki: will you stay here with me
    Tohru: Yes ill stay here with you. Now go to sleep.
    Yuki: ok…. (Why do I feel so safe with her it’s like she’s here to protect me?)
    *Yuki lies down and falls asleep again.* the next morning September 11, 1997 Tokyo/Japan*
    Yuki: ahh what… were...Oh ya now I remember huh*Yuki sighs and looks around the room*
    Yuki: Wow this is a nice room silk sheets and everything
    Yuki: (huh I wonder how many others there are well id like to have a look around but I don’t have any time I have to go find my mom)
    *Yuki opened the door and stepped out side into the fresh air the air was cool with a slight morning breeze Yuki takes a deep breath *
    Yuki: huh (I got to go find my mom I just got to even if she doesn’t want me)
    *as Yuki looked the right he saw a small courtyard with a path running through it and in the middle a single bonsai tree and a tree that hung over a bench and a roofed porch ran all-round the courtyard leading to all the other rooms in the building. Just then one of the doors slid open Yuki froze he stood motionless. The girl stood still for a second and then looked over to the left (in Yuki’s direction) the girl looked confused*
    Rin: how did u get in here this area is private property.
    *Tohru came out of the opposite door*
    Tohru: Oh hey Yuki over here!
    Rin: You know him?
    Tohru: He’s new he’s “one of us”
    Rin: Really ahwww that’s so awesome we never have any body new
    *Rin turns to Yuki and does the peace sign*
    Rin: Peace I’m Rin
    Yuki: oh… I’m Yuki Shiro
    *Another door slid open this time a girl with purple hair about the length of her back walks out wearing a black dress with purple flowers on it*
    Saku: Rin weres…who’s this
    Rin & Tohru: This is Yuki Shiro
    Saku: Is he…you know
    Rin: no he’s “one of us”
    *Saku breaks into a run and glomps the unsuspecting Yuki-Kun and tackles him to the ground*
    Yuki: help I can’t breathe
    Rin: Saku let him go he can’t breathe... oh no she got the death grip on him quick Tohru go get the Jaws of Life. Hang in there Yuki!
    Saku: wheeeee this is fun
    *Suddenly Tohru pulled out Saku’s favorite pocky*
    Saku: Ohhhh gimmie gimmie me want pocky
    Tohru: Ok but no more glomping ok…
    Saku: ok ok ok now gimmie pocky
    *Tohru gives Saku the pocky and she releases Yuki from her death hold*
    Rin: Ya well that’s Saku for ya
    Yuki: *Yuki catches his breath and says* Oh…ok*Yuki turns to the girl stuffing pocky down her throat* hi I’m Yuki-Kun.
    Saku: *munch, munch, munch* ahh much better hi I’m Saku man I love pocky.
    *Rin and Tohru stood wide mouth gaping at Saku*=O| =O
    Rin: she...she ate the whole box
    Tohru: Ya I know… it went down in one gulp ahhhhh
    Yuki: OMG your right did she swallow it whole
    Saku: No! I chewed…ok fine I swallowed it whole I like it a lot ok gimmie a break
    *after recovering from their shock of the watching the whole box go down in one gulp Rin asked*
    Rin: So what were u doing when I saw u, u acted like u were sneaking around or something like that*
    Yuki: Oh I was a… nothing forget it
    Tohru: Yuki-Kun you tell me the truth now as an older sibling it’s my job to get the truth from you
    Yuki: “Sibling”? What do u mean? I’m not related to you! You’re not my sister!
    Tohru: It’s a term of endearment chill out ok
    Yuki: oh ok sorry well I was going…
    Rin, Saku, and Tohru: WHAT GOING!! U CANT LEAVE
    Yuki: Ya I’ve got to find my mom I can’t stay here any more but thank you for your kindness and hospitality it was very nice of you to let me stay here but I must go now bye
    Tohru: umm Yuki its no use
    Yuki: What do you mean?
    Tohru: She’s, she’s dead
    Yuki: No!! No your wrong she fine she’s waiting for me at home she’s sitting in her favorite chair by the fire waiting for me to come home.
    Tohru: Yuki I’m so sorry but she’s gone yesterday when u lost your mother in the crowd she tripped and fell onto the tracks and her foot was caught between the tracks she hear the train coming fast she pulled and pulled but it was stuck she couldn’t move all she could is watch as the train came toward her.
    Yuki: she…she cant be… NO SHE ISNT DEAD! She can’t be gone…forever
    *tears streaming down his face he looked up as if to see her soft face looking down on him telling him to stop crying . Tohru put her hand on Yuki’s shoulder but he shrugged it off*
    Yuki: Leave me alone!
    *Then Yuki turns and runs away looking for the exit he turns left all the while tears running down his face frantically it was a dead end and all the tears were making his vision blurry he couldn’t see were he was going suddenly he tripped he looked up there was Tohru holding her hand out*
    Tohru: Come on let’s go inside.
    Yuki: *sniff*huh…ok
    *Yuki grabbed Tohru’s hand and she helped him up and he followed her in silence*
    Saku: Are u alright?
    *Yuki doesn’t answer he just keeps following Tohru in silence*
    *Rin turns to Saku*
    Rin: Let’s go and let him be in peace
    *Saku and Rin take leave to their rooms*
    *Tohru leads Yuki back to his room*
    Tohru: Please stay here I’ll be back
    *as soon as Tohru leaves Yuki throws him self on the bed sobbing*
    *an hour later Tohru comes back with some hot tea and soup. Yuki, still weeping on the bed suddenly sat up in the bed and tried to make it look like he wasn’t crying*
    Tohru: Don’t be afraid to cry its ok I cried too when I lost my parents in fact I cried for days
    Yuki: But…why me?
    Tohru: I don’t know it has happened to us all I guess were not men not meant to be love by the out side world
    Yuki: so every one has lost their parents somehow?
    Tohru: yes Saku’s parents died in a horrible car accident she somehow survived no one knows how but she said before she was average but now she has been made new what ever that means. My Mom died in a train accident too the train had brake problems and my dad left when I was little and never came back. Rin well she’s really keeps to herself. All we know is she showed up at our door step a couple of weeks ago.
    *Yuki turned away and said*
    Yuki: Man I didn’t know and here I am feeling sorry for myself. I’m…sorry about your mom and dad I didn’t know.
    Tohru: it’s ok…
    *Yuki laid there all night staring all night in to the ceiling wondering what’s become of me what have I done why now has this happened why not before why now…*
    *Darkness loomed all around him sinking him into nothingness. There in the middle of the room laid a single white feather darkness all around except for a small circle were the feather laid. Yuki was lost. Were was he suddenly there stood a small boy next to the feather staring directly into yuki’s eyes*
    Yuki: Who are you?
    *the room was silent the boy just stood there. Afraid to move Yuki tried to turn away but couldn’t take his eyes off the strange boy all the while still wondering “who are you?” then the boy lifted his finger to a door it was a simple white door with brass hinges, a single steel door knob, and a light that shown from under the door like a golden ray of sun shine on a soft nice summer day Yuki felt the urge to open it but tried to restrain him self saying*
    Yuki: (how do I know I can trust this boy does he want me to go through how will I get back if I so go?)
    *all the while heading for the door as he reached out to grab the handle the handle turned and the door opened! There stood his mom clothed in white. She was smiling, she spoke with spoke tenderness, and love in her voice.*
    Comohamoru: Yuki please don’t cry for me I’ll be fine don’t worry about me…I’m just so happy here in this paradise don’t ever think I didn’t love you I always loved you and will forever.
    *As she stretched out her hand to him and touched his cheek Yuki closed his eyes embracing the warmth of her hands then he opened his eyes only to find her gone and him back in the same dark room it was probably 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning he didn’t know and didn’t care all he was thinking about was his mom wondering if was real he knew he felt her hand on his face this was too much to take in at once all this is happening for real his mom is dead and now he stuck with this new and strange family it was so different before and now he doesn’t even know who he is anymore they tell him he’s an angle but could he really be a angel that’s like the stuff his mom used to read to him when he was younger he didn’t know if this was for real he just laid there the rest of the morning just thinking about everything that has happened in those few days every thing had changed and he had to embrace it or just fade away he knew what his mom would have told him to do*
    *Yuki rolled over just in time to see the sun start to rise it was a crimson red filtering its light through the window. Yuki felt inspired by this momentous sight so he rose form the bed looked around and realized that he had no extra clothes in this new place of his he checked his pockets he had about 50.00 well it wasn’t a lot but it was all he had and he always brought it with him in case of emergency so he decided he’d go buy him some clothes for only seven years of age Yuki was pretty smart when he was in school he was the best student in his school he loved to learn and read he could spend hours with his nose in a book. Well being as he was he slipped out of his room silently as he crossed the courtyard he heard a bird call.
    Bird: Kaw Kaw
    *Yuki looked up at the crow perched on a limb of the tree overshadowing the bonsai tree next to the bench. Yuki went over the porch as quietly as he could so as not to wake the others then he stepped outside of the little courtyard with the porch running around it outside was an iron gate with a security booth next to the gate. A man in blue sat on a stool watching TV he had an ugly scar that stretched from the end of his mouth to his eye which made him look very tough and scary*
    Yuki: Excuse me sir…
    *the security man not taking his eyes off the television said*
    Security man: Can I help you?
    Yuki: Can I you open the gate so I can get out?
    *the security man suddenly looks up and exclaims*
    Security man: WOW! Who are you? How did you get in there? This is private property I hope you got a good explanation for this!
    *the security guard mutters to himself*
    Security man: God if master Shiro finds out about this I’m out of the job……
    Yuki: What was that?
    Security man: It was nothing. Hey I’m the one who’s supposed to be asking the questions around here! Explain you’re self!!
    Yuki: Well I live here at least I think I do…
    Security man: Do you now, and I run the biggest sushi restrant in Japan...Ya right get real. Well I don’t know how you got in here but I’m going to have to call the main house.
    Yuki: NO!! DON’T
    Security man: What’s the matter kid don’t want to want to go to jail? Stay here don’t get any ideas kid I’m watching you.
    *the Security man chuckled to himself at the joke he made and went to the security shack*
    -Yuki mumbles-
    Yuki: No it’s just…I don’t want to wake them
    *but it was too late the security man had already gone inside and was picking up the intercom that went it the main house.*
    Security man: Hello…yes I know I’m sorry for waking you sir but I think you need to come down here
    *the security man held the intercom away from his ear for the man on the other end was clearly yelling *
    Security man: YES I KNOW BUT I REALLY THINK YOU SHOULD SEE THIS…yes but there’s some kid here who claims he lives here…yes uh huh…ok I’m so sorry sir ok it wont happen again…yes sir I’m sorry sir.
    *the security man put down the intercom down and stepped out side the shack again this time he had more of a embarrassed look on his face his right ear was red from the owner yelling at him what ever he said to the guard it worked and the security man said*
    Security man: I’m so sorry for doubting you Mister Shiro
    *Yuki was shocked by the respect he didn’t know what to say he wasn’t used to this*
    Security man: …sir
    Yuki: umm…it’s ok
    *The guard opened the gate and stepped aside and Yuki stepped out and off the Shiro property*
    *It felt good to be off Shiro property now he felt a little bit, more or less free. In less constricted environment. Even this was the first time being out on his own he wasn’t too stuck up to ask for directions. The people might have look at him a bit strangely for such a small boy to be out so early in the morning on his own but never the less he finally found out were the closest clothes store was. When he finally arrived after crossing 7 intersections and almost getting hit by a car not paying any attention to the road he decided to a new shirt first because as a result of lack of clothes his old was beginning to smell. Yuki browsed through the “boys” section he flipped shirt after shirt he took his time, in fact he enjoyed shopping as for most boys of his age didn’t. Trying to decide he asked the cashier which he should bye, the cashier stunned and felling a little awkward said*
    Cashier: Hehe (sweat) ummm…just pick one I really don’t know.
    *holding up a handful of shirts yuki said*
    Yuki: Are you sure I don’t really know which one to pick their all so cool
    Cashier: Well why don’t you base it on price?
    Yuki: Oh….*thinks for a min.*Ok that’s a great idea
    *the cashier smiles and says she was she could help and gets back to work.
    Yuki decides to pick a black shirt with a black rose on it and a metal chain wrapping around it.*
    Yuki: (huh now I need to find a jacket, a pair of pants, and last but not least a necklace haha if I can afford all of this man I some times scare even my self with the things I think I can buy I mean get real Yuki do you honestly think you can by all this with $50.00……Maybe? after all the pants are on sale and so is the jacket)
    *as Yuki debates with him self he decides he decides he will get it all and see what the total is if it’s too much he will get rid of the necklace. Yuki comes to the pants section and finds the pant he was looking for they were long over sized black jeans with a red stitching that ran all the way down the side of the pants*
    Yuki: (WOW these things are awesome and there 50% off I can’t believe it mom would never had let me wear these thing but…)
    *in remembering his mother’s absence suddenly Yuki becomes very depressed*
    Yuki mumbles: I’ll buy them to show every one I can do things by myself I don’t need any one
    *Yuki grabs the pants off the rack and then feels very foolish for being upset and depressed its not his moms fault that she died its not like she wanted to now being made up his mind that he would enjoy the rest of the day and not think about his moms absence he went to get the jacket that he wanted it was also black zip up jacket (cotton) with red lining on it and metal studs or spicks on the place were you shoulders went they weren’t real long only about the size of half of your pinkie but they were only 30% off but Yuki thought*
    Yuki: (fairs fair it’s their store they get to choose the prices)
    *After taking it to the cash register and ringing it up the cashier told him the total was $49.78Yuki was amazed at the price he was sure he went over but Yuki caught a glance at the computer screen the real total was $78.89 then he saw the cashier slip two twenty dollar bills in to the cash register Yuki was once more amazed he was filled with mixed emotions part of him wanted to thank her and part of him wanted to yell at her he wasn’t a kid anymore he could handle himself he made up his mind to tell her that he wouldn’t have her slip money just so he could get the clothes*
    Yuki: Excuse me
    Cashier: Yes is there a problem?
    Yuki: Yes there is I won’t let you do this!
    Cashier: Do what?
    Yuki: Slip some money for me so I can fit the bill I don’t need that I can take care of myself!!
    Cashier: I don’t know what your talking about I didn’t slip any money in.
    Yuki: Yes you do I saw you do it!
    *But his efforts were useless no matter what he said the cashier just said I don’t know what your talking about Yuki gave up and left the store in a huff he didn’t want to be treated like a little kid he want to do it all on his own*
    *Yuki stepped outside the weather had changed since he was last outside. It had grown dark and cloudy Yuki flexed his sholder blades back and forth could he really fly Yuki pondered this as he walked his way back to the main house huh ,he stopped it just occured to him how would he get his wings back out did he need insperation or did they just pop out when you want them to? Yuki looked around and noticed that he had stopped directly in front of a long alley*
    Yuki: (maybe I could try it just once then if it doesnt work I'll accept the fact that I was probably dreaming the whole wing thing)
    *Yuki heads off in the allys direction he sees a crate next to a dumpster.Yuki clibs onto the crate and peeks in the dumpster*
    Yuki: (eww its stinks Hey?! Whats this guy doing in here Oh my god hes sleeping)*quietly chuckels to himself*hehehe
    Hobo: ZZZZzzzz*Snort*zzzzZZZ what free food....ZZZzzzz
    Yuki: Shhh...hes sleeping...
    *Yuki climbed onto the dumpster. Being careful not to slip, Yuki edged his way across the dumpster away from the hobo and to a nearby low roof.He decided this is were he would try this riduculus idea*
    Yuki: (God my sholder blades are beginning to ache) so now how do I do this umm 1...2...3...POP OUT!!!well so much for that...wait I got one 1...2...3...GO WINGS GO!!!!...Forget it this isnt woking...
    *Yuki climbed down from the dumpster*
    Yuki: Well I knew that was stupid any way I feel ashamed for even trying..Just the thought of a human having wings its-- ITS CRAZY...wait what about the peole at the Shiro residence...Are they crazy??is that really a mental Institute...No it cant be its too nice to be a mental institute...
    *Yuki folded his hands into his pockets and started home*
    This all I have for now to be contenued...