• "I don't see why you say you care," The boy sat across from his friend. The room was dark except the blinking blue light from the closed lap top and the two cherries from the lit cigarettes moved from resting place on their leg to their mouth to suck the poisoned air from the filter, one for each boy. His friend let out a sigh.

    "Alxander, why do you question my reasons for caring?" His friend responded with what felt like the look of agony on his face. Rifka didn't like that his compassion for his friends was questioned and with Alxander it was no different. He sighed softly once more as he prepared to take a drag off of his cigarette, his eyes now closed. He parted his lips as the smoke tainted the air in which the two were breathing, letting his words come forth once more, "I care because you are someone who shows me compassion. Someone who I know for certain that you would not leave my side if Shayne did do something drastic. I know this. Just trust me, alright?"

    "But I still don't see it."

    Rifka let out another sigh. Why was his love and compassion being questioned? He gritted his teeth before releasing a sigh.

    "I don't see why you question it." Rifka moved closer to Alxander and pulled him into a slight hug.

    "I care, now stop doubting it."