• one day there was a girl. the girl fell down a well. and died. how sad. so there was this guy. and he had a machine gun. the guy went up to the well and blew it up. then he did a funny dance. very weird. yesh. so an old lady walked up. she ate the guys head off. cannibal. so she was walking. and a bear came flying down from the heavens wearing a tutu. the bear was an angel wrestler. it squished the old lady. who was a cannibal. so the bear did a funny dance. then the bear went splodey. random. very. yesh. so there was this girl. and she was walking. she fell off a cliff. but she lived. she did a funny dance. then a super hawt angel dude came and yelled "IMA FIRIN' MAH LAZER!!!!!" and blew up the girl. the end. yesh. es el fin.