• - Intro -

    "It's hard to believe there was a time we lived peacefully among every race, but when the war came...He wanted to be the best, the strongest, the ruler with power .. to control. Anyone who stood against him met a cruel fate, and those who ran from him were chased into seclusion to become hermits for ions, or killed. For my people, we were among the first exiled because of our abilities. He feared us, feared we would overturn him, we had the power to, but we were so few in number then. They doomed themselves when they tried to exterminate us. My people are said to be descendants of angels, but we are far from innocence now.. Captured, most of us are used for the war... bio-engineered to fight for him.. we are slaves to his power.
    I was the first, and I was one of the only few who made it through the mutation..
    The others...they all........"


    - Chapter One -

    "I am happy the land has not suffered the qualms of humanity, Gaia seems to be flourishing this year.. the snow has stopped and the sun has peaked for few hours again, what beautiful days. The past couple years have been disheartening, the sun rarely shone, always covered with smoke, I wouldn't blame it if it decided not to rise at all. Always cold, with what seemed to be snow falling from the sky. It wasn't snow, but ashes of the damned..ashes of cities, ashes of us."

    "My given name is Estroma, and I was born 600 years ago, the land was so much more peaceful then..
    My race we are born not by the womb but by sacrifice. You need a soul-less corpse, the pool of being, and the sacrifice of an elder. We are not a large race, we never have been, it has always been this way.. An elder was always sacrificed to bring in a newborn, Our numbers never grew any larger than 100.
    I don't even know how we came to be. I can remember as a young one the Chronicler would tell stories, that he was once told that angels heard the cries of humanity and sent salvation in the form of a human with saintly powers, a god child... This god child did not stay long, humanity tainted his soul with their perversions and greed, instead he left apostle's in his behalf, our race. He gave us hearts, and powers to help and protect others.
    Left to aid humanity, we were alone, there were those that feared us and said our powers were too great to trust. We were chased after for destruction. Many of us were hunted and killed, others managed to disguise themselves as humans.. We quickly learned how to act and feel like them. This was a long long time ago, we are not nearly as strong as we once were... or so I'm told"

    " Then Siperus came, born from royal blood, he denounced anything that wasn't his or like him. That is when the war started, The other royal families fell to him, and many cities were destroyed or taken over. Those that stayed became slaves to him. His kind are like vampires... but even vampires aren't so cruel."