• The festival.

    " Are you going to the Japanese festival with us on Friday ? " Asks Sakura from her place at the table.

    " You should it's fun. " Says Maylin.

    " We have school. "

    " They let Japanese students out of class if someone picks them up "

    Maylin nods. " Our mom is taking us. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you came too. "

    " Okay sure I'll go "

    Sakura gets up and walks over to her closet. " We are gonna need Kimonos "

    Later the same day I am standing in front of a mirror wearing a pink kimono with pink flowers on it. Maylin and Sakura get the same ones but in different colors.

    When Friday finally comesI put on my Kimono and Maylin does my hair. For the first time ever I actually look like a Japanese girl. I could get use to this.

    Sakura walks in holding a camera and starts taking more pictures. " You'll thank me later. "

    Five minutes later we are sitting in the office waiting for Mrs Matsumoto. Mrs Matsumoto is a beautful women with black hair just like the twins and baby blue eyes.

    Mrs Matsumoto smiles at me. " You must be Sarah-lee "

    " Yes that's me "

    " It's nice to meet you Sarah-Lee-san "

    Maylin holds out the camera to her mom " WIll you take a picture of us ? "

    Mrs Matsumoto takes the camera and then takes a feew pictures of the three of us. And then we are on our way. Ten minutes later we are at the festival. It looks amazing. There are so many colors everywhere. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

    They give you a flower for your hair as you enter you festival. The flowers are the same color as your Kimono which means : Green for Maylin, Blue for Sakura , Purple for Mrs Matsumoto and pink for me.

    Sakura helps me put mine in my hair.We have fun until night fall and we take tons of pictures including a picture of the three of us under the stars with beautiful lamps behind us.