• i was walking in the hall of the hotel,and i spotted a shadow, it was darker then midnight with a crescent moon. A s i turned toward it something grabbed my shoulder, it was an old man with
    a cane and he weekly said " shadows of night will steel your soul" and he stumbled away.
    as i slowly turned the corner something flashed brightly and quick in the quick moments that i could see i saw a glowing human like figure. I ran back to my hotel room at the speed of light!
    my mom stopped me on the way in "why were you out so late zoey?" she pondered I quickly responded "oh, sorry mom i was....at the library" I had to think of an excuse quick and it worked every time! I walked over to my bed side and set down my back pack. All of the sudden my cell phone started to ring, when i picked it up and held it to my ear genitally all i herd was a deep breathing. I quickly threw down my phone and stepped back. Later that night as i was getting into my bed i opened the window curtains and there was a face peering into the room. I was shaking very heavily and tried to go to bed.

    to be continued