• Shackel turned his head towards the stars. "Ah, I think I found the Main bug. You might want to wait in the waiting room." He did manage to smile and then shake her hand. "Master Shackel Sin." Simple stated as he closed the door. He walked passed the room, "Here is where you can stay please." He pointed to the door. He then walked up the steeps. "Just stay in there, I do not wish for you to get hurt." He headed up the stairs and back into the room. He unlocked it and entered. He then locked it as he closed the door behind him. "Two simple rules. Stay away from the basement. And stay away from locked doors." He turned around with the box in his hand. "Now I am afraid I am angry."

    He opened the box up and let the moths out. They wiggled and squeezed out as they increased to their origanial size. Shackel set the box down and went over to the open closet. An extra large one broke the door frame that surrounded the closet door. It destroyed its way out of the closet and into the room. He layed his hand on its head as her children started to eat at them. They were able to get to the guests before they could scream. "Being eaten to death, I supose that isn't the best way to go." He enjoyed watching them bleed all over the floor, and the look of the moths. Ah what a sight. He then let the queen join in the fun, as she ripped them to shreds. He picked up an identical box, and went back down stairs.

    Shackel entered the room in which the new girl was waiting. "Sorry for your wait. Just finished. She was a big one." He had more blood on him, from his old wounds not healing. "You can come into the kitchen if you wish. That is where the medical kit is." He walked into the kitchen, setting the buzzing box down, and took out his medical kit. Removing his shirt, he started to clean the blood off of his well fit body.