• tab tab tab 1st. Lieutenant Le was not having a good day. First of all, he woke up with a in a tangle of bed sheets. Then, he had to rescue his sister (Spartan-539) which she almost died to the Elites. After that, they beat down a whole bunch of Brutes, and Jackals in less then an hour and a half, and then; he gets knocked in the head with (what it felt like) a very, very large hammer. He woke up in a daze, tasting blood in his mouth. "Uh..." He spat out the excess blood. For a second, he thought he was at home on Hellespont with his sister, and wife. But he quickly realised that he was on a whole different planet. He opened his eyes and quickly looked around. All of the remaining Marines are lying on the hard earth, either dead or too injured to speak. He twisted his head around to see the other parts of the ridge. He saw the Elites battling two new squads of Brutes, and Jackals. Next to them were a body of the Camouflaged Brutes. Then He saw his sister grappling the Chieftain to his right. He tried to get up but he felt a sharp pain in his leg. Ow!, he thought, I must have broken my leg when I got knocked out. He sighed. All he could do now was sit and wait...

    tab tab Spartan-539 kicked the Chieftain full force in the face. He roared in anger and...well, anger as he fell on his back. The she swung her Gravity Hammer into the Brute's furred stomach. No damage. No roar in pain. The Other Brutes, who each took a belly full of hammer, died instantly, or roared in pain. This one did not. Strange, she thought as she propped the hammer for another swing. That was when she realised that the Chieftain had Invincibility on while she smashed the Chieftain. "Uh-oh." The Chieftain coiled both his legs, kicked her 10 feet (or 3.5 meters) away from him. As she landed, she switched her Hammer for a Brute Spiker on the ground. She fired a clip at him but they bounced off! "Pitiful human! I have modded this Invincibility to last for 2 minutes! Give up, and I will make your death quick and painless, demon!", he roared. Damn it!, she thought, Nothing will stop this thing! Then he threw his Hammer right at her! She had no time to react thus it hit her square in the cheat, taking out her shields. She fell to the ground, his Hammer right beside her. Then the Chieftain walked over to her, grabbed his Hammer, poised to attack again. "Any last words, demon?", he told her. She could say nothing because her mouth was half full of spit and blood. "Say farewell." Then, there was slash of energy right above his left shoulder! He staggered, and he quickly turned around to see who his attacker was. He saw a silver and white Elite with an Energy Sword out. It was Khel 'Strum! The Brute suddenly charged at 'Strum, swinging it's massive, Hunter-like arm at him. 'Strum flew a 15 feet straight into a rock. At that moment, the Brute's Invincibility flickered...and powered off! But the Chieftain did not notice its disappearance at all. Spartan-539 slowly crawled to her feet and picked up 'Strum's fallen Sword. Then she ran full speed. When she was near the Chieftain she jumped. As she descended, she flicked on the Energy Sword and stabbed it straight through the Brute's back and chest. The Chieftain swung around, the Sword still in his chest. He roared in pain, and anger at the Spartan. He gave her a good whack on her chest to send her to the ground. She looked at the dying Brute Chieftain. He raised his head to the heavens and roar. He fell to his knees and died.

    tab tab Khel 'Strum walked over to the fallen Brute Chieftain. He grasped the handle of his still active Energy Sword, and pulled it out. The body fell to the ground like a puppet with no strings. He walked over to the Spartan and help her up. "Thanks...for the distraction and all.", the Spartan said. "Hmp. It was all in the plan.", he replied. "Sure it was", the Spartan shot back. "But we must get you to a medical station. You wounds could be life-threatening", he told her. "Pff! I'm a Spartan! These wounds are like a tiny cut to me!", she retorted, "But my brother...how 'bout him. Is he dead? Is he alive? I need to know now!" "Your brother....is alive. He has minor wounds then you. It seems that when the Chieftain struck your brother, another Marine was in front of him, taking most of the damage. If those two had switched places...then things would be different." She sighed in relief. "Good..." "We must heal your wounds quickly thus another battle descends upon us." "What? Another? Already?", Spartan-539 asked. "Yes. The Brutes have invaded Sangelios. But they thought we would be ill prepared. They were wrong. We have fleets upon fleets of carriers, cruisers, and battleships at hand. They have also taken the battle to the land. There will be a rendezvous on the Plain of Infinite. That is where we must go.", Khel 'Strum said. "But my armour...I can't fight in this cracked thing!", she protested. "No worries. A couple of years before we have captured two other Spartan...they are died now but we have still kept their armour as a battle relic. You may use them" "Thank you.", she said, "Now we will stand together again, shoulder to shoulder to face the oncoming fire on your world to repay the debt humanity owes you on our world"