• Magic Dawns


    Two wizards, wed to each other, were walking down a pathway to a castle that they knew too well. In the dead of night, Torkov’s living quarters was even more menacing than ever. Mariah and James Stem, the two wizards spoken of earlier, hung back as a group of Torkov’s demon warriors walked past, with a veiling cloak guarding their existence.
    “I can’t stop thinking about Melody,” Mariah whispered to James, “Our daughter has a right to know why we left her behind for this mission.”
    James turned to Mariah, with a worried look on his face. “Mariah, it is better for Melody to not know about this. She might have come after us, and I know you wouldn’t want her in danger.” He brushed a strand of hair behind Mariah’s ear. They both had risked so much on this mission, James thought. It was right for Melody not to know, and Goshi, James’ father, would be only a day’s travel away if something happened. James held Mariah close for reassurance, and said quietly, “Let’s go so we can see our daughter.”
    Mariah started to tear up a little bit, but then straightened herself out. “Let’s go.” Together, the couple made their way, hidden, to Torkov’s castle abode, where hopefully, they would be able to expel the evil wizard from Cambrazia, the country that Mariah and James lived in and were obliged to protect. “This will be our ultimate mission, will it not?” Mariah said warily to James.
    He did not have time to respond, as what appeared to be a lightning wall closed the couple in on every side, blocking any chance of escape. Mariah tried a charm but the wall did not even seem affected. James tried a spell that came to the same effect. Reality set in on the two wizards, they would not get out, this was a negative-magic forcefield, that could only be made by many wizards combined. Mariah gasped and James looked in fright as Torkov came around the corner, smiling devilishly. He brushed a hand through his gray hair and hardened his grip on his dragon-hide staff as he prepared to kill the intruders. However, there was one crucial thing missing in his plan to kill the Stem family and be able to practice his magic freely – the daughter. Pulling back his staff and smoothing down his dark purple robes, Torkov growled in frustration. “Take them away,” he said, “There is another person I need.”
    Out of nowhere, three of his warriors, green demons with irregular muscles all over them and twisted horns on their heads came to take the couple away. Mariah and James had to keep from crying out in pain as they were jostled against the demons’ razor-sharp axes, not being able to protect themselves. Torkov smirked, happy that at least he could not be totally bored. Torturing them in every way possible will be fun, he thought. Let the games begin.