• In the plains near the castle of Mont Brilliant, an high mountain peek at the top of the most impressive mountain chain, the Alps, stood a little village where lived only a few persons. These had always lived in a closed community, but unlickly the others people, they were among the smartest on the whole planet.

    It seems to be an odd situation where they couldn't survive for long, but Mont Brilliant is one of the most fertile places in the world even if it stands so high. That little village habitants called their selves Adnians. After four thousand years passed separated from the rest of the civilisation, they decided to make a sudden appearance and scare these who were damaging the planet on which they lived.

    As we all know, the pollution caused by industrialisation is the main cause of the Earth's suffers. It touches not only the area around the polluation cause, but it touches the entire Earth as well. So the Adnians had no choices but to act and reverse the destruction done to environement by destroying the main pollution sources. They fixed 14 target points to destroy, but I am not to reveal them now as you could be too much surprised.

    To destroy their objectives they had to craft weapon of greater devastation than anything else ever seen in the world. They created a set of weapons for every man they had, they crafter it for the very own speciality of each. They created an offensive force consisted of 20 persons, 14 men and 6 women: the members. They trained into the hardest conditions in the world. As their village was on the top of a mountain, their blood was already adjusted to these hard conditions.

    They will someday invade the Lowers, as they call us. But they still need time to prepare. Are they really a threat? Are they worth us getting worried? Who knows, we've never seen any of them.
    To be continued...