• Mikmo and Koda had calmed Areonna down, and explained everything to her. She then said,
    "That's what the town lockdown was about?" she asked.
    "Probably." Koda replied.
    "Well, CNN is swarming the park." Areonna said.
    "Really...well...." Mikmo said, grabbing a box from his closet, taking a small rocket from it, "Mabye we should welcome them." He said this with a devilishly evil smile.
    "NO!" Areonna and Koda said to Mikmo in unsion.
    "Aaaw..." Mikmo said, dissapointed. He dropped the rocket to the floor, which ignited on a spark, and blew up half the house.
    They all sat their, stunned. CNN Choppers and news vans pulled up, as the National Guard and Swat came rushing to the house, Toitle grew to full size, obviously not liking all the humans gathering, and roared so loud the van were all knocked over. A CNN reporter in a chopper reported,
    "I'm Susan Zinnermen, and i'm currently at the scene of extreame mayhem! The National Guard and Swat Teams have been called in from Green Bay, Wisconsin, and Wausau, Wisconsin. Why? Because a massive monster, what appears to be a turtle, is destroying things. A massive explosion just went off at a residential area, and I am abso-SSSSSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHS....." the connection went dead. Because Toitle had burnt the chopper to a crisp with fiery breath. Mikmo and Koda ran for cover in the basement, Mikmo however had to run back up and grab Areonna, who was frozen in fear.
    They had a special meeting there...
    "I officially call this meeting of the New Emperican Hidden Leaders to order." Mikmo said. New Emperica was a fake coutnry they governed with a bunch of friends. Areonna was Espionage Agency, Mikmo was the Department of Defence, and Koda was the Enviormental Protection Agency. There were a bunch more kids governing other parts, but their President was the teacher at school.
    "Mr. Defence Minister, what do you propose we do?" Koda asked Mikmo.
    "Well Mr. Enviormental, I propose we either run for our lives o-" he said getting cut off.
    "Second!" Areonna said.
    "OR we can wait and see what happens." Mikmo said.
    "Who seconds Miss Espionage?" Mikmo asked sarcastically.
    No hand from Koda.
    "Who seconds me on waiting?" Mikmo asked.
    Koda raised his hand.
    "Very well then....Waiting Act passed. Meeting Over." he said.
    And so, they waited....