The Monster Under My Bed
It started with a noise. Just a small noise from under the bed. I didn't worry about it, at first. When it got louder, I was curious. I put my book don and looked at the clock. Go figure, it had to be late at night. I moved to the edge of the bed, thinking nothing of what could be there, or what could happen. I looked at the floor from over the side of the bed and looked a bit wide eyed at the hardwood floor. There were claw marks on the floor! I moved quickly back against my headboard, trying to comprehend what I had just seen. When I picked up my book to continue reading, I had a weird feeling... like something was watching me from behind. I froze. The feeling go stronger. I turned around as quickly as I could to look behind me and I saw nothing. Nothing was there. Just the poster of the Repo Man above the headboard.
"This is really creepy..." I told myself out loud.
"You're telling me. You scared the hell out of me you know that?" A voice said from behind me. I turned as fast as I could (without giving myself some kind of brain damage) There, stood an odd looking guy with red eyes and black feathered wings. It confused me.
"What the hell are you doing in my room, who the hell are you, why are you here, and how the hell did I scare you?" I asked, kind of jumbled together.
"For the first question, I'm in your room because I want to be here. Two, My name is Lucian. Three, same answer as number one, I'm here because I want to be here. And last but not least, four, You moved to fast." The guy stated, moving closer to me. I moved back.
"Okay... why do you want to be here?" I asked moving back as he continued to get closer.
"That's for me to know, and not you." He grinned.
To be continued...
The Monster Under My Bed
Ismael Rakai
It was a creepy night and why do I feel like I'm being watched from under my bed?
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