• The next day was dark, rainy, and down right depressing. As per usual everyone was gone when I got up to go to school, no sight of Autumn, Laura, or Marcus at or on the bus, and no sight of them as I walked up toward's the school. Suddenly my friend Jasmine materialized at my side... it didn't bother me though, I was used to it at this point. Jasmine just sort of came and went without hardly being noticed, kinda like the wind. "Lula how are you this dreary day?" She asked. I looked at her and noticed right away she was wearing my sweater I had given her the first day we'd meet. " I'm fine. How are you doing Jay? OH love the jacket." I said with a grin. She smiled back, " How could I not wear such a special thing when this is basically my first day? I hear it's your too." She said indiffrently. So for the first 10 minute's it took for me to get to World History we chated and got each other caught up with each other's lives. Well I of course left out the itsy bitsy part about the vampire thing. But just as we parted everything went black....
    I saw the school hallway only it was destroyed...locker door's were either hanging or completly ripped of their hinges, paper's were scattered threw out the whole hallway, book's were everywhere too, the floresent light's where ripped from the ceiling, chunks of rubble were everywhere, and i could see the dead bodys of student's layed sprawled here and there....I saw Marty and Jasmine in a pool of their own blood, their faces twisted in a frozen scream....but what I saw next scared me to death...Autumn was laying frozen on the floor......blood still seeping ono the floor around him....I screamed but no sound came out... then I saw a man standing above Autumn's corpse's....grinning at the sight........

    I woke up in a cold sweat....I looked around and recognized that I was in the nurse's office, and I was suddenly aware Autumn was right next to me, shock was written on his face. " Luna are you alright? Did you see anything?"" He asked soothingly while holding onto my shoulder's. I told him every last detail, right down to the man standing above his....dead body. I looked at him completly and utterly terrifyed. He looked at me with a troubled look. He left the room for a momment, then about 10 minute's later got me into his car and we drove home.....I was shivering the whole way, feeling as though I was being watched by something.....