"Imagine For A Moment..."

    Craig sat slouched at his desk, dozing off whenever the teacher’s eyes were out of his range of view. It was a dark, cold day in the middle of January. Snow abruptly fell onto the roof, awakening the half dozen kids that were lulling to sleep in the classroom, if not just for a moment. Craig’s eyes began closing, and the voices and faces began fading. As his brain started shutting down, the last words he heard from his teacher were “Imagine for a moment…”
    Craig sat up, wild eyed in the chair that he had fallen asleep in moments ago. But something was different. He saw that everyone had left the room except for one other student, and he was asleep as well. Craig stood and began packing his things. As he finished and flung his bag behind him, coursing the strap over his shoulder, a loud “thump” was heard at the window. It made him jump and hit the row of desks behind him, awakening the other student. They both looked to the window, and saw an enormous raven as its body laid mashed into the glass. When Craig’s eyes widened and he looked to the other student, he let off a scream. The other student looked as though he had fallen asleep again, but the 5 inch blade sticking from the back of his skull told a different story. Craig turned around at least 3 times, checking every crevice of the room before making a run for the door. As he flung the door open, he collided with his teacher. He fell onto the floor a few feet back, but she stood in the same place, a tilted face with a wide grin spreading from ear to ear. In her hand she held another blade, already rusted, and she began slowly creeping closer to him with a strange limp and stagger. He searched the room again for a different escape, but as he looked toward the windows, he saw his classmates with the same grin, same knife and same psychotic stare in their eyes on the other side of the glass. They simultaneously broke every window with their fists, as blood poured from their hands and onto the window cells, and they began climbing through. Their faces hadn’t changed even the slightest bit. As the group closed in, every muscle in his body tightened and he let off as many screams as his lungs would allow. The teacher’s grin finally faded as she began to speak. Her voice sounded raspy and deep compared to what he remembered it to sound like.
    “Craig!” she screamed. “Don’t make me ask you again Craig.”
    Finally, Craig awoke from his slumber, as he saw everyone in the room staring at him. Sweat poured out of every gland he had.
    “Don’t fall asleep when I am in the middle of a lecture.” She said. “Or I will have to use force.” The teacher’s face faded back into the grin he once remembered, and the pencil she held moments before turned into the rusty knife. He let off a scream and awoke in his own bed. As he tried to catch his breath, he looked at the clock. It was 7:33 am. He heard footsteps coming toward his room, and his mother began speaking through the door.
    “Are you almost ready for school?”