• Chapter 5
    Kayame was broken and laid there on the ground, unable to move. She wanted to cry out to Ruku of the approaching Konata. He continued to weep, never noticing her. Each step Konata took, Kayame wanted to shove Ruku out of the way and take the damage. But she couldn’t and still Konata came. She had a malign aura about her. She kicked Ruku to the side effortlessly. As she was to kill Kayame, Ruku turned into his other half and charged at Konata. Konata laughed and phased into her third form. They fought at their highest speed, so fast that one could not see either of them, only seeing bright flashes of their battle. Kayame felt helpless and started regenerating. Ruku was knocked head over feet backwards, but landed crouched, ready to spring Konata came and Ruku pounced; both of them rolled in the ground. Konata kicked Ruku off and chased. Ruku hissed as his eyes grew more crimson. He flew into Konata knocking the wind out of her; she recovered and smashed his head against a rock, rendering him unconscious. Kayame, now healed, phased to try and stop Kon.
    (NO!!!) Kayame screamed. Konata’s claws were about to pierce Ruku’s thro-
    Ruku sat upright, sweating and breathing heavily. He wiped his forehead and swung his legs of the bed. He cradled his head in his hands and, shamefully, remembered what happened 24 hours past. What’s wrong with me?!? I swore after that night, I would never become that… that monster ever again, Ruku thought to himself. He looked around. He could see clearly. He touched his right eye; no more bandage. I must’ve regenerated when I became a Vampire. Ruku turned around and saw Kayame, head in hand, asleep. He tried to walk over to her, but clutched his stomach. There were bandages around his stomach and they went up his left side to his left shoulder. Apparently, I didn’t fully regenerate. Figures there was a catch to regeneration for a half-breed. Ruku looked thoughtfully at his once-upon-a-time love. Two years ago seem like centuries. Then Zorion walked in.
    “Morning, jerk.” Ruku looked at Zorion and responded,
    “Look, I’m sorry, but I swear I di -“Zorion put his hand up.
    “I know,” he started, “Samson told me the whole thing. Ruku, we need to talk.” Ruku responded,
    “Ok. What do we need to talk about?” Zorion walked to the window.
    “I’ve been thinking about us going toe-to-toe with Demogorgon and quite frankly, I don’t think we have the power to defeat him. Which is why I think we need more recruitments. At least three; one for each element. He can control all six elements. You are Fire, Kayame is Earth, and I’m Dark, I guess.” Ruku nodded.
    “So that means we need a Wind user, a Light user, and a Water user. Wait-isn’t Samson a Water wielder?” Zorion chuckled.
    “He is a rookie. We need a professional.” Ruku sighed. “
    I know a really powerful Wind user. . .” Zorion’s eyes lit up.
    “Really?!? Do you know him personally?!? Ruku sighed and grimaced.
    “Yeah, I know her. Her name is Amy Hayashi. She was a bit obsessive about me. . .” For once, Zorion burst out laughing, with hearty emotion.
    “Oh my god, that’s hilarious!! HAHA! I’m sorry. So where does she live?” Ruku groaned.
    “About two blocks away.”