• I headed off for home after the basktetball tryouts. It was a nice, sunny afternoon, with the air having

    a slight scent of winter and a strong smell of autumn leaves. Seems weird how sensitive my nose was to

    the smells around me.

    I wrinkled my nose in disgust as I thought of Cathy Stone's hard, sweating body. Eew. Gross.

    I burst through the door and ran up the stairs to my home, panting. I jogged off the last few blocks,

    afraid to be late. I had a shopping trip with my friends.

    I quickly but some deodorant on, grabbed a sundress, gladiator heels, my blue sunglasses, tore my

    clothes off and pulled the others on. Then I applied some quick to-go makeup on, grabbed my purse, and

    ran out the door, also grabbing a coat, which was flying.

    When I finally arrived at Violet's house, I was practically panting. Vi opened the door and I flew right

    in, landing in a heap on her bed. She looked at me skeptically.

    Sounds girly? Well, my fashion sense and style might be, but believe it or not, I'm actually a spy. My

    name is Ivy Spygirl. That's supposed to be my real last name, but at school I have to change it to Ivy

    Twilight. Otherwise, it might sound kind of, well, you know, spy-ish. They'd kick me out for sure.

    I'm not in the "in" crowd, but I me and my friends are popular in out own way. The spy way and the

    fashion way. We're all equally attractive, stylish, secretive, and whatsoever.

    However, there are differences. But let's get all the facts straight first.

    I have dark brown hair that falls down my back in waves, like a waterfall. I have tanned skin, but it's

    getting paler. I'm a little on the goth side sometimes, but I also like girly stuff too. It's normally

    goth at night. I have soft brown eyes, which I add some more detail with by swiping on some mascara,

    eyeliner, and eyeshadow.

    Enough for now. I had to rush to the mall with her. Shopping trips every Friday or Saturday. Sometimes

    we trade clothes; other times we donate them and get new ones. Our parents aren't that rich, but they

    get a lot of money, so we can shop every day (but we don't).

    Violet looked up and down me. "You picked a wrinkly dress?"

    Uh-oh. That wasn't good. I grabbed her bottle of spray-on water and sprayed it on my dress. Mom taught

    me how to unwrinkle your dresses.

    Then something caught my eye as we walked out the door. Through the window, I could see her secretive

    neighbor Mr. Grint sneaking something through his kitchen window. It was something suspicious. What a


    And I loved mysteries.