• The bell had gone at least twenty minutes early, it took a little while for us to figure out it was continuous, a lockdown. We hadn't been informed that there was a drill but we still didn't remain quiet, we sat under the desks and joked and laughed about what might be in the school. A few crashes silenced us all however, when sounds started coming from outside the classroom.
    "Whats going on?" My friend Uyana asked me. I gave a feeble shrug as I stared at the door, willing it to stay closed. It didn't though as it suddenly flew off it's hinges, screams echoed through the room as the door slid over the nearest desk and landed on the floor. A man rolled across the floor and stopped at my feet, I was to frightened to scream or to move as I realised he was still moving, still concious even after that. Uyana scrambled away as quickly as she could but I was trapped.
    "Violet!" She screamed as she quickly became aware that she had left her best friend behind. The guy looked at me and now a scream left my mouth as I tried to flatten myself agains't the desk. He smilied at me and took my wrist before dragging me up off the floor. There were more people around me, they all looked like him. In front of me was another group of people, they held swords and daggers and were scowling at the people around me.
    "Let her go!" A guy holding a sword yelled out.
    "Let us go and we'll leave her be!" The guy holding me said, I shook my head vigourously, they had vowed to leave me alone but not my friends. A dagger flew over my head and stabbed one of the woman in between the eyes. A yell went up from the people around me and then I heard a cry that chilled me to the bone.
    "VAMPIRE!" At that moment I felt the guy holding me sink his teeth into my neck. I screamed and then I fell to the ground, writhing in pain. I had taught myself my whole life how to push away pain and now I did it again, I didn't think the guys with the knives could stop all of the Vampires. Without exactly realising what was happening I felt my body morph, my skin grew paler, my hair grew darker but my eyes were closed.
    "Can you hear your heart beat slowing?" I hadn't realised it but there was a vampire beside me.
    "Your dieing." He stated matter-of-factly, I gripped my stomach and fought against the venom with everything I had.
    "What? Your heart is getting stronger!" I felt the vampire stumble back, afraid. The fight had stopped at that exclaimation and now everyone stood, silent, watching me and my silent fight. Suddenly, the pain stopped and slowly, gracefully, I picked myself up from the ground. I looked like a vampire but all the vampires could still hear my beating heart. At that moment I flickered open my eyes, the slayers stumbled backwards in shock and the vampires didn't quite know what to think. My eyes were purple, how could that be? I stood for a few seconds before, moving as a blur, I attacked the ramining vampires. Biting down on a womans neck I learn't that I didn't create vampires, I destroyed them, and that was proven when she burst into a cloud of dust.