• once in Japan, there was a man at a party. this man was mean and greedy. he was also very rich. At the party there was a mysterious man.this mysterious man said to the greedy man, "take this, it is magic and will give you any food you ask for. Just say the name of the food you want and it will appear. so the rich man took the object, which looked like a small metal box. he went off on his small boat while he thought, "if i have this box, i will stay alive on my boat until i grow old, i will never have to see anyone again! i can stay all bymyself with no pests to bother me." so about aan hour into his trip he decides he is hungry. he holds the box and says "fish". Fish came pouring out until he said stop. he needed salt for his fish. So he said "salt" to the box. salt came pouring out. But when he said stop, it kept going. eventually, the salt poured so much it sunk the boat, and the japanese believe that the box is still at the bottom of the ocean today giving off salt.

    the end