• Kyoto High School, late evening

    Standing there with her lips on his cheek, eyes blank, Minoru couldn't think of much else but, who is this girl? After a small pause, she stepped away from him, stating,"I shouldn't of done that, I'm so sorry."
    I'm so sorry. Dumbstruck, Izuki finally regains control of his body, and swayed for a minute, then he looked over to Tsukasa. "What are you?" He asked politely.
    "I don't think you will ever know," she replied coyly,"I could be your dream girl, or your worst nightmare."
    Stepping back, Minoru bonked his head into the tree behind him. Immediately, she stepped forward to catch him, but was denied by him regaining his balance. "Ya' know, you really could be both," he said, and they both began to laugh.
    "It seems you are not what you think you must be, Minoru," she whispered.
    "Ah, but alas, you seem to be more than I can imagine!" he replied.
    "I need somewhere to stay, can I come with you?"
    Too happy to deny her, he nodded and watched the dying sun. She stood beside him and took his hand, staring onward with him to the sunset. I can't control my body when she touches me, he thought, I'm a slave to her mind. "Oh, sorry," she said, as if reading his mind, and took back her hand.
    "Well, I guess we should head home then?" He asked, and started to walk through the night. This girl is not what I see, she's more beautiful than her voice. When they got to Minoru's car, Ryuugai asked what kind of house he had. "What kind of house? Hmm... I guess you could say it's small, because it's an apartment," He mused, and opened the passenger door for Tsukasa.
    "Such a nice guy, unlike the others," she replied to his opening, and sat in. After he got in the car and started it, he drove at a fairly slow speed through town, just in case Ryuugai did something to make him lose control. He's ready for anything, Tsukasa thought, he knows I can kill him with a kiss.