Part of me wanted to scream, the other part wanted me to get leaon but nether of those chances felt smart so I stood there frozen in fear with the towel in my hand slipping slowly and slower out of my hand as a dark glove covered my mouth, then I screamed. All of a sudden on my dresser my phone vibrated stinging the desk once, twice then a loud crash the mysterious man used a sword and cut the phone in half my heart went silent barley breathing my eyes widened “please let me go!!!” I plead struggling out the words still muffled with all my might I bite on his hand it did dent even twitch then my door slammed right open it was leaon his gold like hair gleamed with the light reflecting off of it his eyes filled with treacherous hate exploding wildly as he flung the dagger at the guy in back of me as the man moved to fast even for my eyes to blink then I herd someone call move but I was too late, a shot of numbness flew throw me I held my chest, as the darkness took over my eyesight I felt like I was going threw a pit of tar with questions and loud bam’s and clanks ,and the sound of glass breaking the only thing I can do is think of the questions flowing throw me and I kept going deeper and deeper into the black sticky tar of pain.


    I blinked twice and looked around it was all the same clean as before I laid there in a bed I got up and scratched my head “was it all a dream but the pain was so real..” I mumbled to myself as I got up a pain shot up into my chest. Then I checked the clock six am “oh my …I’m going to be...” then someone covered my mouth “shhh ok I’m going to tell you everything sit back down your going to hurt your self you have a deep wound you were screaming all night saying it burns it burns!! But don’t worry your with me forget about school for now ok I hoped this wouldn’t happen” he’s eyes were so convincing that I sat right back down and struggled to say the words because if I spoke so Longley I would ask to many questions “..What happened where the guy went how?” “Like I said ill explain ok no need to get worked up ok...Ok who you saw was a warlock he’s superfast and could kill you, and me I am a vampire you might think I’m crazy but I’m not mostly all of this school is made up with demon hunters, vampires, warlocks, witches, demons….., but you’re the first human, so evidently everyone goes crazy going on a killing rage, and one thing ill like to ask you is why did you come to this and I mean this school???”I had to think this over why did I join this school it’s not natural I’m guessing its cause I don’t know my dad recommended it so I took it. ”Oh well it’s because my dad recommended it because he went here for…”-I got caught in my own tracks if I was the first human then….I froze in thought but how can he be a …a….vampire, demon, warlock!!! How can this be!!! Seriously I knew my mom died as soon as I was born but I did not know it was me that killed her then all of a sudden I realized that there was a tear streaming sown my face and I looked up and I could see sorrow in leaon’s face as softly he lifted his hand and wiped the tear off I looked in his eyes it was filled with sympathy. “Don’t cry I know how you feel but its not a wait no I’m so sorry for you but I understand why he keep it from you because he did not want you involved…But now he’s put you in worse position now..So what do you want to do about it??” “All I want to do is hope I’m sleeping and see what my father really is…” “leah, if we find out it will change you for life cause wants you know you know what the other half of you, you’ll feel like a monster I’m a full vampire and sucking poor human or animals lives right out of them it hurts me knowing someone I suck kill I’m not only taking there lives the other people do you get what I’m saying?” I’m so sorry, but leaon “-I got up stocking his face slowly “if I don’t find out who or what of half of me I’m never going to let this go and I will always hate myself for giving up” “but why …. I don’t get it why do you want to see the dark side of you, wants you do everything changes why…” “because dark or not it’s a side of me “-I slowly looked up I was almost as close to him that if I took one more shrug I could kiss him-“I would want to give up and forget , but the thing that bothers me the most is why would he sign me up here if he knew the danger “ “I cant answer that , sadly I know something maybe he did this because he knows that wait hold on how old are you??” “Seventeen why??” “Did you just turn seventeen??”-The worry in his voice shocked me-“yea but…” “I know why he sent you here, a half-breed always gets his/her powers, so you don’t have to….”-his voice trailed of following his own thoughts –there’s only one thing to do to get rid of his thought train she leaned forward but then her chest hurt so she stopped and pushed her arms around the wound that got his self out of thoughts he put his arm around her to lay her back down and he said “easy you don’t want it to bleed I got to get seath so stay laying down “ “wait!” but he was already gone… I got upset almost till a pout I wondered how good it will feel on his lips…no I have to set my mind to see what the other half of me I was. Then…

    I realized I was stuck in sick fantasies which I only had in the 5th grade then I opened my eyes no one was there like this morning , but I herd voices ,so I decided to get up so I did . Wants I got up I almost wanted to faint. I walked uneasy then when I finally got to the living room; leaon & Seth were talking softly almost like they were auguring I looked sideways ,and fell down hitting my head to the soft carpet with a few gasps I got up slowly clutching my chest as leaon went to me a fast as the speed of light and helped me up and sat me on the coach the look in my eyes made it super obvious that I had a thing for him but he never saw which made me happy, but then seath did something vary awkward “leaon please go and get a ice cream for leah ok”-he struggled then made a face-“why??” “NOW”-seath said pushing his slanted glasses up “fine… leah what flavor??” “um any “then he groaned and left then seath came and sat on the coach next to me “I know the way you look at him, and the way you nervously, and desperately try to get his attention ,and still he doesn’t know its quite shocking , he’s a complicated vampire & vary attractive but I also see he’s closer to you than you ever think…but if you get involved with him please for me promise not to break his heart you’re the only one whose putting it back together so don’t…””wait why is his heart Brocken…??” “Well when he first became a vampire he was blood thirsty…well let me start from the beginning…ok 13 years ago me and leaon where human he loved his parents and me too. We had our own little band to ,well one night he comes to me and he is sick like he wont eat and he was getting paler everyday and he was in pain…I looked up the symptoms’ and nothing came up so a few days after he came to me and said he was blood thirsty and his throat burned like he haven’t drunken anything in days…and he drinks water and nothing it still burns till he says he thinks he is a vampire I didn’t believe him at first but I caught along and one night later he came to me in tears and said he couldn’t control himself and the burning stung him wildly and over dinner he had “-he paused-“killed his parents….that’s why he is heart Brocken” “I would never ever break his heart seath please don’t tell him ok..” “I never was going to tell that you like him a lot I want to wait and see how this turns out it’ll be’ awesome ‘as you say it “then he grinned and then leaon came in “so what did I miss??” “Nothing just talking” then an hour later….


    Lying on the coach was exhausting and extremely hot seeing leaon watch TV and constantly checking up on me and getting me water & food…. an hour later “hey leaon help me up” -he slowly let me up- my mind was set to only one thing but would he accept?? “So what do you want??”-he asked a little tiredly-“leaon get closer “–slowly he got a little closer –I scooted my self closer than ever then I grabbed his shirt and pulled him forward and gently kissed him his lips were hard with shock and then got softer then I wrapped my arms around his neck and pushed him over and kissed him again and again then I stopped and realized he was kissing back gratefully I let go and pulled back “I’m sorry..” “Why?? Oh yea I hope you feel better because I do” “I guess I do… actually a lot better in my mind, but as much as I think about it , about how my dad might have been one of those things that hurt me , almost sent me to my death , it hurts … “ –my eyes started feeling heavy and one tear slowly made its way down my cheek- “leah don’t cry I swear that we will find out what half of you are …. As much as I don’t want to do it …I will “then with that he slowly pulled away and outstretched his hand to me I grabbed it and slowly got up as I raised up the pain went up, but no matter what kind of pain It would never bother me cause holding his hand was like … I cant even explain it, it was like eating your first ice cream or holding gods hand I was finally happy.