• Ivy drove silently in the night radio off rain pitter patting the top of the car. Ivys eyes blured with tears eyeliner running down face her dress torn blood stained her hands. She drove with the sight of the girls hand all over her husband then the sight of a knife in her hand blood dripping from it. The cops were at the murder looking at the dead bodies stabbed and dragged into the bathroom the floor trailed with blood from the bed to the tub. "So the killer killed them on the bed and pulled them to the bathroom? So there should be finger prints?"
    Datective Jane Rizzoli looks over at Doctor Maura Isles. Doctor Isles looked up "Yes there should be if the didn't wear gloves you never now."
    Ivy went to a wear-house and climbed trough one of the windows and found somethings and made a bed and lays there crying "How could he do that to me, how."
    Ivy cried herself to sleep as the detectives waited for the DNA test to come back. Hours later the test is done. "The DNA belongs to the males wife Ivy Black a wedding dress desiner the dead males name is James Black and the dead female looks like his lover her name is Elli Blackmore she is married to I'm thinking Ivy found James and Elli in the act and went crazy. "
    Doctor Isles explained still looking at the dead bodies that layed on the operatoin tables. "We have to find Ivy, thanks doc."
    Detective Rizzoli and some other detective got into their car and went out looking for Ivy. "Theres a wear-house where they keep all the supplies for the dress making maybe she's hidding out there."
    The drove to the wear-house sirens on. Ivy hears the sirens and wakes up she gets up and runs to the closes dark area. Breathing lightly Ivy watched them searching for her. After a while they came to the dark place where she stood and turned on their flash light all the light landed on her she stood still squinting to the blaring light they yelled at her to put her hand behind her back and she did they hand cuffed her and brought her to the police car she sat in the back seat blood dried to her hair and cloths. Rizzoli looked back at her. "Why did you do it Ivy? Why?"
    Ivy looked up tears falling "I didn't mean to I just saw the knife and did it I don't know what came over me and i going to go to prison?"
    Rizzoli nodded "Yes you are ma'm."
    They drove to the prison and put Ivy in jail for two counts of murder........