• Date May 3, 2020

    Code prodject 5791563..........
    Today we had a break through. Subject 4810 was injectd the virus.
    Moments later the effects began to show. Increased strenght and stanima.
    Mental signals were off the charts. My higher ups what to go through with
    testing on a human subject. I strongly opposed this, saying we still needed
    to go with testing on non human subjects.

    Date: June 5,2020

    My higher ups decieded to go on with a Human subject, they told me if I did
    not go through using a human subject that I would be.......eliminated.

    Date: June 8,2020

    I was introducted to the subject today. She is a small girl of 12. How the
    hell could they go through to test this virus on a small child I tought.

    Date Junk 10,2020

    I did my daily check on Subject 4810. aggression was shown when introduced to another Rabbit.
    Moments later

    Date: June 15,2020

    The Subje... I mean Alessa will not talk, eat, or even do so much more than blink.