• I see that girl again.She's still sitting under that ripe apple tree.I look at her and she look at me.I can see her beautiful pair of eyes.It's emerald green and her ebony hair blowed by the wind,her white pale skin.Oh!She's like an angel.But who is she?Everytime I look at her she look at me back.It's scary but that is what people do.We look at them and they look at us back.
    At night,I could not stop thinking about her.She looks familiar.But who is she?This question always playing in my mind like a voice recorder.Tommorow I'm going to find out who is she!That's what i'm going to do.
    The next day,I go to the same place and to my suprise,she's not there.Weird...So i go back home and there's a letter in my mailbox.I take it,rip the envelope and read the letter.It says:

    We have met so many times but not that close.I guess it's time for us to face to face.Meet me by the lake at 4 p.m.TOMMOROW!

    This make me become more suspicious.This girl is so misterious....and beautiful.

    So I go to the lake jst like the letter said but the girl is ni where to be found.Hmmm..where could she be?Is she playing tricks on me?

    Then,someone tap one my shoulder.I turn around and the girl is standing right there."Who are you?What do you want with me?""You're the one who's looking right into my eyes first,isn't that right,Daniel?"she says."How do you know my name?!"i'm shock."Haha..I am your classmate,don't you remember?I guess when you moved to the city,it wipes out your memory,when you come back,you don't remember a thing"What?
    "Tiara,is that you?"She nod."Finally,you remember me"She giggles.

    Tiara....she is my ex-classmate.I always loved her since I was 7.She's so pretty and cute.That's why she looked familiar.We talk a lot of things at the lake.It is great talking to your crush anyway.We never talk before this,AT ALL!
    We go home together.On the way,I wisper to her ear."Tiara,I-i love you...so much..."Tiara stop.She look at me and smile.Suddenly,she give me a sweet kiss right on my lips..!