• it was now 2:17 p.m And Sash had just woken up to a knock at the door."Marina!Can you get the door?!"

    "I'm busy!"She yelled.

    Sash sighed as he jumped down both sets of Stairs to the door."Who is it?"Sash asked.

    "This is the USA government!Open up."

    "The US government,please don't tell me they were watching that show."He thought.Sash opened the door and saw Helicopter's landing in the Field."Whats all this about?"

    "Please come with us.We need your entire Family with us."A man said standing in a black suit.

    "Marina!Luna!I need you down here!"Sash yelled.

    Marina and Luna had just came down the stairs."We know....."They said walking out To the choppers."I guess we should get in."Marina said.She helped Luna inside along with the Government Agents.

    "I'll fly along side you guys."Sash said as he watched the choppers take off."This better be good....."Sash said flying off after them.

    Inside,Marina and Luna were hearing all the details."It happened about 2-3 hours ago.Out Satellite picked up 3 somethings Moving through the atmosphere.We were sure it hit Somewhere in Pennsylvania Harrisburg .We need your help to see what it is."

    "Where are we going to put Luna to stay?"She asked the Agent.

    "Were taking her with us.We'll protect her.But right now,we need to drop you off in the Area with our team of special forces."

    "Is that them?"She ask looking at the other 3 Helicopters.

    "Yes,there very skilled."The Man replied.

    "Nice.Wake me up when we get there."She said to Luna as she put her head on her lap.

    "This is too slow for me,I Can Make it to Harrisburg in 15 minutes."Sash blabbered crossing his arms.He Quickly sped up in front of all of the choppers and broke the speed of sound in a red trail of energy.

    While Arriving at Harrisburg,Sash,Marina,and the special forces were dropped off."This place....Its been Devastated!"Sash said a little angered."Let split up and find the ones who did this!NOW!"Sash stood there while the forces went on there search in 2 groups.

    "Look....I know your mad.But we will find who did this....."She said standing next to him.

    Sash closed his eyes for a moment,he felt something with a very strong energy.But distant."We need to go in that direction...."Sash grabbed Marina and teleported in the destined direction."Here we are..."Sash Searched for the Energy one last time."Its on top of us!!Move!"Sash Jump out of the way,Marina had done the same.

    A huge body Slammed into the ground,its force unmatched.It seemed to be a man,About 7 feet tall,11 inches."Finally,someones come to face me."His voice was very deep,he had huge muscles and very short hair.

    "You mean us!"Two girls suddenly jumped down onto the Mans shoulders,They were about 4 1/2 feet tall."I've been waiting a long time for both of you."A girl with black hair said,giggling girlishly."Remember me?"She revealed her Face to Marina and Sash,a shocking appearance.

    "What!!?!?"Sash stared in complete horror."Sena?!"

    Sena had on black leggings with a pink hoodie and black shoes.Sena also had black outer eyes and white inner eyes,along with a dark tint to her skin.The other one had two long ponytails and a black dress on.She had a huge sword that was two feet long.She had no use for shoes since she never stood on her feet.Her green hair was in two ponytails."Yes,its me.Surprised?"She asked jumping onto the ground.

    Sash snapped out of it eventually."So,you helped this big steroid Muscle guy destroy Harrisburg?"He asked.

    "How did you know?"She asked laughing like a little girl.

    "Enough!!Marina,you get Sena and that other girl!I have this guy."

    Marina pulled her sword out of thin air and rushed for Sena and the unknown immature looking one.With a swift kick,she got the pony tailed one off of the guys shoulders."Lets go."Marina tackled her through 4 buildings while Sena followed to Attack Marina.

    Sash turned to the other guy who had just put on his gauntlets."You may be 3 feet taller than me,but that doesn't matter!Your going to die in the city you destroyed!"Sash swung his arms and silver blades slid out the side of his arms."Die!!"Sash pushed off the ground and rushed into the Man,Before he knew it,His feet had touched the ground again and began to slid across many rocks."How strong it this guy?!"Sash began to push back but nothing good came out of it.

    "Hahahahaha!!My name is Rock,don't forget it!"He said lifting Sash up and slamming him into the ground multiple times.

    "Is that all you've got?!"Sash kicked Rock in the face 14 times til he let him go.

    Rock tossed Sash into the Air,he yelled making the ground vibrate."You know that beast you kill 13 years ago?He was my brother.I'll kill you for that!!"Rock had grown 20 feet long wings and bird feet his entire body lit up in flames,making the sky turn red.The rest of his body turned bird like."This is my true form!!I'm a phoenix!!"

    Sash got off the ground because it had also lit up in fire,the entire town was on fire now."Really,then you'll be joining him soon."

    Marina blocked the girls blade while she ducked Sena's blade."Whoa!!"

    "My Name is Melisa.Don't forget it!"She said in anger.

    "Shut up and lets kill her!"Sena tripped Marina,making her fall to the ground.Melisa stabbed down for Marina's face.

    "Close shot..."She said from above."But not good enough!"Marina Made a blitz of Energy rain down on Sena and her annoying friend.

    "Put up a shield!!"Melisa yelled covering herself from the rain.

    Sena raised her hand and shot Marina with a blast of anger.

    "You a**!!!"Marina unleashed a barrage of Punches into Sena's body.She lifted her up by her shirt and kicked her into Melisa,who was covering herself from the after math of the rain."Ha!"Marina suddenly began to feel warm,the ground under her Was on fire!"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"Marina flew into the air and extinguished the flames on her pants."Whats going-what the hell?!"She said to herself as she stared at the phoenix.

    Rock flapped his wings,sending a fire blitz into Sash."You dare say that to me?!"

    "Of course!!I hate you and your brother!"Sash said out of anger."And i don't think your a phoenix!!You,i think you and your brother can take images of ancient beast's and transform into them!"

    "You've got that right!"

    "Then I'll just kick it up a form.Sash went to his half form at an instant."Die!"Sash rushed toward rock,he dodged the flames and slammed his blades into his chest,also taking damage from the heat."T-there stuck!"

    "Hahaha!!"Rock wrapped his wings around His body.It began to cook Sash.

    "Too much.....Heat....It feel like I'm inside the sun."Sash pulled his blades out,finally,and began to think of a way out.

    "Its only a matter of time before your cooked!!"Rock squalled evilly."I'll make it even hotter!!"Rock turned up the heat as he charged the flames,making them turn blue.

    Marina couldn't Watch anymore."I'm coming!!"Marina yelled.She was suddenly stopped in her track's by Sena and Melisa.

    "Your fight is with us."Sena said swiftly stabbing Marina Through the chest."Melisa."She said signaling her.

    "Right away Ma'am."She said charging up a beam from the side."Your finished.

    Sash swung at the wing walls,Hacking to see if it would work.Only cuts appeared."Fine,you forced me to do this."Sash said smirking.Sash began to turn into his second forms,the energy given off forced him to spread his wings apart.

    "What?How did you break my wing wall?!"

    Sash didn't Answer.He made a beam sword with his energy and began to cut deep into rocks chest.His beam extended to 9 feet long.Sash made one final cut and that went down the middle.

    Rock screamed in agony."You sun of a-AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!"Rock turned the heat up,the flames turned dark blue,his flames sent off flames wave in every direction.

    Sash charged up a ball of energy,he sent one final blow into rocks face,blowing his head off completely.

    Marina watched as Melisa fired."Goodbye everyone."She thought.Marina's body automatically changed,she blocked the beam with ease,and broke the blade inside her."You won't kill me.....not today...."Marina said breathing hard.

    Sash flew toward Melisa and slammed his fist into her face and sent her flying.He then shot Sena in the chest and threw her toward the ground.

    "Marina....You've reached the second form."