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    Part 13:

    “You don't get used to get it,” Yuffie repeated to herself as she sit on the bathroom counter. Those were some powerful words. The girl wondered if she was strong enough for them. Only God knows how long she would have sit there if someone didn't come to use the bath room.

    “Um, Can I use it now?” a girl asked as she peeked her head into the door.

    “Huh? Oh right,” Yuffie said and hopped off the counter.

    As she stood outside she saw no trace of Amos. Of course, that was a good for getting rid of a body, but troublesome for trying to keep track of someone. Would he always pop in and out? Yuffie sighed as she conscious started to pester her about what she did to that guy. Though she could not deny that she did feel better.

    Yuffie spotted Seth in the crowd. Not only was she feeling healthier but a bit more bold. Normally a near-kiss would make her squeamish, but not tonight. As she walked over the girl Seth was talking to got up. Perfect timing, she thought.

    “Why are you not dancing?” she said just making conversation.

    Seth smiled pleasantly before replying, “You tired me out. I needed a breather.” The girl knew that wasn't true but she appreciated the kindness all the same. “You look better then before get some fresh air, water, or something?”

    “Yeah,.. something like that,” she mumbled her face growing a little grim.

    Seth didn't allow the moment to stay like that long. “Well then, take a seat,” he said and patted the couch he was on.

    The two talked about nothing important really. Just about school, the good teachers and the bad ones. Classes and varies other random conversation. As they talked the place started to get more empty. Yuffie suddenly had the feeling that even though they were talking about nothing important, how important and nice that actually was.

    The party had already started to die down. Seth looked up and noticed fewer people. Then pulled out his cell phone to check the time. “Wow, it is really late. I should go,” he said and got up. Before he left he spoke again, “It's been really nice talking to you.” They hugged before he left even though he was unsure which of them was responsible for it. That wasn't to important though.

    Within the hour everyone had left. Within the next her mother had returned. By the looks of it her Mother had been drinking as well.

    “Ah, Yuffie, darling. How was your party?”

    “Well,... interesting to say the least,” Yuffie replied.

    “See, I told you it was a great idea!”

    Yuffie gave her mom a curious look wondering if that would have been her reply no matter what she had said. “Right..” she commented as she watched her mom move around the room awkwardly. No one is glamorous while drunk, she thought.

    “How does Dad puts up with you is beyond me.”

    “You you unrated lil-” was all her mother was able to get out before she was cut off.

    “Oh bite me,” Yuffie said and walked to her room. That saying now had new meaning to her. Life would definitely be more interesting from now on.