• The fish...wait no...it was..........oh nooo it can't be!....it must have happened if the fish was likely to vanish as it was told for it to never vanish.....but the way it was vanished by the rumor about it says once the fish was vanished the...........as in barton town will vanish within....1 day and an hour...the pressure went through my body, the fish has vanished...trying to calm myself down but there was no way...but after the fish vanished... the robo-shark was in pieces, well it was soo hard to calm myself down...it was just a rumor but something makes me think it is real .......it actually could..but to make sure...what am I waiting for.....I have to take off the pressure upon barton town....no way like that is soo not easy but I wonder how to do it.. maybe...yes it has to be that is the only way! The lock is most likely to be settled by a combination but WHAT is the combination!? It is the only way....soon little green eggs started falling..from where? I thought.....it confused my mind....I couldn't think...but all I knew was eggs....little vines came out....I was trapped in the dome made out of vines...but...then how will I find the combination??? then as so the combination has to be in here...but no one said you need a combination or there will be a happy ending...the vines turned down...in the eggs, I was surprised but nothing happened....the time went by...soon only one day was left to de-activate the switches...but how many? eek I NEED TO KNOW... whether no happy ending or everything will go BOOM..there is no end to the suffering...the switches are nowhere to be found....it must be unlocked by one thing but the switches were too fast... I was unable to breath and my eyes! burning_eyes I had to get back to surface and I did....I looked at the sky..it was green and around me was some broken metal pieces...while I was up there I told all the villagers to "get prepared and move to Bass'ken lake and go fishing or run around....there is a more amount chance that Barton town will blow up ...but, the best place to go is gold mountain...it is higher so more likely not to be blown"...after that I went back to the sea and tried to deactivate the switches...the pressure was to much for me to move.....my heart felt like it was ready to blow up!.......