• The Pixie Girl
    By: JJ Seniar & Rhino Sivad
    2nd Book of the "Jj & Rhino" Series

    Chapter 1: Chubby Trouble!

    One Stormy Saturday morning, 19 year old Kimishy got home from work earlier than usual, due to the storm. Kimishy worked at a car shop, and was an engineer. She lived alone in Los Angeles,CA. She owned her own house. She had 1 cat named Chubby. Chubby was a very furry and fat 15 year old girl cat, in human years. One day, she decided to take a walk with Chubby. While they were taking a walk, Chubby noticed another young girl walking, and ran after her. Kimishy said to Chubby "Get back here, Chubby!" Kimishy also ran after that girl, and yelled "Why are you running away!?!" "The reason why I'm running away is because your cat is chasing me!" Screamed the other young girl. Kimishy then called Chubby again, and Chubby finally stopped. Kimishy turned around for one minute to put a collar on Chubby, but when she turned back around, the young girl was gone. Kimishy then went home and dropped off Chubby, then went to the All Girls Gym for a couple of hours. Once she got there, she walked into the door and right then, she saw the girl that Chubby ran after, earlier. Then she went up the young girl, and said "What is your name?" She said "My name is Alyssa, and I'm 20 years old. Hey wait, aren't you that girl with the very attackable cat?" Kimishy said "Why yes I am, and I'm truly sorry about that, I don't know what came over Chubby." "Chubby?" Said Alyssa. "Yes, I named her Chubby because she's so fat and furry." Said Kimishy. Kimishy said "Let's start over and pretend like the problem with Chubby never happened, Okay? So, do you wanna be my friend?" Alyssa said "Okay I would love to be your friend!" Then they became good friends. Kimishy invited Alyssa over for dinner tonight. Alyssa thought that was a great idea, and said yes to the offer. Alyssa invited Kimishy over to her house for the day, until 6:00 pm, when it was time for dinner. Alyssa was very rich and was a animal lover, and Veterinarian. Kimishy loved Alyssa's house and her pets. Alyssa had 4 Parrots and 4 Hamsters. Alyssa liked Chubby when she first saw her, but then when she ran after Alyssa, she didn't really think Chubby liked her so she didn't like Chubby.

    Chapter 2: Holy Macaroni,What a House!

    Alyssa's house was beautiful and had a giant chandelier hanging on the ceiling right when you walk into the house. Her doors were like giant gates that were made of gold and the doorknobs were made of platinum. Alyssa's floor was as shiny as a clear clean cup you just wiped, and then saw yourself in. Once you first walk into the house, the stairs to upstairs are right in front of you and they curve to the right. They had a blood red rug going up and down them. Alyssa and Kimishy went into the kitchen for a while and Alyssa's butler made dinner. Her butlers name is Chives V. Handsome. Alyssa's maids name is Loreta N. Lovely. Alyssa's full name is Alyssa M. Fine. Kimishys full name is Kimishy J. Ray. Alyssa's servants names were Love H. Halo and Jay J. Rain. They were both girls and very sweet all the time. Alyssa let's her butler make the food, and then let's every one of her servants, maids, her butler and her Lemo driver eat at the table with her and any friends she has. Alyssa's Lemo Drivers name was Leonard K. Jenkins. All of Alyssa's servants, maid, butler, and Lemo driver all had their own rooms in Alyssa's house, because even with the $500.00 an hour, they make, they still feel like they should live in a house where there are more people and where they won't be lonely. Like i said before, all of the people that work for Alyssa all get paid $500.00 an hour. Each break lasts 20 minutes, and they get 2 breaks per day, not including the lunch, breakfast or dinner breaks, they last until the meal is over. If they go past 20 minutes in there breaks, they get $1.00 off each minute that's added onto the break time. Alyssa has 10 body guards that rome around the house making sure everything is in proper condition. They get paid as much and have as much break time as every other worker in the house. 5 body guards stay upstairs and 5 stay downstairs, because since there are 10, and there are only 2 stories in Alyssa's house, they split up individually, with 5 upstairs and 5 downstairs. Just in case there is an emergency, Alyssa has Hurricane shutters on all of her windows and doors, and she also has a huge basement filled with emergency stuff like a battery operated T.V., a first aid kit, emergency cell phones for every worker and herself, of course, and other stuff. There is only one way outta the basement, which is the door to upstairs, and it's automatic. Alyssa also has an attic. It's filled with a bunch of old stuff Alyssa didn't want and is selling on E-bay. Chives made Macaroni and EXTRA cheese for dinner. Kimishy and everyone else thought it was delicious. Alyssa also has a special room for all of her pets. It is called the P.E.T. It stood for Pets Everywhere Today. Since Alyssa is a veterinarian, she took care of animals very well, and couldn't say no to helping an animal. She also had a green room made and attached next to her Mansion. It was filled with plants that Alyssa and her Gardener both garden together. The gardener's name was Rose G. Luis and was also considered as a worker that gets paid just like everyone else. Every door in Alyssa's house is automatic and is either like a mirror where you can see yourself in it, metal, or see through glass. (a window type door) These automatic doors and windows are included in the green room, basement, attic, P.E.T. room and every other room in the house. Alyssa also had a Pet Care Person she hired, and Alyssa also helps take care of the animals, because like is said before, she loves animals! Once Alyssa and everyone else were done with their macaroni, Alyssa asked if Leonard if he could drive Kimishy home. Kimishy also asked if it was okay if she could ride in the Lemo. Alyssa said yes and rode in the Lemo with Kimishy to show her how her Lemo works.

    Chapter 3: ALMOST Coming Clean!

    Alyssa's Lemo worked different then some others. It was a super stretch lemo and had 6 seats in each section, and there were 3 sections. Plus, there was 2 seats in the driver seats section. Which means there were 20 seats in the lemo. If Alyssa were to go somewhere with all of her workers and guards, she would only have 2 seats left for extra people, or friends. But she wouldn't leave the pets and plants alone and un - fed! That's why she gives days off to everyone, but not all on the same days. Butlers get days off on Tuesday's. Maid's get days off on Monday's. Gardener's & Pet Care People got days off on Thursday's. Lemo Drivers get days off in Wednesday's. Each body guard take turns from Monday-Wednesday. 3 body guards off of Monday, 3 body guards off of Tuesday, and 4 body guards off of Wednesday. Servant's also took turns, but they got days off on Friday's and Saturdays. Sunday was like a "Do you wanna work or go to church?" day. You got to choose to stay home or go to church because Alyssa's relatives and family (5 brothers, 2 sisters, 1 mom, 1 dad, 8 cousins, 2 aunts, 2 uncles ,2 grandmas and 2 grandpas) all visited her on Sundays. They had church too, but only on Saturday nights and Wednesday nights. Alyssa's Parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and cousins all slept in the same house. They bought a mansion 3 years ago and keep having to repair and re-repair items and parts of the house, due to the amount of kids and people in the house. Alyssa's grandma and grandpa were both very old ( 87 and 89) and lived in a small apartment together, along with 2 nurses that take care of them, and drive them places that they need or want to go to. Sometimes they can't even make it to the Alyssa's house on Sundays, because of surgery,problems, or they just can't get up because they both have back problems. Alyssa's grandma is deaf and her grandpa is half blind. They both also have short term memory loss, due to how old they are. Alyssa's grandpa just had surgery on his heart a few weeks ago, and 1 month ago, Alyssa's grandma had to stay in a hospital for a week because she fell and broke her right hand and left leg. Alyssa and her workers went to church at 9:30 A.M. and Alyssa's relatives and family came at 8:30 A.M. and watched the house until Alyssa and her workers came home from church at 12:00. Whenever Alyssa comes back from church, her family and relatives can relax, and try not to brake anything, while Alyssa's workers can do thier work. Once Alyssa and Kimishy got to Kimishy's house, it was 9:30 P.M. Alyssa walked Kimishy up to her house door, and once Kimishy opened the door, Chubby was sitting on the rug in front of the door. Chubby tried to attack Alyssa again, but Kimishy closed the door really fast. "Why does she keep attacking you?!?" Kimishy said. Alyssa stuttered and said "I um... uh... hm.. maybe she uh.." Before Alyssa could finish, Kimishy right away said "What's going on?!!!?" Alyssa cleared her throat then said "Okay, since you are my friend, I'll tell you the truth. Okay here it goes, I'm a Pixie and Pixie's attract cats and dogs." Kimishy said "Oh my gosh, that is... the dumbest lie i have ever heard! And coming from you! That is mean and low! I never wanna see you again! Good-Bye...Forever!" Kimishy went inside and slammed the door on Alyssa's face. Alyssa frowned and ran back to the Lemo. She cried the whole way back to her house. Alyssa tried calling Kimishy, but she never answered. Kimishy just ignored the call and tried changing her #. Alyssa got ready for bed and picked out the outfit she was gonna wear for church tomorrow, all the workers in the house did the same thing. Apparently, Alyssa wasn't lieing about the whole Pixie thing. She even had a room for every small video camera that was placed in various places of her house, that was controlled by a powerful Pixie named Lezibeth, who was 123 years old in Pixie years, but in human years, she was 23 years old. Alyssa was 120 in Pixie years. Kimishy did the same as Alyssa, and got ready for bed, picked out an outfit for church tomorrow, brushed her teeth then went to bed.

    Chapter 4: I'm Sorry!

    Once the next morning came, Alyssa and her workers all got ready for church and then went to the Saint Christian Church Of California.(SCCC) Kimishy also got ready and went to the SCCC too, because she went to that church too. Kimishy didn't know Alyssa went to the SCCC and Alyssa didn't know Kimishy went to the SCCC. Alyssa's house was closer to the church, so she got there first and sat in the balcony of the sanctuary. Kimishy got there at least 5 to 10 minutes after Alyssa got there, and she sat on the bottom seats, in the 8th row of the second section. Half way into the service, Kimishy got up and went to the bathroom. Alyssa spotted Kimishy the second she got up and turned around. Alyssa got up and headed downstairs, because that's where Kimishy was. Alyssa came to the stairs corner edge and saw Kimishy going into the womens restrooms. Alyssa snook over there very quietly and went into the womens restrooms. She didn't see Kimishy in there, but she did see 2 stall doors closed and locked. Alyssa tried to figure out which one Kimishy was in, until Kimishy came outta one. But right before she came out of one, Alyssa was to afraid of what Kimishy was gonna say to her, so she went into another stall, and closed & locked it. Alyssa looked through the little crack in the door and saw Kimishy washing and drying her hands. Kimishy was getting ready to leave, but then Alyssa said aloud "Wait Kimishy!" Then Alyssa put her hands over her mouth. Kimishy turned around and saw an old lady coming out of one of the stalls. Kimishy said to the lady "Um, excuse me miss? Um.. were you calling m..." Before she could finish, Alyssa said "NO! It wasn't her! It was um... Me ... Alyssa..." Then Alyssa came outta the bathroom and explained everything to Kimishy. She told her about pixies and how they are. Then she showed her a crystal ball that was animated and had a bunch of Pixies flying around in it. Kimishy felt stupid and told Alyssa that she was very sorry for not believing her. Alyssa forgave Kimishy and invited her to sit with her in the balcony till church was over. Kimishy said yes and went with Alyssa to sit with her. Once church was over, Alyssa asked if Kimishy wanted to come to her house and meet her family and relatives. Kimishy said "Okay, I'll meet you at your house, i gotta change and get a few things at my house. Okay?" Alyssa told Kimishy that, that was Okay, and she would meet her at her house.

    Chapter 5: The Family,The Relatives,& the Pixie!

    Alyssa went back to her house and saw her family and relatives sitting on the kitchen chairs, couch, living room chairs and the other couch. Kimishy went to her house and saw Chubby laying on the small sofa she got 2 weeks ago. "Chubby! Your gonna get fur and fleas all over my brand new sofa!" Said Kimishy. "Meow!" Said Chubby. Then Kimishy said "Alright fine, just until i get back from Alyssa's house! Okay?" "Meow!" Said Chubby. "Okay, well bye and see you later Chubby!" Said Kimishy, then she changed into blue skinny jeans and a white t-shirt with "I Love Jesus" on it, got her red sweater and blue purse, and headed to Alyssa's house. Kimishy rode her rusty and old bike to Alyssa's house, because she couldn't afford a car. Once she got there, she got off her bike, and pressed the button at the gate in front of Alyssa's house. "Hello, hey it's Kimishy! I'm here!" Said Kimishy, into the microphone. Then Alyssa said "What's the Gate password i told you?" Kimishy then whispered into the microphone "Ooo-Eee-Ooo-Ah-Ah-Tang-Tang-Watta-Watta-Bang-Bang... K & A BFF." Alyssa turned on one of the small cameras that was in front of the house above the button by the gate. She saw Kimishy and said "Come on in Kimishy!" Then she pressed a button and opened the automatic gates, and let Kimishy in. Kimishy came in with her bike and pushed it to the bike racks that Alyssa had outside her house. She also picked up a combination lock and chain Alyssa had sitting at the bottom of the bike rack, and locked her bike to the bike rack. The combination was on the bottom of the lock, but it was a ,not so sticky, sticker that said 3033123. Kimishy peeled the sticker off and copied the combination onto her hand with a pen she had in her purse. She also put the combination sticker in her purse. Then she walked up to the front door and reached for the door bell, but right before she pressed it, Alyssa opened the door and said "Hey! Come on in!" Kimishy froze, then looked at Alyssa, then looked at the door bell, then she looked back at Alyssa and said "Oh uh sorry, i really wanted to ring your door bell because, since you uh well have a big house i thought maybe your door bell would be..." Before she finished, Alyssa said "It's okay, go ahead, just once though." Kimishy & Alyssa smiled at each other and then Kimishy rang the door bell. It had a saying to it "BETTER CATCH THE BUTTERFLIES AT YOUR DOOR STEP" It repeated it 3 times. Kimishy thought that was cool, but she didn't want to seem like she was too poor and has never heard a door bell before. Alyssa told Kimishy to come in and meet her family and relatives. Kimishy introduced herself to everyone and said hi. Then Alyssa told Kimishy to come with her to the Camera room. Kimishy followed Alyssa to the Camera room that was under the stairs. It blended into the wall really well, and there wasn't a door knob, or an automatic button to it, Alyssa had magical Pixie powers that opened it and it could only be opened by a Pixie. If anyone else tried to open or go in it, they would get shocked and faint for 24 hours. It's a Pixie trap Alyssa set up the day after she moved into the house. She made sure no one was watching her open the door with her powers, except Kimishy. No one was watching except Kimishy. Kimishy blocked Alyssa just in case some one looked at that time. Alyssa opened the door with her powers, then went inside with Kimishy. Alyssa put a power on Kimishy, that way she could come through the door way and not be shocked and faint. Kimishy came in and gasped at the Pixie girl (Lezibeth) and at how many screens there were for all of the camera's. Then she smiled and said hi to Lezibeth. Lezibeth also smiled and said hi. Then Lezibeth giggled and went back to working and watching the cameras and screens that showed what the cameras are looking at. Like if one was on the stairs and looking at the people when they come up the stairs, the screens would show those people that walk up and down the stairs. Alyssa had over 2000 small,microscopic,unbreakable and untouchable (By a human, but a Pixie can see and pick them up) cameras in her house, and over 300 outside everywhere around her yard. In the camera room, there were screens from one side of the wall, to the ceiling, to the floor and to the other side of the wall. But even that wasn't enough screens, so the screens changed cameras. If one screen was on a camera outside in the grass, then in 3 minutes the screen would change to another camera around the house. But there was only 4 screens that never changed, and that was the one at the gate, the one at the front door, the one at the back door and the one RIGHT outside the camera room. She even had cameras on the roof of her house. Kimishy and Alyssa checked outside to see if anyone was there, then they left the camera room. Kimishy had to go home and feed Chubby lunch, because she forgot to feed him when she was at her house. So Alyssa and her family and relatives all said bye to Kimishy as she left. Kimishy looked at her hand, and did the combination on the lock of her bike, then she put the sticker back on the lock, grabbed her bike, and rode home.

    Chapter 6: Chubby Alla Cheese!

    Once Kimishy got to her house, it was 1:07 P.M. and Chubby Meowed like crazy, for food. Kimishy gave Chubby tuna fish stuffed with cheese, from her fridge, and Kimishy got leftover grilled cheese she made 2 days ago. They both ate in the Kimishy's living room in her house. Kimishy turned on Chubby's favorite channel, The Cat Food Recipes Channel. It talked about a bunch of different recipes you could make and feed to your cat. Kimishy liked that channel too, because she could make something that Chubby would like. Kimishy asked Chubby if he wanted to test a recipe Kimishy was gonna make from the Cat Food Recipes Channel. Chubby jumped onto the counter and meowed, so Kimishy took that as a yes. Kimishy made French Alla Cat. It was a recipe made in France a year ago, and the Cat Food Chef on T.V. found the recipe and decided to show it to everyone. First Kimishy got out some ham and turkey, then she got some milk, and finally, she got some tuna and some regular Organic cat food. She mixed em' all together in a bowl, then let Chubby test it. Chubby tasted it, then back away a bit. Kimishy thought and thought, then she said "Ah-Ha!" and she put in some of Chubby's favorite food, Cheese! Chubby tested it again, then started eating more and more of the French Alla Cat. Kimishy laughed at Chubby's funny actions, then pulled her away from the bowl, and told her to save some for later. Since Kimishy added cheese to the recipe, and Chubby really liked it, she re-named it. She named it Chubby Alla Cheese, just for Chubby! Chubby liked extra cheesy pizza lunchables, cheese pizza, CHEESE, macaroni and cheese, tuna fish stuffed with cheese, grilled EXTRA cheese and on thanksgiving, Chubby gets his own medium sized turkey, stuffed with cheese. Chubby really REALLY liked cheese, can't you tell? But when Chubby was just a kitten, it gave her really bad gas! Yuck! And now, Chubby also likes Chubby Alla Cheese. It was kind because of the cheese, but mostly because it came from his favorite cat food channel on T.V. Chubby meowed at Kimishy then ran to the front door and started scratching it;Kimishy followed him, once she got to the front door, Chubby ran under her legs and went to her leash and collar. Kimishy said "Ooooohhhh, i got it, you wanna take a walk down Central park again. Okay, well Chubby I'm sorry but last time you nearly killed my BFF, so no! I'm sorry Chubby, but that's how it is." Chubby put on her KITTY CAT EYES, instead of PUPPY DOG EYES. But even with the oldest, yet cutest, trick in the Chubby book, Kimishy still said no. Chubby stared at Kimishy for a while, until Kimishy tried to pet her, then she ran really fast to the living room, and ran behind the chair with a Lemonade stain on it. That chair was pushed up against a corner, in the living room. Kimishy asked her to come out, but she would not budge. Even when Kimishy was gonna give her more Chubby Alla Cheese, she still would not come out. Kimishy's watches, clocks, telephones and cellphone all rang and beeped. It was 2:00 P.M., work time. Kimishy had work on Sundays,Wednesdays and Fridays. Since she worked at a car shop, she only worked 3 days and had different shifts each day. On Mondays,Thursdays and Tuesdays Kimishy practices engineering and makes a little extra money volunteering at community centers. On Saturdays, she rests,plays with Chubby a lot more and visits her parents and friends. Kimishy left for work and stayed there till 6:00 P.M.

    Chapter 7: Pixies are People too...Very Powerful People!

    As you read, things weren't going so well at the Ray house, but let me tell you what's going on in the Fine house. Alyssa Fine, her workers, her family & her relatives all just had dinner. (It was 2:08 P.M.) All of them had lunch at 1:00 P.M. Anyway, they all had dinner early because Alyssa's family and some relatives had to be somewhere else. Some of her cousins, aunts and uncles had plans to go to the zoo with their friends, and some had dentist appointments. Alyssa's grandparents were just to old and couldn't stay any longer. Alyssa's parents didn't need to go anywhere, but there kids (Except Alyssa, of course!) were tired, so they had to leave too. And Alyssa had to get ready for work at 2:30 P.M. So even if Alyssa's family and relatives didn't have to go somewhere, they would still have to leave because Alyssa would have to go to work. Alyssa got into her white shirt and pants and white long jacket, with one pocket on it, then headed off to the Veterinarian office. By the time she got there, it was 2:22 P.M., and she did extra work because she wanted to earn more money. Alyssa didn't take any breaks while she was at work, because she SUPPOSEDLY needed more money. (Yeah right, she has a huge house and 18 workers!) Alyssa stayed at work from 2:30 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. She works every day of the week, including Sunday. She doesn't work on Saturdays, because it's HER pet day, where she sees her own pets for most of the day. For the rest of the day, she does whatever she thinks is fun. Since Alyssa is a Veterinarian and a Pixie, she works in the non-normal pets section. Like a lizard or a gecko, they're not normal pets anyone would have, but if someone did, they would sign in and bring their pet to Alyssa. While Alyssa was at the Veterinarians office, someone came in really quickly with a very sick dog. I stood up really fast and said "Um, miss, the dogs section is over there." Alyssa pointed to the other side, and the dog kept on trying to bark at Alyssa, but he was to sick to bark at her. He just kept on wining and wining and opening his mouth just a little. The Normal Pets Veterinarian was on break... AT THE WRONG TIME, APPARENTLY! So Alyssa quickly went over to the Normal Pets counter window and said to the girl with the sick dog "The normal lady that works here is on break, but uh.. I'm filling in for her. Please bring your sick dog through that door over there, and put him on the gurney i will bring in." The lady said "Thank you! Thank you! Oh and his name is McMerfin, i named him after my father. And um, my name Lucinda G. White." Alyssa brought the gurney in while listening to Lucinda talk. Lucinda put her dog on the gurney, then kissed him and followed Alyssa while she pulled the gurney. They both went to room 309 in the 2nd hallway, and Alyssa asked Lucinda to set McMerfin on the Vet bed. She took his temperature, then did some x-rays while Lucinda held him down. Later on, she looked at the x-rays and saw that he swallowed a screw driver. The x-rays showed McMerfin's teeth too, so he apparently lost and broke some teeth from trying to chew the screw driver. The screw driver had a few dents on the handle from when McMerfin tried to chew it, plus, it was a little bent, but not so much. Alyssa told Lucinda to sit down in the waiting room till she got the screw driver out. Since Alyssa was a Pixie, she attracted dogs & cats, and since she attracted dogs & cats, she couldn't touch them or else they would or she would catch on fire. I don't know why, but it's weird... very weird! Alyssa was born a Pixie and will always be one, so there is no going back for her... which isn't a fun way to spend your time at the park or the pet store, if you know what i mean! After a few minutes, Alyssa had an idea to help the dog without touching him. She lifted her hands over the dog, closed her eyes, then did a powerful Pixie pet power. It was called PPHP, Pixie Pets Healing Power. She healed that dog so well, that it got up and tried to attack Alyssa, but luckily Lucinda came in fast enough to tell McMerfin to heal and sit. Lucinda said "Well, i see he's feeling better! ~Giggles~" By this time, it was 6:13 P.M. All of the sudden, Kimishy comes through the front door to the Vet's office and said "Good Work Lucinda! Here is your $10.00 and here is a dog treat for McMerfin!" Alyssa was confused and said "What, what are you.. I mean how, wait what just happened?!?" Kimishy explained everything and said "Well you see, remember when you and your family & relatives said bye to me earlier today when i left your house?" Alyssa looks at Kimishy and says "Y-Yeah... Why?" "I looked at you when i left and guess what i saw... A lonely friend who was tired of being a Pixie!" Said Kimishy. Alyssa looks down then says "Oh...Well then why did you give Lucinda $10.00?" Kimishy lifts Alyssa's chin and says "Chin up, Okay? And uh, i gave Lucinda $10.00 because i paid her to do this whole thing just so you can see how good it is to be a Pixie! And you know what, you did great!" "But what about the normal pet vet being on break?" Asked Alyssa. "Well, i didn't need to pay her, she just wanted to be on a break. So i told her to stay on break till i come inside here and- Oh look! There she is now! Hey Betty!" Said Kimishy. Then Betty waves at Kimishy and Alyssa and Alyssa says "So you did all this just to help me realize that Pixies are great people too?" Kimishy & Alyssa then smiles and laugh, then Kimishy says "You and me are gonna very weird people and friends in the future. Don't you think?" (Time: 6:38 P.M.) Kimishy and Alyssa both put their arms around each others shoulders, and walk outta the Veterinarians office, then Alyssa says "Yup! That's just us, the Crazy yet Strange Friends... of the future!" Then they both look at each other, stop walking, then sing both of their favorite song, 4 Minutes. Alyssa & Kimishy sing "Only got 4 minutes to save the world, Hesitating!" They both start laughing loudly and happily, then start walking again and singing the rest of 4 Minutes. They are truly the Crazy Yet Strange SINGING friends ... of the future! smile


    Be sure to check out more books from JJ Seniar & Rhino Davis. Thank you for reading, I'll see you all later! Until the next book you read by Tarantula & Rhino, Peace Out Peeps! biggrin