• I felt a strong cool wind as I open my eyes. I was back on the hill again, I looked around searching for the girl but she's not here with me. I sigh a long and deep sigh. I looked on my right to check on the boy, he's gone. My shirt was lying on the ground without anybody under it. I stood up and looked around the tree, but i found no one.

    Birds chirping happily, cool breeze coming in my direction, and the sweet smell of the fully grown Lavender, that's all i can find, i was alone again. I brush my hair back and walked down the hill. Suddenly someone spoke with a voice of a little boy.

    You have conquered your fear. Defeated the monster within you, and saved her.

    What? ... Who are you?

    I ... am ... you.

    Surprised from what i heard, I stopped walking. And he continued to speak.

    The monster within you is your fear, once you defeated it, it will vanish.

    I don't fear anything.

    As a child you were afraid.

    But ...

    You were afraid of getting hurt, and so you made this hill you're hiding place. You're own secret place, a place where nobody can reach you, a place where you isolates yourself with the outside world.

    But I fear nothing as a child these are all lies.

    You were afraid to love.

    NO! for I love the girl, I chocked on the words like they were stuck in my throat, in my dream.

    Yes, her. You need to go back.

    Go back where?

    No one answered, silence covered the hill. No birds, no rustling of the trees, no nothing, it's like everything was in it's resting place, everything was at peace. I started to walk down the hill again, until I reached the familiar bed of flowers. I lay down on the field of freshly bloomed Lavenders, the sounds were back again, birds flew above me singing they're wonderful song, and the beat of the rustling trees were back too. I smell the Lavenders around me, this scene, everything here, it relaxes me. I gave in to this heaven sent place, as seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours, and as time pass by the words haunt my thoughts.

    Go back where?

    Who was behind that voice? Was it really me? My subconscious perhaps.

    And then there was Her, the girl that I saved, or she saved me, for she made me strong to defeat the monster. For all I know is I love her deeply.

    Many questions are left unanswered, as I close my eyes I felt something wet and warm dripping on my chest.

    And until the darkness came this feeling remained.

    ~to be continued ...