• What are words?
    A few symbols on a wall?
    Scribbles on a piece of paper?
    On the surface, yes,
    But behind are much more.

    For words are light, a shining light
    A lamp lighting the way into the darkness of our past
    And we see through the lamps left behind
    On a cave wall, a tablet, an old tome
    It shines our way there, so we may know what they knew

    Words are memory, are time
    For once stroked, we will not forget
    Tales past down through time
    Where our feeble memories do not dare go
    For we remember just by turning a page,
    Unfolding the crumpled memories, written to be unforgotten

    Words are a portal, a magic portal
    For they take us to distant places, where our feet cannot
    From a sea, to a desert, to a forest, to the moon
    They can take us there in a flash,
    And we won't be the slightest bit weary

    Words are the world, the united world
    For they unite us, open doors
    Allow us to see the differences that set us apart,
    And we shine that light into the darkness of our hearts,
    Remember those memories that we can laugh about together,
    Cry together, remember together,
    Step through that portal, and experience the same thing,
    So we are not so different after all.