• Chapter 8 Farie Foretold

    I had spent all morning after breakfast picking out which dress I was going to wear for the day. I had narrowed it down to the pine, green dress with a peridot sash and lace trimmings or the collared lavender dress with a long grey sleeveless jacket and belt.
    I ended up picking the lavender dress then started on my hair. Once I had it all brushed out it was already ten till noon, so I had to hurry, I braided it into a thick, fiery, rope down my back, then managed to pulled it up into bun. If I was not in such a hurry I would have noticed the stand of hair on the side of my face that had escaped the ribbon’s hold and was loose, but as I raced downstairs
    I noticed that Kailen was gone. He had been here this morning for breakfast but I didn’t see him leave, he must have silently gone to work while I was getting ready. I hope Drake wasn’t lying when he said he would talk to Kail, but before I could have a second thought, someone knocked on the door. I rushed to greet Drake but when I opened the door, Drake wasn’t there.
    Instead there was a girl; she was older than me, and taller, with thick, sandy, curls framing her worry, writhed face. Her pale, hollow, blue eyes seemed to devour my life as she stood there.
    “Sorry,” was the only thing she could manage to whisper in her broken voice that once could have been alluring; she rushed off into the crowd of people in the street. My eyes followed her, the best I could, until her very presence was gone, like she was never there to begin with.
    It was awhile before I noticed the stares from the people on the street that I realized I was standing in the door way still with a blank expression on my face, exposed to the world without my cloak. I closed the door and sat down on the sofa in the parlor, thinking back to the girl, making sure that what had passed wasn’t a figment of my imagination.
    I was in such a daze, questioning why the girl had come to the house, she seemed so terrified of something. I felt like something was terribly wrong that there was more to what had happened, than I will ever begin to understand. I had barley noticed the faint noise behind me. As I snapped out of me half dead state, Drake was crash landing on the spot next to me on the couch, with the same sly smile that hid more than anyone could guess.
    “My Dearest Orla, such a look of worry should never come upon that pretty little face of yours, what could have brought you into such discontent?” Drake asked in a soft, reassuring tone
    “I’m just missing home,” I lied, hoping not to bring Drake into whatever chaos was to come.
    “Well that can be fixed!” exclaimed Drake standing up. “I’ll make the city your home!” he reached out a hand to me I looked at the hand outstretched before me, life wasn’t meant to be wasted on daydreaming, I reached out felt the firm grasp of being pulled to my feet.
    “Don’t you just love the city air?” Exclaimed Drake, as we walked out of the house he took a deep breath then looked at me
    “It’s still new to me,” I responded half heartily and pulled my hood closer around my face. Drake seized my hand and started down the street. It was not long before my curiosity took over and I was leading him. We went all the way through the Northeastern side from the marketplace to the shopping division we ended up in Arrowcross Park, in the middle of the city, next to an old, tea shop called ‘The Herald’. We sat at one of the tables out front, with a clear view of the main fountain.
    “Where are going next?” I asked excided by the thought of somewhere new; I sat on the edge of my seat holding my tea cup careful not to burn myself my eyes soaked in my surroundings until they finally lingered on a patch of emerald green.
    “Hmm…let’s see where haven’t we been?” Drake sat in thought for a moment.
    “What about over there?” I asked pointing to an area left of the castle, I pointed out a dense patch of woodland behind a small shopping district I began to wonder if any sprites lingered within those woods even though they preferred quiet areas
    “Sorry my dearest but over there is off limits,” Said Drake his tone was dark
    “But why,” I asked
    “Beyond that patch of plants is the manor of Duke Iolyn, cousin to the royal family, and close Friend to the Heir of this kingdom.” Sneered Drake, “the one person you need to stay, as far away as possible, from if your brother found out that I let you anywhere near that place, he’ll have my head for sure.” I sat and stared at the forest. Fate was doing it’s hardest to keep me away from the one thing I sought comfort and joy in. A small commotion began to rise on the far side of the park I paid little attention to it and began to daydream of the woodland fae back home. It wasn’t until I could hear the clamor of metal that something caught Drake’s attention.
    “Oh no!” whispered Drake “It can’t be,” I looked from the forest to see what he was so worried about. A group of people were coming across the park; the group was mainly made of colorfully dressed, armored men, who seemed to surround a smaller group of people. I could hear the girls in the group but I could also tell that there was at least on guy among them “Hey,” whispered Drake leaning across the table “Grabbed your stuff and let’s move, before he see’s us, HURRY!” Drake already had his coat in his hands and was standing before I could understand what was going on.
    “Who…” I tried to ask, but Drake silenced me before I could finish.
    “Keep your hood up and don’t look over there,” he advised me, his voice seemed panicked and in a hurry so I started to grab my things but a deep voice that sounded almost like my brother’s stopped me.