"She stood there like a statue!" Exclaimed the most popular girl in the entire school. Her long light brown hair covered her neck and her shoulders as she pointed in my direction furiously. Her nails where pink and her eye's where brown. Her skin a light tan and her teeth white as the moon. Her cheerleader figure slim and tiny, her short- shorts showing off to much leg. Her spagetii starp top white, and thin, so thin you could see her bright pink bra threw it. Her smile turned to a frown as she talked, or yelled, at he gym teacher.
"She didn't do one dam- dang thing today!" She whined and stomped her small feet.
"Oh shut up! Your such an annoying stuck up snob. You little pricey girl. Go whine to someone who cares!" I yelled at her. My long dark brown, black, and auburn hair was in my face and tied up in a pony tail. My nose was pirced with a small diomand stud and my nails where painted black. My lips rich with a little tint of a dark red and brown mixed. My eye's a dark brown that turned darker, almost to black, when I got extremely angery.
"I could do better than you in basketball anyways. So save yourself the embbaressment and stop whineing to much. I might have to duck tape your mouth shut anyways...." I said in a slightly calmer voice. My pale tan skin was not as radient as her bright tan skin, my pearlly white teeth more white than her's, and me in my long jeans and a long- sleeved black and dark green top.
"Well than, Ms Lynch, if you can do so well.... Prove it." Said the gym teacher. She signled for me to come forward and for Mikala, the popular girl, to come forward as well.
"One on one match. Whomever wins doesn't have to do any gym for the rest of the month, but the loser has to work twice as hard. Deal?" She said.
"Okay!" Mikala said with a big grin.
"Whatever..." I said with a nuetral expresion on my face.
The teacher threw the ball in the air and blew her whistle. I jumped up higher than Mikala and smacked the ball over her head and ran ight for it. She stood there mouth open and watched as I made a basket. I smiled.
"I don't mess around... I take sports seriously. So be ready for an as- butt whopping Oh, and get ready to be embbaressed infront of the entire class too." I said with a wide grin. The boys gym class was coming in the play basketball agaisnt each other too but saw there was a one on one match going on so they just sat on the bleachers.
"UGH! Your not going to beat me no matter what!" She snapped. "I refuse to lose to such a... a.... a...... POSER!" She exclaimed.
"Oh... I'm the poser? I am the poser?!" I chuckled. "I'd rather be a poser in style than be a poser on the internet!" I said feircly reminding her about the incedent in 9th grade. I smiled wider.
"Or do you want a repeat of that?" I laughed and walked back up to her. The teacher threw the ball in the air again and I slamed it behind Mikala again. I ran for it but she tripped me and I slamed onto the ground. I looked up and saw her running for my basket and got up and blocked it. I got the ball passed it threw her legs and around her back, I shot, and made it in. I smiled in her direction as she frowned angrily.
"Don't frown so much... You'll ruin your face. Oh wait, to late for that." I chuckled and walked back up to her for the sevrve again.
She looked to the boys and saw her boyfriend watching her. She waved to him and he waved back. She smiled and blew him a kiss and realized I had gotten another basket.
"THAT'S NO FAIR! I WASN'T READY!" She complained.
"Maybe if you payed attention to the game instead of your player boyfriend, you would have gotten a basket. But to late for that. Oh, and just so you know, your boyfriend is cheating on you with like, 4 other girls. Sorry." I smiled and chuckled as I got ready for the next serve. I then realized that half the guys where talking about how good I was, but I didn't really care. Then, I saw him. A new kid, guy. He had long black ahir covering his right eye and it went down past his ears. His eyebrow was peirced and he had snake bites. He looked at what was going on and narrowed his eyes on me and smiled faintly. I knew him! I realized he was from my old school and had FINALLY moved here. I smiled and looked at the serve. I jumped and ran after the ball. Mikala, far behind me, Tryed to distract me, but it didn't work. Another basket for me.
"What is that, 4 to 0?" I smiled.
The teacher looked at me with bewilderment. She had never seen someone so compedative and so good at a sport before. "It is, one more basket for you and you win. Sorry Mikala, but you better pick up the pace." She said as she threw the ball in the air again.
"UGH!" Mikala yelled. Fire in her eyes egnited something within her that made her take the ball and slame it over my head.
"What the?!" I yelled in pain and punched her right in the face.
"What's your problem?!" I screamed and tackled her to the ground and began punching her repedately in the face.
"You are going down!" I yelled in her face as I took her by the hair and slamed her head in the wall.
"Don't ever do that again... Whore.." I murmured in her ear as she sat against the wall crying. I looked at the teacher took the basketball and put it in the basket.
"I win...." I whispered and walked past her. I took my books and I took the already written pass for the principal.
"I swear, I will kill her next time she does that..." I told the teacher then walked away.
School had ended and I had detention, again. "Ugh... Hey mark." I said as I took my seat next to my friend mark. His nails where black as well and his hair was spiked. He had a peirced nose and eyebrow and green highlights in his hair. He smiled and laughed when he saw my face.
"What happened to you?" He asked as he pointed to my face in the mirror he held out for me.
"Mikala is a dead b***h. She slamed the basketball over my head and so I beat the s**t out of her." I whispered as the teacher entered bringing with him the new guy.
"Oh, hey. Who's he?" He asked pointing to the new guy as he went and sat in the back of the room. The teacher came in and took role, he left and I got up.
"HEY!" I yelled to the new guy as he looked at me. I walke dover to him and smiled.
"I know you. From ym old school.... Jason." I poked his arm as he smiled at me. His eyes where naturally blue and he was cute.
"Hey.... How are you?" He asked as he sat up a little. He looked into my eye's and smiled.
"I'm good. How about you?" I asked realizeing he was looking right into my eye's. I felt kinda awkward and decided to make him get up and move. I took his drawing notebook and ran to my seat. I put his drawing book on the seat behind me and signled for him to come over and sit.
He walked over and the teacher came in when he sat. The teacher looked around and left again. Jason took his drawing book again and began to finish his drawing. I watch closely when the lights went out....
~To Be Continued~

- Title: A new life
- Artist: InNoHurry
Something was on my mind after school today so I wanted to type it out. ^^
(There will be other parts to it! <3 ) - Date: 10/27/2009
- Tags: life
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