• The rain was pouring down on Corina's little head. Bright green eyes were dull and lifeless now. She was panting, her pale face soaked with tears from her eyes as well as the Sky Gods. Her muddy hands lay limp her lap. Her eyes stared at the three mounds.

    "Here Lie Janice, Markus Hetmore.
    Here Lies Katerine Littlemoon."

    Behind Corina stood her younger sister, much too young to understand. The blonde child stood behind her elder sister, large blue orbs watching curiously. She didn't understand what was happening. She didn't understand that her parents were never coming back. In her mind, they were just out and Grandmother was watching over them. But she was there either.

    Corina felt more pain than anyone could ever feel. Mentally and Physically. Her mind was reeling. The images of the previous night came back to her. The blood. The screaming. The looks on familiar faces, loved faces. That man. That ugly, unclean soul. The young girl would never forget that night.

    "Cori? Where's mommy and daddy?" came Molly's small voice. The elder sibling glanced over her shoulder at the little girl. A small light inside her heart was ignited. Molly. She smiled and pushed herself off the ground, patting the dirt off her clothes. She turned to the blonde child and embraced her.

    "I'll tell you when your older, little one," she whispered. Molly gave her sister a confused look. Tears streamed down Corina's face as she smiled at her sister. Molly smiled too and took her older sister's hand in her own little one. That day, Corina made a silent promise that she would keep until she died.

    "I promise Grand-mama, to avenge your death. No matter what it takes."