• Ginny talked most of the way to the station. She was a talkative little red head, Giddy to like Alice but she didn’t stink like Alice. I just walked quietly most of the time all I had to do was nod or give a sound in agreement. Obviously she was use to people not really listening. When we got to the station there was a swarm of kids or teens just a lot of people in front of platform 9 and 10. Out of them all one person stuck out to me the most. There was a black haired boy with some dorkish round glasses. He was staring at us intently. I noticed he had some weird makeup on his forehead it looked like a lightning bolt. Strange…. Ginny ran up and kissed the boy. I guessed he was her boyfriend from the dirty looks he was giving me.
    “Oh I forgot to ask you!” She started “Are you some foreign exchange student?” she asked intently
    “HUH?” I gave her a confused look. “THIS IS A SCHOOL?” Ginny frowned suddenly fearful. Her boy frowned.
    “UM… Aren’t you trying to get to Hogwarts?” she asked (WTF KIND OF NAME WAS HOGWARTS?!?)
    “Um… That’s that castle right?” I asked hoping I was right. Ginny giggled.
    “OH COURSE IT IS SILLY!” She said excitedly. “Not just any castle a…!”
    “Yah… Yah… a special one.” I said “So you know what I’m looking for?”
    “Yep…” she started. Her boy coughed, she turned “OH this is my boyfriend Harry.”
    “Nice to meet you uh… Harry…?” I prompted.
    “Potter… Harry Potter. Thee Harry Potter.” He said it like it was important or something.
    “Um… it’s nice to meet you… Harry Potter?” I said confused. Ginny looked at me confused to.
    “You don’t know who he is, do you?” She asked Harry frowned.
    “Erma… NOT A CLUE!” I told them. They both exchanged looks. Uh oh.
    “Wait… the Harry Potter? OH! WOW IS A HONNOR!” I said trying to fake the surprised-ness. WHO THE HELL WAS THIS JERK? ”Yah um... YOU’RE AWSOME DUDE!” I finished
    “Thanks.” He said with a little more distain then necessary. Was everyone in this crew like that? Suddenly 6 more red heads and a pretty, brown haired girl came to join us.
    “Guys,” said Ginny excitedly, “this is Jacob. He’s an exchange student from America. Jacob this is my family and my friend Hermione.” I figured that Hermione was the brown haired girl who had barley taken her eyes off of one of the red haired boys. “This is my eldest brother, Bill, “the tallest one with a scar on his face and long hair pulled back in a pony tail and an earring with a fang dangling from it.” She said simply. I liked his getup “my other brother Charlie,” One with multiple burns all over his body. “My other brother, Percy is at work, this is my brother George,” a young man who seemed thoroughly depressed. Ginny whispered in my ear that George used to have a twin but he died in the war.
    “The war in Iraq?” I asked awkwardly. Everyone looked at me for a brief moment and then they broke out laughing. I tried to play along with this inside joke. I don’t think it worked but soon Ginny went on introducing her family.
    “This is my youngest brother Ron.” She indicated to the boy that Hermione couldn’t stop looking at. He had a long crooked nose and a mop of red hair. What she saw in this twerp, I had a feeling I would never know.
    “And these are my parents.” Said Ginny finally. I waved politely at the two red heads they smiled back sweetly. They both seemed to be older so hopefully Ginny was the last of their kids. I’d hate to see the next edition to their already over grown family.