• "Damien, I don't think this is a good idea," Chloe whispers as Damien creeps ever closer to the door.
    "Of course it isn't, but it's good enough for now," replies Damien, "All we have to do is destroy their machine!"
    "But what if it doesn't-"
    "It'll work now stop worrying!"
    The duo was creeping at a steady pace toward the room marked "EMPLOYEES ONLY!" when a voice behind them says, "Going somewhere?"
    "RUN!" Shouts Damien as he leaps behind a huge wooden crate. Chloe turned to follow but she was too late!Damien watched in horror as a jagged laser beam shot out of the gun, that the popular guard had been hiding, and hit Chloe in the back.
    He heard Chloe scream and then collapse on the ground, so he did the only logical thing he could think of, he ran for his life. As he was running, he thought to himself, 'NO! Now I'm the only one left! The only one controlling my own body! The only non-popular person! Why couldn't I have gotten my mind taken over by the Populars too! Then I wouldn't feel this guilt!'
    Then he saw a beam of light...