• Have you ever heard of the Great Akuma War, well if you haven’t than I guess it is time you’ve begun?
    It was over 10,000 years ago Akumas were the first creatures to roam this Earth. The Elf’s decided to create humans, but the first was unsuccessful it was like a doll unable to move on its own. The Elves understood why it had no soul no emotion nothing after many years of failed experiments the Elf’s finally brought the human to life. The Elves had no idea what was in store of their creation and how much chaos was created. The Elf’s thought the humans were brainless creatures and would use them for their personal labor. When they used the humans to fight their battles they found out that they were weak and no match for an Akuma. After many years of servitude the humans started a rebellion against the Demons all over the world. Demons soon realized they could also reproduce young and the numbers of the human population increased. As the humans disobeyed the Akumas they grew furious and killed them without any sympathy. The Humans soon struck back at the Akumas. Soon Human vs. Akuma would cause the worst war between two races.
    When war hit the ears of the Akuma Council they stepped in. The Akuma Council is a group of the strongest and the wisest Akumas. These Akumas were also were the peace keepers but had no idea of what trouble was going on between the Humans the Council had no reason to pay attention to the humans they did not mind when the Elf’s created the Humans they thought nothing of it but told the Elf’s if there was any trouble from them there would be sever punishment and the Elf’s agreed. This angered the Council and stopped the war they made a treaty with the humans many demons disagreed and still attacked many humans but would get punished afterwards from the Council. Akumas are now legends to the human race and the Akumas now live in disguise as humans.
    To this day Humans have changed over the years and lost all history that Akumas ever existed. Many humans make stories, movies, anime, and music about what they think an Akuma is. As for the Akumas they chuckle of how humans describe something they have all forgotten.