• "Dildy" yelled Mr. McQueen. " Your up". Im in history, the one class im doing bad in i have a 'D'. Im an 'A & B' student.
    "Um.." I stood in front of the class and look at them." My report is on The Tokio Hotel an old hotel in Germany." Mr.McQueen Nodded.
    "Flame on Dildy"
    "OK The Tokio Hotel Was Build in 1765,and sold to Mr. Ivan K. Thumper of the hotel buisness. He got the hotel for many reasons, but the main one was a house for him, his wife, and 3 sons, twins, Bill James Thumper & Tom Jacob Thumper, And son Ivan K. Thumper JR.
    His Wife Suzy J. Whitney was a stay at home wife. With the twins turning 2, and Jr. 5, their tiny 2 bedroom 1 bathroom was not big enough." i look up from my paper and at the room. Mr.McQueen was smile. He knew i would have a good report.
    " They had 4 rooms off limits. In the hotel had 15 room in all. The Kids loved it there. Well untill they turned 10 and 2 years later there dad went to help America against Great Britain. Thats When the stays went down. And at age 15 there ma had died. She hung her self at age 35. Then later that year the dad died at war. He was 37. Then my grandma, Eclair A. Dildy, went to the hotel to stay. Since she could not go back home to her house because of road blocks, she had to stay in Berlin, Germany." I breath in deeply and begain again.
    * * * * * *

    'Oh look at this hotel. Nice and bright. Nice name too. Gots a ring to it, it does.' Eclair A. Dildy, also known as Clair too all her friends, stood in front of the hotel " Big and Roomy'.
    She walked up the stairs to the door.
    "Hallo und herzlich willkommen auf der Tokio Hotel. Kann ich Ihre Tasche?" Tom said as he walked up to her.
    "ja, bitte" she smiled."
    * * *
    "Kelsey" Mr.McQueen said stopping me"What Did You Mean When You Said That. Was that real German?"
    He asked
    " Yes. Tom said "hello and welcome to The Tokio Hotel. can i take your bag." Clair Said" Yes please".
    "Oh.OK. Flame on"
    * * *
    "May i ask your name ma'am" Bill's voice rang as he walked from behind a door.
    "Oh my name is Eclair A. Dildy".she said. she looked at him and smiled
    "beautiful Name For a beautiful woman"He smiled" your room is 483"
    " Oh thank you, sir" she smiled and walked to her room ' room 483 ' she thought to
    her self