• Scene: Hallway at Forks Hospital
    (Edward, Rosalie, and Carlisle are talking. Bella hears them and hides.)
    Edward: What was I supposed to do, then? I had a real emergency.
    Rosalie: You were supposed to stop the van so I could whine about it.
    Edward: Well you still get have something to whine about and Bella is still going to be mad at me. So really it's a win-win for everyone...except me.
    Carlisle: Why don't we take this to my office.
    Rosalie: Why? She already knows everything.
    Carlisle: Rosalie.
    (The vamps look over at where Bella is hiding behind a very skinny tree. She akwardly waves at them as she gets out from behind it.)
    Rosalie: Hey human.
    Bella: Hey skank.
    Carlisle: Rosalie, now.
    (Carlisle grabs Rosalie's shoulder and leads her away. Edward walks over to Bella in slowmo.)
    Bella: Where were you?
    Edward: What are you talking about? I was standing right next to you, Bella.
    Bella: No you weren't.
    Edward: Yes I was.
    Bella: No you weren't. And you were supposed to stop the van.
    Edward: What?
    Bella: Where were you?
    Edward: I had to go to the bathroom. I mean, I was about to watch you become van bait.
    (Bella punches Edward and walks away)

    Scene: Cafeteria at Forks High School
    (Bella is at the saled bar that was never in the book. Edward appears out of no where like a ghost...or something.)
    Edward: Editable art...

    (Bella drops an apple. Edward catches it on his foot and plays hacky sack with it for a few second.)
    Bella: Your mood swings are giving me whiplash. I mean, you don't even say hi.
    (Edward kicks the apple and it hits a student in the head.)
    Edward: I say hi. I say it all the time.
    Bella: Are you going to give me some answers?
    Edward: I'd rather hear your theories.
    Bella: I've considered heroine and Speed.
    Edward: That's all your stuff. What if I'm not a drugy? What if I'm a superhero?
    Bella: You're not. I know what you put off, but it's a lie...like a mask.
    (Edward is wearing a Batman mask)

    Scene: La Push beach
    (Jessica, Mike, and Eric are getting ready to surf. Bella and Angela sits in a different, mysterious van. Jacob and his friends suddenly show up.)
    Jacob: Bella.
    Bella: Hi, Jacob. Guys this is Jacob.
    (Jacob sits down next to Bella and sits on a cat's tail. It hisses as it runs off.)
    Jessica: You guys can keep Bella company since her date was a no show.
    Eric: What date?
    Jessica: She invited Edward.
    Bella: No I didn't.
    Sam: Good. The Cullens are freaks.
    Bella: You know them, huh?
    Sam: (in a panic) No.

    Scene-Dark street in Fort Angeles
    (Bella walks alone in a dark street. Four guys appear out of no where. Bella starts to panic as they get closer to her.)
    Bella: RAPE!
    (Bella flips the b***h switch and beats up all of the guys. Edward then appears with an icecream cone. Bella just looks at him confused.)
    Bella: What are you doing?
    Edward: What? I was hungry.
    (Bella rolls her eyes and walks away)
    Edward: A guy's gotta eat sometime!

    Scene: Outside of Forks High School
    (Bella stands in a daze. Everyone walks around her with no where to go. Edward then walks into Bella's view. She looks at him then walks past him, right into the forest. Edward waits a second before following her. Everyone just keeps on walking around, like it's not wierd for them to just walk off into the forest durring school.)