Light flushed the room and blinded his eyes behind their lids. Boris opened his eyes and pushed himself away from the drapes being blown from the open window and looked at his clock. "Sigh.", he let out as the face read 7:29. Before he could get up, the typical screech of the alarm went off as the ditgital nubers flickered to 7:30. School had started up again last Thursday, and the weekend had seemed to fly by too quickly for words. It was Monday, and a normal overly dramatic day for school, at least he felt that way. Mondays were always frantic, never knowing what was thought to happen. Whatever, as usual Boris got up and prepared himself for an out of the ordinary day, stashing his knife in his boot in case the worst scenario came to life.
The familiar piece of s**t van, that he was forced to be stuffed in with several others that shared his hate equally, pulled into his driveway. The ride was fast, thankfully, and they arrived at the "school" as if it were two feet down the road. Which, in actuality, was a 45 minute drive. So many things to not do... so much time. The school was just how he'd left it, Boris went to a private school three miles away from his house because he "couldn't thrive" in a normal school environment. He was okay with it though, all that was ever done there was nothing. No work, no care, just sitting around all day and getting credit for it. It could hardy be considered a school though, it was a house. The school owners house actually. Only 12 to 13 students were "enrolled", and most of them never showed up anyway. He walked into the house and sat on he school couch, drifting to sleep for the extra hours that waking up in the first place had deprived him of.
Boris awoke and looked around shocked, unbeknownst to the calamity that was happening around him. He was used to yells and screams coming from the few classmates he had, but this was different, a bloodcurdling epic scream that could only be brought on be something horrific. Boris sat up and pulled the knife from his boot, getting to his feet, he heard the screams again. Though these were different screams. In fact they were more like low but exulting growls, and there were several of them. On instinct, he ran for the kitchen counter and barricaded the sides in as well as he could. A window leading to the back room rested behind him, giving slow but steady birth to the voices of hell. Boris looked out the window, and couldn't believe his eyes.
"******** ZOMBIES!?" Boris screamed, his thoughts racing. He and Chris had always imagined a zombie attack, but for one to actually happen? Boris closed his eyes, hoping to wake up. In all honesty, he was scarred out of his mind. In their imaginations, he and Chris had always been the heros that saved everyone and killed everything in sight. But could he actually do that? He opened his eyes once more, and realized that he hadn't woken up, even worse, that he hadn't been sleeping in the first place. Another scream, another growl, and the sound of death. Boris watched as one by one, the people that he may have considered "acquaintances" at one time or another, were torn to shreds in mere seconds.
In the corner, he noticed the two people that he could almost even call friends. Veronica and Kris hid themselves in a corner behind the birdcage, in plain view possibly, but perhaps not to the mindless dead. Hero? Hah! Boris couldn't even consider himself nice much less a hero, but he had to try. Boris climbed through the open window with his good knife in one hand and a jar of plain kitchen knives in the other. Reaching the first zombie (being completely unaware of him) Boris cut off his head in a clean swipe. This got the others attention, ********. All at once they charged at him, stares of pure hunger piercing his soul with fear. Not thinking, Boris took the knives from the jar and implanted one in the head of every growling hell spawn. He ran to Veronica and Kris to check them for wounds and possible infections.
"Kris! Veronica!", Boris said, practically screaming as he tore the cage from his way, "Are you two alright?" Veronica was twitching, most likely from shock.
"I'm ok", Kris began, wiping the sweat from his forehead, "I mean, ok as I'm gonna be. I think Veronica's having a break down."
Boris looked at him, Kris looked calm, creepy almost, "******** Kris", he began, "Even when the ******** world is ending you don't have a worry in your ******** mind!"
Kris looked back, laughing, "I've played too many zombie games to not be used to this, looks like you have too."
Boris couldn't help but laugh. If there was one thing that they had in common, it was their addiction to horror. "I'm going to take MJ's van.", Boris said, explaining his plan without an invitation. "My homie's girl lives near here and no one knows where the hell he is but her. I'm going to pick her up and look after her for him, it's what he would want...", he paused expecting a reply, but got nothing. "What i mean is, you can come with me if you want. we'll be safer off together than on our own."
Kris looked at the dead, decaying bodies scattered about the floor. Putting Veronica over his shoulder, he looked back at Boris. "Were in.", he said with a grin.
Boris regretfully grabbed the keys from MJ's dead corpse and led a path to the front of the house. He still had the knife jar with approximately a dozen projectiles, and of course he prized dagger. He'd gotten that knife four months ago with a letter from Chris. "Saw this in a Russian shop, thought you might like it.", the letter had said. A black hilt twirled with strong bright red twine, leading up to a small handguard shaping into transparent red tinted glass-like wings. This, gripping onto a solid black as night foot long blade, sharp as can be. It was made out of Russian jet metal, virtually indestructible, and completely un-dullable in anyway. There were no zombies around so no need for panic. They headed to the shity van and started it up.
"...Why the hell are we driving this piece of s**t?!", Kris started up, "Why don't we take Leah's truck?"
Boris thought for a moment, they were currently a group of three. Assuming everyone was alive, he would have to pick up Samm, Wiirdo, Bree, Marco, and maybe Ingrid. Eight people, seven seats. Still not enough, but who could tell which of them were actually still alive. He pulled onto the main road and explained this to Kris. He looked out of the window and into the street. Only a few cars littered the street of ******** nowhere. Though it wasn't surprising that there weren't many cars on the road. What was surprising, was that there were any at all. Wouldn't the human race be smart enough to realize what was happening? I mean there were definitely enough zombie movies, to the point where there should be millions of others like him. So why, after not even this small amount of time, were there no other survivors already? Had this epidemic taken people by so much surprise that they had froze?
Boris turned onto the road that he'd remembered as Samm's street. Typically, he heard hundreds of gunshots raining from her house. Bodies lied scattered about the front porch as Samm sat there, Winchester in hand.
"Took you long enough!", she yelled, blasting a path to the beat up car, "I was starting to think no one would show!"
Boris jumped out of the van and drew his blade, taking out three of the bastards that had already begun to descend upon him. He began slashing his way toward Samm, and met her half way.
"So what DID take you so long?", she asked as the gun shot into a nearby neck.
Boris cut down three more and turned to her, "Well... I was kind of sleeping on a couch when i heard a scream. In fact, now that i think about it, I'm extremely lucky to still be alive.", he said, rushing her to the green hunk of screaming metal death trap that was their escape. The two of them jumped in and Boris flipped the ignition. Boris looked back and remembered his company. "Samm,", he began, "this is Kris and Veronica. I brought them with me, the more help we get the better." Samm looked back, said hello, and turned her gaze back to the street in front of her. obviously she was just as freaked out as he was, but what else were they gonna do. They sped down the highway back towards Boris' house to check for any signs of life in his neighborhood.
Surprisingly, Boris' neighborhood was silent and bare. Boris pulled into the driveway of his house and turned around in his seat. "You have a choice.", he began, "Either stay here for maybe 4-5 minutes, or come with me and stock up on things you think we might need." Everyone stayed quiet, they wanted to stay in the car. Boris opened the car door and put the knife jar down on the seat. "If anything happens, use these, i swear I'll only be a few minutes." Boris turned and walked to his door, dagger drawn, and creeped his way in.
A growl from the kitchen caught his attention and made him ready himself. Boris' father stood there, blood dripping from his mouth in an almost rhythmical manner. His arm was missing, but that didn't stop him. He lunged at Boris who dodged at the last second. Acting on impulse, Boris chucked his dagger into his fathers throat and decapitated him. There was no sign of his mom, but that didn't matter, because his little sister was now standing in the hallway with a creepy dead grin and her own leg in her mouth. Boris was excited, all the years of torture that this little b***h had given him, and now he had the chance to absolutely mutilate her to the point of no recognition. He kicked her only leg and wrapped a cloth around her mouth. He took her to the back yard and light her on fire. One nice barbeque later, she was a mesh of rotten goo on the floor.
Boris retreated, still no sign of his mom, and stormed into his room. He kneeled to the floor and pulled up a torn piece of carpet, revealing the hole in the floor that he'd stashed his guns in over the summer. He turned around his room and looked at all of his possessions, not knowing when the next time would be (if ever) that he would see them. A gleam of silver caught his eye as he turned, Boris stepped up to his traditional battle ready katana. "If there was ever a time to need it.", he thought as he grabbed it and slung it around his waist. He ran back to the kitchen, knife still bared for battle, and began grabbing for necessities. A box of bottled water, a few 12 packs of soda, and about four whole boxes full of Ramen. He headed toward the door before he heard more screaming. Be tactical, he thought to himself, and ran back to the garage after grabbing the rest of the ammo he'd forgotten in his room. Boris hit the button to open the garage door as he quickly loaded his gun. He went prone and was prepared to aim for heads, he knew he couldn't afford to miss a shot, waste of ammo.
The bending sheet of metal that was the garage door finally finished raising. Sure enough, the van was surrounded, and Samm was trying to get the car started. Boris took aim and fell 5 of them in 3 shots. The others, their attention now grasping the source of the gunfire, turned to focus on him. Four zombies, 3 shots. ******** six shooters, Boris thought to himself. He shot down two of them by the time he emptied his round. Boris quickly got to his feet and ran at the nearest beast with his knife drawn once more. Once it was down, Samm screamed again. She had gotten out of the now dead car to try and help, but wasn't aware of the zombie that lied beneath the van. Before Boris had time to react, it had pulled her to her knees. Boris slid his knife along the ground without thinking,
"STAB IT IN THE NECK!", he screamed.
Samm picked up the knife and plunged it right through the creatures mouth. Boris walked over to Samm and helped her to her feet, "Not exactly what i had in mind, but it worked. Are your hurt at all."
Samm brushed off her pants and shook her head, "I'm fine, my leg got scuffed a little but I'm fine."
Boris let out a sigh, it would be the end of him if something would've happened to Samm because of a ******** up on his part. "Everyone get out of the van." Boris said, looking at the others, "It's shot, no way this piece of s**t is going to move again." Kris and Veronica climbed out, Veronica looked like she was getting her mind back and Kris was still mellow. "Okay guys,", Boris began, "we need to look for new wheels, and they need to have enough seats for 7 or more people." Everyone nodded and started down the road, but Boris had other things on his mind.
Five minutes down the road and no sign of hostile living dead. "Come with me guys,", Boris said, heading to the door of a nearby house, "I'm going to clear this house for hope that my girlfreind is still alive."
The four of them walked up to the house and barged in the door. Sure enough, there they were; Bree's entire family was standing there banging on a closet door. Six zombies with a restless ambition to get inside it. Bree wasn't with them, and Boris could only assume the she was the thing in the closet that the others so dearly wanted. With a blind rage, Boris unsheathed the katana from his side. Two swings, one high and one low, left all six bodies motionless on the floor. He kicked in the door and saw her. Bree was sitting in the corner crying silently, ashamed that she was being seen with care for her family. She had always let on that it wouldn't ever bother her if they'd all died, "More time to myself.", she'd always exclaimed happily. Boris had never seen Bree cry, and it surrprised him more than the fact that she was still alive did.
He stepped into the closet and kneeled to her side. "Bree, I'm here now. Your going to be okay."
Bree looked up at him, her cheeks stained with unwelcome salty liquid. She lunged at Boris and gripped him so fast and tightly that it might have made him throw up. Boris wrapped his arms around her and picked her up.
"Kris, take my sword and stay by me." Boris said, kicking the blade across the floor at him, "I'm not going to be able to use it while holding her, I want you to protect me and kill anything that comes our way."
Kris picked up the blood stained sword and smiled his wide, creepy, excited smile, "Sure thing!"
"I haven't seen any wheels that we can use.", Boris began again, "We need to go back to my house and think of a plan."
Samm, who had been silent since she'd fallen, gasped and let out a whelp. "CHRIS!!!!, Boris!! Chris was supposed to be coming home today around now!"
Boris widened his eyes. He hadn't even thought about Chris since the attack in front of Samm's house. He carried Bree out the front door, Kris following closely behind. "Samm, I know Chris is safe, he's too smart to let these ******** get to him. We need to regroup at my place, if we're lucky, he might even be there waiting for us."
Samm couldn't argue, her and Veronica slowly followed as they started back down the already familiar street.
Boris didn't know what was going on, or why, but there were three people standing in front of his house. "What he ********?", he said to himself, putting Bree her her feet beside him. She was feeling better now, good enough to walk anyway. He looked back at the three strangers and noticed that they all had weapons barred at one another. Boris drew his gun and loaded it, realizing that he hadn't done so after the last fight. Two Mexicans had knives drawn to some dumbass looking cowboy with a gun. "********' redneck, maybe I'll shoot him in the leg.", he thought to himself. He took aim and shot... but he missed. Boris hadn't hit the cowboy, but had missed him entirely and caught the male spick in the kneecap. The cowboy dropped to his knees and put his hand on the back of his head, knocking the black hat that he wore to the ground. In one look at the hat-less man, Boris knew what had just happened.
"CHRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", Samm was running now, screaming at the top of her lungs. Boris looked up and saw his friend, terrified that he'd actually almost shot him.
"At least i would've only injured his leg a bit.", he said turning to Kris, who laughed.
Boris looked back and Chris was back to his feet holding Samm with the passion of a 3 month period of not having seen each other. ******** Chris was lovestruck, TOO lovestruck, too much to see the spick on the floor about to stab both him and Samm. Boris took aim again and shot him in the hand. He had a clear headshot but had realized long ago that these two were not undead, only assholes. Maybe they had even been mentally ******** by the thought of hell on Earth. Either way, Boris thought that he could find a use for them if they'd agreed to join them. So until he'd gotten their story, he wouldn't shoot to kill. Boris walked up the Chris with the others and greeted him like a long lost brother.
"It's ******** good to see you man, you have no ******** idea what I went through to keep this chick safe. It wasn't really the thought of saving her, but more so the thought of what you would do to me if i didn't... and that scared the s**t out of me"
Chris turned his head as a response but never took his eyes off of Samm.
"Let me introduce you to a new guy.", Boris started again pulling Kris up closer, "This is Kris, this would be us if we listened to rap." Kris cocked his head and grinned creepily, he shook Chris' hand and went back to Veronica's side. "Of course I saved Bree too, all thats left is to go find Marco. I highly think that he's dead though... never been much for defense."
Chris laughed and looked back to the spicks on the floor, and he looked ready to rip their heads off. He waited till Boris was within punching distance. Boris was almost right next to Chris when he swung. Chris threw a punch with all his might, and hit Boris straight in the chest. Boris fell gasping for air. After what was about 6 minutes when he had regained his breath, he was pissed.
"What the ******** was that for a**!!!"
"You shot at me! What am i supposed to do with someone who did that, Give them a cookie!? You had it coming you trigger happy ********!"
"Well you shouldn't be dressed like a ******** dumb a**! I thought you were just some redneck cowboy pickem'up ********!"
"Well you still had it coming to ya!"
Boris' anger had subsided a little. "Well maybe i did, but that still hurt like hell. You didn't have to punch so hard."
"OK, I'll admit i did hit a little hard and that it might have been hard to know it was me when you shot."
Samm looked at both of them, "I knew it was you the whole time babe. I thought Boris had hit you when you fell to your knees. I was so worried."
Chris walked over to her and held her in his arms, telling her that he loved her and that everything was OK.
Boris looked over at them, "Get your army a** over here and help me up, you could at least do that."
Chris walked over to Boris and took his hand, he pulled Boris up and when they were both standing, Boris punch Chris in the side of the face hard as hell. Chris staggered back a little bit and stood facing Boris dumb struck.
"Now we're even.", Boris said, grinning like madman, "Lets get back to work."
Chris said fine and looked around, the two Mexicans had ran off while they were yelling at each other and had taken their knifes with them. He looked over at Boris and asked about the plan.
"We're looking for a car to steal.", Boris began, thoughts turing over in his head. "Then to a gun shop so we can stock up. After that, we're going to find someplace safe and hold out as long as we can. But first we have to go get Marco and his girl before they get killed."
Chris picked his hat back up, "I saw an RV parked by someones house. Walked up, looked inside. If we took out the bed in the back we could fit about twenty people in it."
Chris walked up to the door of the house that held the RV hostage and pulled out one of his two pistols. He checked to see if it was fully loaded and kicked the door to the house in. Walking around the house looking for the keys, he entered a bed room and saw a man eating a baby. Chris raised his gun and pulled the trigger before the monster had a chance to even know he was there. When he went to leave the room, the baby started crying. Chris looked at it horrendously and heard a noise behind him. He turned around and saw 3 more zombies standing in the hallway creeping towards him. He brought up his gun and took 2 of them down as the other lunged at him, Chris put the barrel of his gun in it's mouth and pulled the trigger. The gun clicked and to no avail the bullet shot blank. He thought he was done for when suddenly the door was kicked in. Boris imediatly chucked a knife into the side of the ghouls head, the monster died and fell to the ground. Chris turned back around and looked at the baby once more. Before Chris killed it, he said a Prayer, hopeing god would save the child from hell. Then he shot both the heart and the head of the helpless thing. Chris searched the man and the other zombies for the keys. He found them on the one that lunged at him.
Chris reloaded his gun and then walked outside to the RV with Boris trailing behind him. When he was about to enter the RV, Samm and the two others were running at them.
"Chris! Are you OK?!", Samm was beggining to go insane with worry, "We heard gun fire and thought that something had happened."
Chris explained what had happened and told them everything he saw. Both Samm and the other girl looked sick to their stomach over the baby. Chris, Boris, and the other man just stood looking at each other. After a while Chris walked over to the RV.
"Whats your name?" Chris finally asked.
Kris looked up, "My names Kris dude."
Boris laughed, "I told you that already dipshit, or were you thinking too hard on how you were gonna punch me?
"Alright well. Boris, you and Kris come help me get this damn bed out and see if this ******** RV even runs."
Boris looked over at Kris and nodded. The 3 of them walked into the RV and got the bed out. They walked out of the RV to get the girls. Chris put every key in the ignition until he found the right one and turned it, the RV started running. Chris stood up and gave the RV over to Boris. He walked over to where Samm was sitting and sat down next to her. He put his head back and closed his eyes, so much had happened in such a short time. He wondered if things would ever go back to the way they were. If this was their new life. Killing zombies and staying alive. He felt the bus start to move, took his hat off, and looked out the window. They were off. To get Marco, guns, food, and to find a place to live.
Boris sat in the front seat and turned onto an empty road. Most of the roads were littered with cars due to fleeing (now dead) people. He was tired, and careless. So much that he'd hit something in the road and didn't stop to care about it. He looked back for a second and got eye contact with Chris.
"So do you even have a clue where your going?", Chris said with a sceptical glare.
"Yeah.", Boris began to reply, "In fact, we're already here." Chris looked out the window to see that Boris was pulling in front of a beat up trailer.
Boris smiled, "You didn't think that i'd forgotten our little explosives expert do you?".
Marco had been their, well more of Boris', friend since the begining. The house was deserted, for the most part. All off his dogs were eating the rotting flesh of his relatives strawn about the front yard. Boris could see the habit's of the dogs slowly changing and jumped out of the RV. Unsheathing his katana he cut each off the canines heads individually and kicked down the front door. More bodies lied about the tralier as low grunts eminated from the small hallway. Boris feared that Marco had been turned already. But as he entered the hall, the sounds of hell came not from Marco's room, but from that of his little sister's. Boris looked away as he impaled his blade into Elsy's gorey blood-stained forehead. Thankfully, none of the bodies that laid about didn't belong to his freind. Boris left the house and returned to the RV. Chris turned to him quizically.
"What, no beaner?", he said sarcastically.
"No." Boris began, shaking his head, "But he's not dead, he has to be at Ingrid's place."
Ingrid was Marco's girlfreind, and Boris had no idea where she lived. Boris started the vehicle and pulled back to the road they just came on. Chris looked a bit confused to him, so he decided to let him in on his plan. Boris stopped the car and looked back.
"We're going to wiirdo's, she knows where Ingrid lives. If she's alive then she'll direct us over there. If Marco is dead then we still have Wiirdo and we don't have to worry about Ingrid becuase... well... none of us really care. But thats saying if worst come to worst." Boris turned back forward, satisfied with his plan, and began back down the road. After a few minutes (and a couple roadkill corpses) they arrived in Wiirdo's driveway, and wached as she swung twinblades at a hoard of creatures that surrounded the house. Boris blew the horn and got her attention, while at the same time throwing what knives he had left at the zombies nearest to him. Wiirdo ran and jumped into the RV.
"What took you!", Wiirdo complained.
Boris laughed, "Why the ******** does everyone say that." Boris turned back onto the road and hoped that Marco was still alive.
Boris took off in an instant the second Wiirdo closed the door behind her. He knew the general area that Ingrid lived but he needed to be sure. The ground was still littered with bodies everywhere and it was begining to creep him out. How were these dead bodies... dead. If there were zombies, then shouldnt these people be zombies too? After a while, he decided it was best just not to think about it, and he pulled up to a nice little house. It was brought to his attension that there was a strong smell of sulfur in the air and he began to wonder why. Two senconds after a thought, and explosion rung out from the back yard of the house. On the roof of this pleasant little suburb, Marco and Ingrid sat. Tossing grenades off the side of the house. Boris honked the horn and watched as they waved. Everyone left the RV to help them off the roof, but something was wrong. Within seconds, they were surrounded by hundreds of the living dead.
Boris ran toward the ladder to the roof seeing that the way back to the RV was now blocked by too many zombies to count. The others followed quickly and everyone ended up safetly on the roof.
"What took you so long?" Marco said slyly.
Boris looked back annoyed. "Really? Are you REALLY going to say that? How the hell did those ******** move so fast, are they getting faster?
Marco laughed and turned serious suddenly. He turned to Ingrid and nodded his head.
Ingrid took a breath and looked toward the group. "I've been studying them scince the incident took place, and they're showing signs of mental improovment AND speed. So in short, yes, they are getting faster. We need to do something quickly if we want to survive.
Boris looked around and took inventory of what they had. Marco still had about 12 grenades but they couldn't risk throwing them too close to the RV. All the ammo was left in the now so far away vechicle and between them were now possibly 300 plus zombies, maybe more. Wiirdo had her twin blades and a replica of Galaixa Darkness, a sword from a semi-popular video game franchise. Boris had his katana and knife only. Chris now had only one powerfull revolver, with only 3 bullets. Samm had the other one of Chris' guns with a full clip, and Kris had a pencil, what good he was. Chris looked pale and Bree was hiding herself.
Chris looked at him, "Boris me and you need to talk."
"alright but lets-"
"NOW!", Chris said extremely pissed off.
"OK, OK. I'm coming.", Chris and Boris walked out of ear shot of every one.
"We need to talk about Bree ."
"Fine, what about her?"
"She's been bitten, you know it as well as i do. Now i know you love her, but how long are you going to continue to put all of our lives in danger?"
"I know she is man. I don't know what to do though."
"How 'bout you let me throw the ******** b***h off the roof."
"Well then?"
"I don't know"
"Fine! I'm deciding, since we both know she's done for anyway, that we wait until we're about to leave and use her as a distraction. Then we'll take out as many as we can and make it out of here."
Boris turned and threw a knife through the back of Bree's head in an instant, with no remorse behind his bloodshot eyes. Chris looked at him, awestruck. The smell of sulfur still lingering in the air from Marco's previous C4 episodes. Boris looked up, becoming dizzy, and began thinking.
"Too many people.", he said to himself in a daze.
Chris looked at him, "What?", he said.
Boris couldn't see him, but pictured Chris' typical perplexed look, one brow raised, head tilted slightly. Boris turned quickly without thinking and screamed in Chris; face. "TOO MANY PEOPLE!", he shouted, grabbing the gun from Chris' hip.
He turned to the left and placed one bullet, positioning it correctly. He shot, letting the mesh of iron and flesh come together. But it wasn't a zombie that got it, Kris and Veronica were down on the ground, soaked in their blood, next to each other with identical wounds winding through their skulls. Boris looked at the mess he'd made, knowing in his mind that it wasn't an accident. With the phrase 'two birds with one stone' in mind, Boris went back to facing his confused friend.
"DUDE!", Chris began, taking the gun back, "I know you had to, and I've known you for a long time, but i have NEVER seen you with that state of merciless before!"
Boris came back to his senses and didn't respond, he unsheathed his katana silently and began cutting a path out side the building that was their only path back to the RV. Marco, unfazed by what had just happened, started hurling grenades into the crowd of hell spawn. Close enough to do shrapnel damage to Boris, but far away enough to not kill him. Boris was pissed, he didn't even care about the pieces of broken metal piercing his shoulder blade. He just switched the katana to his left hand and began swinging again. What did it matter, he thought, chances are they would all die in the end anyway.
On the roof, Chris and the others were beginning to grasp reality. Chris quickly acted and reached for the gun that was supposed to be at his side. However, he soon realized, it was still in his hand. He ran to the edge and started shooting the nearest threats to his now suicidal friend. Wiirdo put on a strict face and started hurling the shurikens she had brought with her. She was dressed in a Meta-knight cosplay for the game-con that she was supposed to have gone to, canceled for "unexplainable" events. Along with the replica sword. She'd given Ingrid the twin-blades, who stood there in a nightgown over noticeable red lingerie. Apparently Marco was in the middle of getting c**k blocked again, but it was still amusing to see her in a way that Marco would rather keep secret. Sam was at Chris' side and was helping him pick off the ghouls.
Meanwhile, Boris was slowly coming to his senses. Now realizing that he was actually doing something important, he noticed that he was but 7 feet away from the RV. Possibly hundreds of rotting corpses lay behind him and only a few in front remain. It was at that time he heard the gunshots coming from the rooftop, not to mention the searing pain he now felt in his shoulder. But it was too late to complain about pain, his goal was too close to be sidetracked by something so trivial. So now with a little more self-consciousness, he continued to obliterate the rest of the damned. Knowing that his safety was insured by the five remnants raining hell from the sky behind him. After around five minutes of slaughter, Boris was in the front seat of the RV and was driving it over severed limbs to the front door of the house. Chris was the first through the door.
"Welcome back to reality fat man", He said, keeping a somewhat skeptical stare, "Your not gonna try to kill me next are ya?"
Boris chuckled awkwardly, "Glad to be back shorty, and no... I'm not planning on it."
Chris still looked defensive, "Yeah? I bet you didn't plan on losing control like that either."
Boris laughed again as everyone else piled into the bus. He hopped into the driver seat and drove off. He ran down the road avoiding abandoned cars and debris upon the street. Birds flew overhead in flocks, Boris was hoping that they wouldn't have to deal with animals too. That would make this plan completely screwed. Within minutes he had arrived at his destination, a super center equipped with a Target, a Home Depot, and several extra somewhat necessary shops. He kept a look out for survivors, amazingly the human race wasn't as resistant as he'd credited them for. Seeing as no others had been seen or heard since Ingrid's house. Boris flashed back to the conversions that he, Chris, and Marco had six years ago.
"So what would you do if zombies attacked Boris?",Chris said, shaking the Xbox controller in his hand.
Boris looked up from the book he was reading and thought for a moment. "Home Depot." He said abruptly, returning to his book.
Chris gave off his perplexive look and asked for a explanation. Boris sighed and put the book down, knowing that he would be explaining he thoughts for a while.
"You know that Home Depot over by the Target and EB Games?", He began, Chris nodded, "Well, Home Depot has the best seal-able doors, better than any mall or safehouse could ever have. Basically what I'm thinking is, if we can fight can just fight our way into HD, seal off all the entrances and exits, and clear out the inside, then we would be perfectly safe."
Marco glared, "Uh, dude? What about food, water, you now, things we to ******** live?"
Boris laughed, of course he'd thought about it. "Let me finish, the reason I picked HD is because of all the building supplies. We get up to the roof and start building a bridge to Target for food. I know your gonna ask, why not start at Target, but think about it. If we start there, then run out of food, what then?"
Chris and Marco looked at each other, shocked that such a great idea came from someone they usually considered an idiot.
"After we reach Target and rest for a while,", Boris continued, "We can keep expanding bridges to other places with food and more building supplies. Eventually, we would have an entire city above the ground. We could even name it if we felt like it.", He snickered at the thought of the three of them with a few other survivors running a city surrounded by billions of flesh hungry monsters. He'd almost thought it was to bad that kind of thing could never happen.
Now, he wished they really couldn't. He pulled into a small crowd of ghouls, killing most of them in the process, and put the bus in park. Marco and Ingrid were already sitting in their seats and Wiirdo was looking and them wondrously. Chris and Samm were sleeping on each other, tons of loaded ammo laying on the table, and were snoring peacefully. Boris knew he was going to regret interrupting their slumber, but it had to be done. They awoke, but still looked tired.
Boris Began explaining the situation. "Everyone, we are currently in front of a most likely occupied Home Depot and we are surrounded by only fifteen, maybe twenty ghouls. We are going to take this Home Depot as our HQ and build bridges around this area. That's right, we're gonna live in the sky. The birds that I've seen are acting normally, and that being the only thing I'm worried about I'm sure well be ok.", Boris looked around the room. What once looked like a tired defenseless group, was now armed, awake, and ready for battle.
Boris looked around at everyone. No one seemed to know what to do except for Samm, Chris, and himself.
"Alright, since no one here seems to be giving any great ideas for a battle plan how about I start?", he said still looking at them all. "So I'm thinking that we have Samm and Marco on the roof of the RV. They'll just be there incase me and Chris need some help dealing with these bastards."
"um... Boris just said there's only like 20 at most.", Wiirdo asked, taking her attention away from Marco and Ingrid. "Wouldn't it make more sense to just have Marco up there throwing grenades?"
"If we weren't in a flamable metal death trap yes. What happens if one of those grenades makes the bus go up?", Chris said abruptly, leaving scilence in in his words.
Boris decided it was time to break the tension. "Now, like I was about to say, they'll be up there for support and to watch for MORE ghouls. If you guys see anymore of them coming at us, take out as many as you can. When they get too close to us, get off the bus and run to HD. Make sure everyone gets in there. Me and Chris will try to make it in but if the ghouls are to close then we'll keep them off you for as long as we can, So make sure those doors are locked down tight."
Boris looked at everyone again. The only one who seemed to not like the plan was Samm, but that was because it had a possibility of Chris dieing in it. He and Chris helped Samm and Marco up onto the roof of the RV. They gave the thumbs up and set to work on looking for more ghouls. Chris looked over at Boris to make sure that he was ready to go. He nodded at him and they burst through the RV door like bats out of hell. Chris got the first kill with his revolver, then Boris lopped anothers head off with his katana. Samm shot four of the ghouls in unison with her rifle, she was a damn good shot and Chris was thankful for it.
Marco was on look out duty because both Chris and Boris didn't trust him with a gun, he could stick to being the bomber of the group. As Chris turned around to shoot another ghoul in the head something grabbed him from behind. It was extremely strong and smelled of rotting flesh. He panicked, grabbed it with his bare hand, and flipped the thing over his head. Then stomped on it dome with his boot. As Chris looked up he saw that Boris was in a bit of trouble. Chris called up to samm to help Boris and ran over there. One of the ghouls was about to grab Boris but just as Chris was about to jump kick it, it fell to the ground as Boris sliced its head clean off. All of the other ghouls were dead thanks to Samm's sharpshooting and everyone was getting off the bus.
Before Marco got off the roof he looked behind him and saw an army of the living dead rushing toward them. There were thousands, coming quickly up the street at them, and they were much closer then 90 yards. He quickly jumped into the bus and grabbed all the ammo and weapons they had. When he came out of the door he ran over to Chris and Boris to tell them what he saw. Chris yelled for everyone to get moving and get into HD. He looked over to Boris who nodded and pulled out his gun, Chris took out his rifle and started shooting it. Both Chris and Boris were backing up slowly so they wouldn't trip and their shots would be on target. After about the 10th shot though Chris shouted in pain.
"What the ******** happened!?", Boris yelled over the ringing gunshots.
"My arm,", He answered gasping, "I think I dislocated it."
Boris sighed, still shooting. "I told you that ******** rifle would be the death of you. You damn power whore.
Chris let out an exagerated laugh, "You don't look so good yourself buddy."
Boris looked down at his wrist and saw the bone slightly protruding from it's normal placement. "Hey, your the one that bought me this recoiling piece of s**t."
As Chris emptied the clip he continued to look through his scope. they had killed at least 100 of the ghouls with their shots since the bullets were going straight through them, but they hadn't even made a scratch on how many there were.
He looked over at Boris. "Dude there's no ******** way we're going to kill enough of these things to make a difference. We should get into Home Depot and reinforce the doors with a s**t ton of wood.", he said, glancing back at the door safetly holding the others.
"Your right. If you keep shooting that damn thing your shoulder is going to dislocate for good. Not to mention my wrist is starting to hurt like a b***h." Boris said back letting some of the pain revile. "Alright dude, let's get in there and reinforce the doors. We can think of what to do after we're all safe."
They turned and ran for the doors of their new HQ. Boris looked around the room, trying to reassure himself that everyone was actually still alive. Chris, Marco, Samm, Ingrid, Wiirdo, and of course himself. Six people, Boris thought to himself, he had envisioned so many more. Even though he'd killed two of them himself, not to mention one of the people he cared about the most. Well, used to care about. When he'd snapped and lost control, all feelings for Bree that he had ever felt for her turned to hate and despair. Boris came back to the empty Home Depot area that they'd just spent maybe an hour rearranging and blockading.
There had been about five ghouls aimlessly wandering around with job uniforms on, (no survivors... go figure) which were disposed of quite efficiently. There were about four entrances to the store, 2 of which they couldn't even open. The main entrance, made of bullet proof glass, (hehe, sure, bullet proof) had already been shattered by their previous arrival. Two seconds into the store and Boris had already grabbed 5 sheets of metal as Chris brought back a nail gun. Three more seconds, and they had been sturdily secured to the main doors. "Bullet proof that!", Chris had screamed at the door. There was also a service entrance but that was unnecessarily easy to block. Boris sat down with the others in the circle of chairs that was thrown together.
"So what do we do now", he could hear Wiirdo asking.
Chris and Marco turned toward him, waiting for him to answer. "We catch our breath", Boris said. There are way more ghouls than i thought there'd be. I need a little while to think, if we just go with my plan right away i'm not sure what would happen. Also, assuming that they're smart enough to catch on to us, they might realize what we're trying to do. And i know for a fact that Targets doors are wide open. They'll swarm it right when we get there, and we'll never get inside. I need to think a a way to block the doors before we get there." When Boris finished, Chris looked at him in horror.
"DUDE!", wow was he pissed, "AND YOU DIDN'T THINK OF THIS BEFORE WHY?!"
Boris looked at the other faces around the room. Only Chris and Samm seemed worried. Marco, Ingrid, and Wiirdo were just sitting there, as if they were waiting for a plan. Boris stood up and grabbed his sword.
"Where are you going?", he turned around, it was Wiirdo.
Without answering Boris looked at Chris and Marco. "Guys, grab your s**t.", he said as he kneeled and took the keys from the corpse of a former employee, "We're going to the roof, i need to see whats happening outside."
Without argument, the others grabbed their weapons and followed.
The sun was brighter than it had been, it was hard for Boris to believe that it had only been a few hours for all that had happened. He glanced at his phone, which he now realized was worthless, and saw it was only two. He put his phone away and adjusted his eyes to the light. After three long minutes, he looked down. An endless sea of decay and dead flesh stretched out for miles. Chris and Marco stood at his sides, just as awestruck, and didn't say a word.
Finally, Marco closed his mouth to open it again. "We're ********... aren't we?" He said.
The words seemed so far away to Boris, as if Marco was already on the other roof. When had Target ever been THIS far from the Home Depot. Boris began judging distances, would there be enough wood? He looked every where, searching for plans, hints that would let him know what came next. Then it hit him.
"Chris, this building is connected to all the other ones on this side of the street."
Chris looked at him, baffled for a moment, and replied, "Your point?"
Boris took a look one more time, and walked along the rooftop. "I was thinking that we didn't have enough wood to cover the distance.", he began, still measuring in his head, "But if we bring the wood to the end of the building, we can build the bridge to the middle building. You know, the one with the EB Games in it. Then, we can make another one to the target side. It would be easier, take less time, and it would let our plans stay unnoticed. we'd be far from Target, and if we can sneak past them without letting them see us, there won't be as many inside. Then we can block it off quickly and we'll be in the clear.", Boris paused for a while, letting himself take in his plan, and began again, "The only problem i can see, if the fact that this is going to be alot harder than it sounds. We're going to need someone to carry the sheet metal for the blockade, and i don't want to get the girls involved in this level of danger.", He stopped.
Marco looked at the rooftops in the order Boris had explained them. "So i guess the only problem is,", he said, turning to the two of us, "which one of us will do it?"
Chris put his hand up like an excited kid with a million questions. "That would be me then I suppose, seeing how i'm probably the only person that most likely even know how to build a bridge... You guys can start bringing up supplies, i'll deal with the labor."
Boris looked annoyed, "Are you insinuating that niether of us know how to build s**t?"
"Yeah I kind of am.", Chris said looking at him with a snarky grin.
There was that tension in the air again. The sun was hot and the smell of flesh was strengthening with it's heat. Boris was starting to get a flushed tone in his cheeks, but it wasn't the heat that was thier cause. This wasn't the first time Chris had belittled him, and it was starting to get on Boris' last nerve. He threw his hands up in a flurry.
"Fine!", he exclaimed angrily, "Do what you want, do it all if you want! Come on Marco!",he yelled, kicking open the rooftop hatch. "We'll go get the s**t he needs, starting with some ******** therapy!"
Marco hurried after him looking somewhat amused, but also a bit apathetic. He knew this was coming, he didn't think it would come this soon though. Chris stood at the edge of the building in a kind of trance, one of those "what the ******** just happened" stances locked his legs in place. He began to find his reply as the door shut behind them.
"What the ******** is THAT supposed to~" was all they heard.
Boris climbed down the ladder that they'd set up before, and sat in a lawn chair adjacent to the barricaded doors. Marco was sitting next to him and was reading off the list of crap that Chris had "ordered" them to get. Boris took a deep breath and looked at Marco, he wanted to speak deep but that was never an easy case with him. The right hand man and the left hand man. The right was supposed to be the one to talk to, and the left was kept to strangle the speech with a good time. Not this time though, he had to talk to Marco. He needed to rant, and Chris was too busy trying to be the leader. Marco started the conversation though, thankfully.
"Dude, who the ******** does Chris think he is." Marco began. Perfect, exactly what Boris wanted the topic to be.
"I know just how you feel Marco. In fact, I was just wanting to rant with you for a bit.", Boris replied, trying to be serious with Marco was like trying to enjoy an afternoon watching power rangers, impossible. "I'm starting to get sick of his ego. He acts like we can't do anything, like we're just a ******** burden. I can build a better bridge than him in half the time it's going to take him. WELL YOU KNOW WHAT! HE CAN JUST ******** BUILD IT! HE WANTS TO ACT LIKE HE CAN DO IT ALL!!! I'LL ******** LET HIM DO IT ALL!!!!!!!", Boris looked at Marco to see him leaning away with a skeptical expression, and looked back like Boris was a madman. "Okay, I might have gone a little too crazy there. I'm just tired of him thinking all high and mighty. I suppose being in a marine corps can do that, but that doesn't mean we're useless you know?"
Marco was still just staring at him. Boris sighed, like talking to a damn wall he thought. Marco strightened himself and closed his eyes. It was easy to tell that he was looking for the right words, and not finding any.
Marco pushed up his glasses and turned his seat slightly. "So?", he said simply.
He left a pause but never picked up his speech again. So? SO!? Thats all he could say!? Boris looked back and raised his eyebrow, the least Marco could do was finish his statement. Marco always did this, it was like he assumed Boris could read his mind.
He sighed, and began again. "If your so pissed, then why don't we do something about it? If we know we can make a better bridge faster, then lets get the ******** up there and build it!" Boris stood up and rushed to the rooftop with that exact intent. He could do it, he could build a ******** bridge. Who was gonna stop him, Chris? Sure, a power crazed marine an ego with the mass of platinum? AS IF! He flung the rooftop hatch open with all the strength he could for dramatic effect. Two seconds later, screams. Two seconds after that suicide attempts.
Samm was sitting on the top of the hatch as Chris propped his tired body upon one of the steam silos that protruded from the central beams. The problem with this situation was of course, Samms locale. With Boris' push, Samm was also pushed.
- by X_Seeker_X |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/14/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: City in the Sky
- Artist: X_Seeker_X
This story contains swearing. Thats the ONLY explicit thing in this. I'm hoping Gaia will start allowing this sort of thing if a disclaimer is placed in the description at all times.
This is a zombie story.... the first chapter. Like it or don't. It's more of a role-play with a friend of mine, but in story format. - Date: 12/14/2009
- Tags: zombie seeker death black horror
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