Skull Gunners #4 Goodbye friend….
On the very next day the holidays has finally arrived and the three girls lived in an abandoned building which was leaved as an abandoned warhouse.
Hakuru: damn we’re short on ammo
V: my powers will take awhile to make ammunition…
Hakuru: don’t worry about that all we just need to do is to make some fire get some tools and all that
V: that’ll take awhile like for sometime y’know that?
Asuka: …..
Hakuru: oh hey Asuka what you got there?
Asuka handed out a newspaper about a 16 year old skateboarder killed three skateboarders just last night. Reports say that they have no evidence of who did it and how they were killed with a skateboard
V: so…. A skateboarder eh?
Hakuru: says here whoever finds the suspect will get 200,000 yen
V: s**t that’s a lot of cash there
Hakuru: so all we just need to do is to go at night time and capture her right?
V: how about we kill her rape her y’know?
Hakuru: V…. raping her? That sounds a bit… disgusting by that opinion…
V: I mean’t killing her not doing sexual things to her…
Hakuru: samething V
V: ********… how do you humans do with things anyway?
Hakuru: I don’t know….
V: you think its true what she said?
Hakuru: about me being a clone? Maybe… I don’t know… I mean.. hows it possible anyway?
V: don’t know…
Meanwhile at night
Guy: now that is how you call a 360
2nd Guy: nah I could do better
3rd Guy: hey guys there are rumours about some 16 year old girl comes out at night and kills skateboarders here
Guy: I heard that she kills them with a skateboard
2nd Guy: nah she wouldn’t be real hehe
Guy: hey whos that girl?
She jumped with her skateboard with her black and white beanie on her head, black shirt with a skull on its shirt, jeans and snickers with gloves. As she jumps making the board spin and while as she landed on the ground she looked at the three people who were standing there. she licked her lips for hunger and went after them with there skateboard
Guy: s**t! Its for real! Run!!!
Girl: heheahhaa!!!! Grrr!!!!
She jumps with her board and knocks him out then the other. The 3rd was standing there frightened as he wet himself with fear. She rode after him and spunned her head upside down and spun around with her board on her feet spinning the board while hitting the 3rd persons head upside down.
V: yep that’s her….
Hakuru: shes no ordinary human though….
Asuka: …
V: Asuka go in… we’re gonna have a little talk
Hakuru: try not to kill her though…
Asuka nodded and down she went
Girl: huh? Who in the hell are you?
Asuka guttered with her chainsaw and tried to scratch her but she docked down and did the upside down headspin attack while spinning her skateboard ontop of her feet while hitting her head
V: ohhh… now that’s painful
Hakuru: how can Asuka get that much damage anyway?
V: by my far experience from hell… the undead can’t feel nothing… they can’t feel pain nor sadness…. They feel hunger and anger… *sigh* wants you enter hell theres no turning back.. Satan would just turn you into an undead once your souls been takened or even so he’ll propably feed you to the pits of hell there is nothing but slaughter….
Hakuru: true… but sometimes Satan can spear trust worthies such as powerful Dark Gunners…. Dark Gunners can only be speared once but one more trigur then your ******** by Satan… trust me Satan ******** everyone
V: oh yeah one time I saw Satan ******** a demon chick with his huge c**k in her a** and p***y ******** painful she was like ******** screaming her head off!
Hakuru: good thing I’m a Gunner
V: not anymore your not… we’re skull gunners now aren’t we?
Hakuru: yeah well… doesn’t prove we’re actually Gunners… we try and protect innocent people not to kill them
V: hmm…
Girl: handstand manuever board kick!
She did a hand stand and left up her hip and used her board to kick Asuka’s head
Asuka: grrr…
Asuka grabbed her leg and threw her to the wall but she successfully landed to the wall with her board and skated with such dashing speed and jumped while doing a 360 and successfully spunned three times of the 360 move using her board to spin kick her face
Hakuru: alright lets help Asuka out
The two jumped in front of Asuka
Girl: and just who are you?
Hakuru: the names Hakuru Sakura… tell us why are you trying to kill these people?
Girl: that’s none of your business…. Now move out of my way or for I’ll have to kill you all
V: is that so? Then bring it….
Girl: hehe…
She dashed and jumped towars to her face with the board but V raised her hands and her hand was full of red lightning like the colour of a rose and she pushed her off but she landed on the ground but was pushed really hard. As the girl kneeled down as the board kept pushing back she place her hand on the floor while trying to stop the board pushing back. As the stopped she pushed with such force towards at V and slice towards the stairs while using the 360 move again
V: just what in the hell are you?
Girl: I’m like a girl who turns into a werewolf….
V: so like what? Your have a half self by the day but in the night you turn into yourself into this?
Girl: very good…. Your clever than I thoughted… hm…
V: Hakuru you’ll take this turn
Hakuru: hm?
V: my right arm…. Its in total bad shape….
Her arm is dripping with blood with brutal bruises and wounds
Hakuru: guess its my turn then…
Girl: this should be fun… prepare yourself… I won’t go easy on you…
She dashed and spunned on the ground while using her left arm she released the board and lifted up her body. She lift up her hand a little and she spunned with her body up the air then did a tornado move spinning, lifting her body up and spunned with her legs and hips. Then she flew up the air.
Hakuru: ahh!!! my left arm is numb…
Girl: heh…
The sun slowly rised and the girl collapsed
Girl: Gah!!! No!!! not right now! no!!!!
She collapsed and rested on the floor
Hakuru: shes tough… I think this could be her normal self…
V: lets just put her on a bench and go…. We’ll investigate later…
Just a few hours later on the next morning
Hakuru: you see her?
V: yeah… she seems perfectly normal… she could be a host or something…
Hakuru: maybe… I never expected she could kill fight Asuka that easily
V: well she has a demon inside of her after all… hm? Somethings wrong..
Hakuru: what is it?
V: shes being harassed…. Looks like someone is forcing her to mate with him… it should be best if we leave her there
Hakuru: whys that?
V: well don’t you see? The demon could actually try and protect its host against its enemies as history says… once you have a demon… the demon would protect its very host..
Girl: please! What are you doing…?
Man: come on… you know you’ll like it…
Girl: no please don’t..
Man: come on already!
The man grabbed shoulders but suddenly there was a sudden awakening inside of the girl. her eyes turned into a dark hallow reddish color and grabbed the mans arms
Man: huh? Are you trying to resist again?
She squeezed the mans two arms and break them while his blood started dripping on her hands
Man: AHHH!!! My arms!!!!!
V: yep and there it goes
Hakuru: jesus crise
Girl: huh? What am I doing here…?
V: I guess we have a winner…
Hakuru: lets try and not to hurt her besides we’re not killers remember?
V: I’m a killer
Hakuru: well… besides that…
V: and Asuka’s a killer
Hakuru: O_O
V: yeah I know she likes chainsaws and she even likes eating potato chips
Nom nom nom
Meanwhile in Gunners Academy
Sukya: sir you needed me correct?
Motosuwa: yes that’s right… we have orders to kill Hakuru Sakura.. and that means they want you to kill your sister
Sukya: shes not my sister… shes practically a clone of my sister.. I never loved her anyway… I tricked her into loving her… not the fact that she kissed me in the forehead eh… but alright then… I’ll kill her….
Motosuwa: be careful there are two on her side now… an undead and a demon…
Sukya: is that so? I can take them down anytime…
Back at the real world Hakuru starts to talk to the girl
Hakuru: hey I’m Hakuru Sakura… don’t mind if I talk to you for a moment?
Girl: ahh… sure..
Meanwhile at the café
Hakuru: anyways whats your name?
Girl: my name is Hiyane Korizaki it’s a pleasure to meet you Hakuru Sakura
Hakuru: its glad to meet you too… we heard about last night
Hiyane: last night?
Hakuru: don’t worry your secrets safe with us… we also have abilities like you… you have a demon in you am I correct?
Hiyane: ahh… how do you kno-
Hakuru: we read in the newspapers and we watched you
Hiyane: oh is it? well ahh… how many are you there?
Hakuru: only three of us.. there are also other people…. And many of them… but be careful they don’t allow people to live who gets involved in this… you see…. They’re trying to kill me… and whoever trys to fight with me or protect me will die….
Hiyane: will die?
Hakuru: yes…
Hiyane: then why did you come here to tell me about this?
Hakuru: because you can help us…
Hiyane: help you?
Hakuru: yeah… look I know this is crazy right now but we don’t got jobs nor families or money we just want to try and help you now…. we likely now called the Skull Gunners… the others who are like us are called Gunners and the others are called Dark Gunners histories are told they were powerful mercenaries and servants… however none survived from the Anticrise…. The son of Satan… the Aniticrise calsl himself Satan… its pretty foolish how he trys to retrieve the throne himself though…
Hiyane: oh I see…. Well to tell you the truth… this friend of mine…. Is trying to protect me…
Hakuru: protect you?
Hiyane: yes that’s right… although she is inside of me it shall protect me as always… I do call it as my friend and I appreciate it…. she is like a family to me…
Hakuru: I see…
Hiyane: although I am gladly to help you… although nor I have a family or home as well I think I should come with you since I have no where to go
Hakuru: then lets go we ca-
Sukya: hold it right there…. clone…
Hakuru: sister?
Sukya: Sukya not anymore your not…. You are not my sister….
Hakuru: so I am a clone am I right?
Sukya: so you know… I never loved you in the first place… and you know that good luck charm? You can have it back…
She took off the necklace and threw it in front of her
Hakuru: ahh… the sea shell…
Sukya: my orders are to kill you Hakuru Sakura… no.. that name was already taken by you… the real Hakuru Sakura I know was kind and a loving sister! You however…. Are just some clone who has no feelings!
Hakuru: no feelings..? wait what does that mean? If I’m a clone.. shouldn’t I have feelings like the real one?
Sukya: no… clones don’t have feelings… they’re just copies…. To tell you the fact that back then… the sister I knowed died…. In the age of 8…. She was crushed… slaughtered.. mother and father felt pain in there chest… so they created a clone…. And that was you… father did not die though… Tomoka Sakura…. Hm... his hiding… and I know it… Father wanted to test you…
Hakuru: test me? So all that time… all that suffering?! You wanted Unknown to try and kill mother and father and me and you?!
Sukya: no silly… they were just fakes….
Hakuru: then… then.. those clones who died back there were just…. Fakes…. No way…..
Sukya: oh yes... even so… your DNA is about to breakdown
Hakuru: what are you talking about…? My DNA?
Sukya: unfortunately since all that fighting and all that other stuff… your going to die till the end of this month…
Hakuru: so… this is my end…
Sukya: oh yeah that’s right I’ll let you see mother and father… right here
Mother: hello.. Hakuru Sakura…
Hakuru: mother?
Father: and hello there Hakuru… or should I just say Bioweapon #01?
Hakuru: father?
Mother: it is true.. you are basically a clone…
Father: sorry but we have to kill you
Hakuru?: i don't understand at all! i don't understand anything! why?! why the hell is this happening to me?!!!! *cough*
she coughs out blood
Rukina: hm…
Tomoka: hmph
Hiyane: hey… that I don’t know whats this about but… you people are starting to tick meoff… stop this bull crap already… Hakuru Sakura may be a clone… but she seems real to me….
Hakuru: Hiyane-san?
Hiyane: Hakuru…. Protect her! she is really important to me.. if you want to help her… then we’ll have to fight…
Hakuru: well I guess so… then
Sukya: eat this!!!
She tooked out two chain-guns and fired at Hakuru
Hakuru: ah! Two chain-guns huh? Never expected you to be that strong Sukya!
She throws a smoke grenade and fires her two duel gun pistols
Hiyane: eat this! 360 spinning skull!
She ducks down and does a 360 head spin and kicks Sukya while spinning her board
Sukya: ah! Why you?!
Hakuru: Hiyane lets go!
Hiyane: right!
The two ran for it back at the shelters
Sukya: *cough* damn it…
Rukina: don’t worry they won’t run for long… you have the other reinforcements don’t you?
Sukya: yeah tahts right…. Yamota go for it…
Yamota: yeah…
Yamota few a smoke grenade and elbowed Hakuru’s neck
Hakuru: GAH! *cough*cough* can’t breeth… Hiyane run…
Hiyane: you sure?
Hakuru: just do it!
Hiyane: alright then… I’ll come back for you!
Yamota: hello buddy…
Hakuru: Yamota? Hows your injuries?
Yamota: I’;ve been through worst… hows the s**t going?
Hakuru: I’ve been though hell….
Yamota: you mean the clone part?
Hakuru: yeah…
Yamota: well if you’ve been through hell a lot you might be careful of the Anticrise…
Hakuru: you mean the Anticrise is after me?
Yamota: the Aniticrise wants to make you as his daughter…. *sigh* weird right?
Hakuru: I’m not gonna be anyones daughter except my real mother! The real parents I have are the clones… not some real parents who created them and me….
Yamota: well quit the s**t then and fight…
Hakuru: sorry Yamota but youi can just kissm y a**!
She got out a Hatsune Miku doll and shoved it in Yamota’s mouth and kneed her to sleep
Yamota: zzzz….
Hakuru: damn… that worked like the 12th time already
Sukya: damn it! stop running you piece of s**t! Kanomi! Fire already!
Kanomi: right!
Bang bang!
Hakuru: gah my leg! Damn it…. is that you Kanomi?!
Kanomi: oops….
Sukya: take enother shot!
Hakuru: 2nd grenade! Blow my a**!
Kanomi: damn can’t see
Sukya: Yukina! Engage!
Yukina gets out two P90’s out
Hakuru: sorry Yukina!
Hakuru slide and tripped Yukina
Yukina: ah! Awww Hakuru!
Bang bang bang!
Hakuru: gahh… my left shoulder!
Sukya: Kira! Sayakio! Go for it!
Kira: roger
Sayakio: copy that
Hakuru: ah hell… Kira and Sayakio… damn it…
Kira: sorry but orders are orders
Sayakio: this is annoying yo….
Meanwhile back at the Skull Gunners abandoned shelter
V: where in the hell is Hakuru?
Asuka: *nom*crunch*crunch*
Hiyane: guys! *huff*huff* Hakuru Is in trouble! Shes going to die!
Meanwhile back
Hakuru: gahh!!!!
Kira: give up yet Hakuru?
Hakuru: ah! *bang*bang*bang*
Kira dodges and kicks Hakuru at her left rib
Hakuru: ahhh!!!!
Sayakio dashs behind her and knees her spine
Hakuru: AHHH!!!!!
Sukya: good work Kira and Sayakio
Yamota: goddamn it Hakuru why didy ou have to shove this down in my mouth?
Kanomi: what should we do?
Yukina: kill her I guess
Rukina: seems like shes still alive
Tomoka: well guess we have to finish the job
V: don’t even lay a hand on her…. You ignorant bastards…
Yamota: who in the ******** are you?
V: we’re the Skull Gunners… now if you peacefully leave we’ll let you have your heads on properly!
Yamota: no can do sweet heart we have to kill the b***h
V: pity… friends with Hakuru and now you betray her…. Pretty stupid….
Asuka: ZIIINNGG!!!!
Kira: a chainsaw?
Hiyane: let her go… and we’ll peacefully leave
Kira: kill em
Hiyane: ahhh!!!!!
V: demon flare!
Asuka: *gutter*gutter*
Yamota: double round shell!
Sukya: duel-shot!
Rukina: angelina flare!
Tomoka: revoler crise
Kira: Crusader!
Sayakio: Revolver instincted!
Kanomi: Poison Bullet Witch!
Yukina: lumaru audun!
V: gahh!!!! Damn it!
Asuka: grr….
Hiyane: *cough* too strong…
Hakuru: no… run….
V: we came here for you Hakuru… we’re not running away! Not without a fight!
Asuka: grr!!!
Hiyane: ahhh!!!
V: demonic grenades!
Asuka unleashs her powerful attack. Slashing winds
Hiyane goes for the tornado spin again this time with a power attack with the combine combos
Yamota: gahh!!!! What the hell?! Hey wheres Hakuru?!
V: see ya Light Gunners!
Hiyane: hey they’ll propably follow us we should propably go to Tokyo Tower
V: Tokyo Tower? Are you frekaing crazy?! Its too far and even so its too tall!
Hiyane: what choice do we have anyway?!
V: fine I hope your right….
They ran as fast as they could but they engaged into Dark Gunners
V: ahh! damn it!
Asuka jumped and slashed into them!
V: Asuka…? Right then….
Sukya: the process is about to begin… Hakuru’s DNA breakdown…. She’ll die in about…. One hour…..
Hiyane: come on! Hurry! Ahhh!!!!!
V: s**t! Light Gunners!
Hiyane:horizonta twist!
Gunners: ahhh!!!!
Hiyane: theres too many of them! I’ll handle them from here… you take Hakuru to Tokyo Tower… hurry go! Theres not much time!
V: right then…
Hakuru: ahh… V…
V: don’t talk Hakuru…
Hakuru: V…. i… can’t thank you all enough…
V: hey… we’re friends? Remember? Hakuru… you can’t die… not like this….
Hakuru: I’m not afraid of Death…. I’m not going to Heaven nor Hell am i? *sigh* V…. let me go by myself…
V: no way Hakuru…. Not like that
Saya: …
V: ah s**t! a Dark Gunner!
Hakuru: Saya…?
Saya: how is she?
V: what?
Saya: I said how is she goddamn it!
V: shes worst… shes in a total breakdown… shes going to die…
Saya: let me take her to the tower…
V: and how can I trust you?
Saya: theres not much time! Just give her to me!
V: fine.. but we’re going together…
Saya: yeah…
Hakuru: ahh… Saya.. what are you doing here? *cough*
Saya: came to see you again… since my other team mates are looking out for you I’m here to get you to Tokyo Tower…. I think that should be your funeral huh?
Hakuru: yeah….
V: hey we’re close! Come on! Just a few blocks away!
Suddenly a demon stabs her in the chest
V: GAHH!!!!
Hakuru: gah… *coughs out blood* V…!
V: run! I’ll take care of her!
Hinkyo: its been a long time hasn’t it Hakuru…. *sigh*
Saya: s**t better transform to Kasumi
Her angel wings spreaded and flew
Kasumi: hows the ride Hakuru?
Hakuru: *cough* never felt better…
Hinkyo: no!
Kasumi: ah!
Hakuru: gah!
She hanged on tight by the top of the edge of Tokyo Tower and climbed up
Kasumi: Hakuru! I’ll her off!
Hakuru: right…..
Hakuru… it is me again….
Hakuru: that voice….
I see your on Tokyo Tower… Saya has released me from my prison… the council might end this since you are about to die…
Hakuru: yeah…
But there is always a wish….
Hakuru: a wish?
Yes… would you like me to wish that you can live longer…
Hakuru: no….
Hakuru: I wish… I wish that my parents… my real parents… had their daughter back… alive…
Yes… their real daughter…. You have only a bit of her soul….. let the process begin…
Hakuru: yeah…..
This is going to take just a few minutes… are you sure you want to do this?
Hakuru: yeah…
Then let us begin…
The process began but then suddenly Kira’s team arrived and pointed their guns at Hakuru
Kira: goodbye…
Hakuru: ahh…
Hakuru: my chest…. Ahh….
Yamota: fire….
Bang bang bang! Blam blam! Ban!
Hakuru: gahh!!! AHH!!!!
She covered her chest with her right hand… her tears started to fall on the ground…. and looked at Sukya
Hakuru: Sukya… your going to have your sister back in no time.. don’t worry…. Ahh… your sister will come back to you…. Again… please… take care of her.. ahh…
The light of her soul started coming out of her and reviving the real Hakuru back ande the real Hakuru came back to lfie in front of Sukya. Her silver white long hair flowed around her. She was nuded on the ground with Sukya’s hands. She woked up and sees the Hakuru clone dying
Hakuru: ahh…. where am i?
Sukya: sis… its me..
Hakuru: Sukya…? It is really you..
Yamota: no.. what have I done..?
Sukya: Yamota?
Yamota: damn! I should of done this! Hakuru! Come back!
Hakuru: heh… I’m sorry… I’m just a clone Yamota… just a clone… *cough* damn… can’t believe I did not celebrate my first christmas… *sigh* Christmas looks hell anyway… ahh…. my friends… that… I love them very much…. give them this presnt… oh and also I’ll just say it once… Merry Christmas…. *cough* everyone…
Hakuru closed her eyes and died as one light of soul which was the only thing part of her heart flowed onto Yamota’s hands
Yamota: no….. Hakuru… Hakuru…. No…
Yamota’s tears falled onto Hakuru and as she died she turned to stone
The other three came up to Hakuru and saw her as stone
V: Hakuru?! No!
Hiyane: noo!!!!
Asuka: …….
Sukya: so… she gave her life to bring the her back…
Hakuru: so… you guys made a clone out of me huh?
Sukya: yeah…
Hakuru: …..
Hiyane: what are we going to do….?
V: I don’t know…
Yamota: hey… I’m sorry..
V: the hell with your apology! You hunted down Hakuru! And didn’t even spare her damn lfie!
Hiyane: V wait!
V: no! you killed Hakuru! You were her friend! How could you?!
Yamota: look! She was also about to die anyway as well! She wanted this…
V: what…?
Yamota: she wanted this… she was sick of fighting… she didn’t want to live in a world with such madness…. She didn’t want it like that….. her last dying words that she loved you guys very much… and wanted me to give this to you
V: a gift?
Hiyane: what is it?
Asuka: …?
V: it’s a necklase crise…..
Hiyane: and theres a note
Dear friends, as you guys know that I am dead now…. I have now revived the real Hakuru. Please do take care of her just like you did to me. We will always be friends but I am only a clone. You might think of me just some copy or you may think of me as the real one to you. Please…. Protect everyone and live with your lives. As my soul shatters to pain and dies like a butterfly…. I shall grant my wish that you will forever live with happiness forever….
V: …..
Yamota: I’m sorry…
V: bring her body to the crypts…. We’ll have to make a funeral…
Yamota: want us to help?
V: do whatever you want…
Meanwhile at the funeral V, Asuka and Hiyane place Hakuru inside a coffin and leaves it there
Hiyane: you sure you want to leave it like that?
V: she needs freshair right?
Saya: hey..
V: hm?
Saya: I came to see Hakuru’s funeral… so your gonna leave the coffin open and leave it just that?
V: yeah…
Saya: sounds good to me…
Hiyane: although she wanted it…
Asuka: hmm….
V: what do you think Asuka?
Asuka: good…..
V: that’s what I think too….
Saya: well…. The holidays just started a few days ago… so we’ll let this holiday be the best for Hakuru…
V: wait she never received any gifts!
Saya: don’t worry… this is her gift… remember.. she wanted this gift to die remember?
V: oh yeah…
Saya: but although me and Hakuru… we’re now… just friends… we always hated each other.. but we got a good relationship with each other….
The End…..
To be continued….
Merry Christmas to all of you Gaia fans and anime fans. I’m so glad that this is my final issue and series although this might be not the end of the series the next series would be quite exciting…. Please… be sure to sit back and wait! Thank you and all of my friends! And merry christmas for the 2009!
- by Hakuru-san |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/18/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Skull Gunners #4
- Artist: Hakuru-san
- Description: Goodbye Friend....
- Date: 12/18/2009
- Tags: skull gunners
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